Sarah Duncan

Instructional Specialist

Portsmouth Public Schools

Teacher Start Card:
Who has stock? / I have a share in the ownership of a company.
Who has a person who owns stock in a company and therefore owns a part of the company?
I have stockholder.
Who has reasons the English wanted to colonize in America? / I have to find silver and gold and to furnish England with raw materials.
Who has the group that financed the settlement of Jamestown?
I have the stockholders of the Virginia Company of London.
Who has the year Jamestown was established, becoming the first permanent settlement in North America? / I have 1607.
Who has what kind of venture Jamestown was?
I have an economic venture.
Who has what Jamestown looked like in 1607? / I have a narrow peninsula bordered on three sides by the James River.
Who has what Jamestown looks like today?
I have an island in the James River.
Who has the reasons the settlers chose the Jamestown site to settle? / I have that it could be easily defended by the sea, the water was deep enough for ships to dock and they believed they had a good supply of fresh water.
Who has what a charter is?
I have a written document that gives an individual or group of people certain rights?
Who has the charter that was given to the Virginia Company of London? / I have the Virginia Charters.
Who has what the charters granted the settlers?
I have that it gave the Virginia Company a right to establish a colony, to begin colonies and extended the rights of English men to the colonists.
Who has who granted these charters to the Virginia Company? / I have King James.
Who has what the first system of government was called in 1619?
I have the Virginia Assembly.
Who has what made up the Virginia Assembly? / I have two representatives or burgesses from each division in Virginia, the governor’s council and the governor.
Who has who could vote for these “burgesses”?
I have adult men.
Who has what the burgesses became a part of by 1640, creating a separate legislative body? / I have the Virginia House of Burgesses.
Who has what makes up the Virginia General Assembly today?
I have the Senate and House of Delegates.
Who has the event that allowed Jamestown to establish a more permanent settlement? / I have the arrival of women.
Who has the group of people that arrived in Jamestown and were thought to have been baptized as Christians?
I have Africans.
Who has the impact of the arrival of Africans on the Virginia tobacco economy? / I have that Africans made it possible for the tobacco economy to expand.
Who has what is means to be self sustaining?
I have to rely on oneself without assistance from another person; to not rely on another source.
Who has the changes that ensured the survival of the Jamestown colony? / I have the arrival of two supply ships, the forced work program, leadership of John Smith and the emphasis on self-sustaining agriculture.
Who has the hardships that the settlers faced?
I have that the site they chose to live on was marshy and didn’t have safe drinking water, they lacked skills necessary to live and that many died of disease and starvation.
Who has the person that initiated trading with the First Americans? / I have John Smith.
Who has what the Indians and settlers traded?
I have that they traded food, furs and leather for English tools, pots and guns.
Who has how the Powhatans contributed to the survival of the Jamestown settlers? / I have that the Powhatans introduced new crops to the English, like corn and Tobacco.
Who has the contributions of Pocahontas?
I have she believed the English and American Indians could live in harmony and that she began a friendship with them that helped them survive.
Who has what the Powhatans realized? / I have the Powhatans realized that the English settlement would continue to grow and that they would take over their land.