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  1. Place your Mouse pointer to the left of the words “The Honorable…” below.
  2. Hold down your left mouse button and drag the highlighting to the bottom of this page. Make sure you go all the way to the bottom right-hand corner.
  3. Release the left mouse button and click the right button. In the pop-up menu select Copy.
  4. Open your Word Processor software.
  5. Click your mouse in the body of the blank page, then click the right mouse button. In the pop-up menu select Paste. There’s your letter! Now, make the required changes, such as your Senator’s name & Room # at the top, and your name & address at the bottom. You’re ready to print, sign and mail it.



Missouri State Senate

Room <YOUR SENATOR’S RM #>, State Capitol

Jefferson City, MO 65101


Freedom of Road Riders, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting safety, brotherhood and freedom for all motorcyclists. Our membership, which is approximately 4,000 persons and their families, is made up of individuals from all walks of life.

I am writing to ask your support as my Senator of a bill that is vital not just to motorcyclists, but to this State and the freedom of her citizens.

House Bill HB 1109 (Crawford), which is identical to Senate Bill 744, sponsored by Sen. John Cauthorn, would allow individuals 21 years of age and older to decide whether or not to wear a helmet.

This is not only an individual freedom issue it would have a positive fiscal impact on Missouri. This state could modestly expect a 15% growth in the number of registered motorcycles, which translates to an increase of $14.2 million in tax revenues per year. In addition, motorcyclists from other states travel around Missouri, and our citizens take vacations and weekend trips to other states, because with the exception of Nebraska all surrounding states are either choice states or have no helmet law. It is conservatively estimated that a motorcyclist will spend a minimum of $50.00 a day simply traveling through a state. If only 12.5% of the motorcycles registered in the surrounding states alone come to Missouri on only one trip, the amount generated would exceed $3 million tourist dollars.

I also ask that this Bill be passed without amendments to it. Collectively, we feel this freedom should be returned to those who ride, without any strings attached.
