Developmental Mathematics I
MATH 092
Section 19229
Instructor: Ms. Margo Carr Tutors: Sandeep Chilamkurthy
Email: Saurabh Raut
Class Meets: Saturday Office Hours: Monday: 12noon – 1pm
11am – 1:50pm Tuesday: 2 – 3pm
BH 314 OR by appointment
BH 400
Supplies: You will need to have a pencil, eraser, and lined paper. You might find it useful to use colored pencils. Please note that I prefer work done in pencil, and work that is too messy to read will be graded as incorrect.
Math XL Because this class only meets once a week, we will be using MathXL extensively this semester. If you purchased the A La Carte version of the textbook, MathXL was included with your purchase. You can purchase access to MathXL online, and I have information on how you can do this.
Electronics: THIS IS AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE-FREE CLASS! This means NO cell phones, NO texting, NO iPods or iPhones, NO Blackberries, or any other devise that might be invented during the semester.
All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned OFF before class begins. If your electronic device goes off during class there will IMMEDIATELY be a pop quiz for the whole class, which will not be one of the quizzes that will be dropped. If your electronic device goes off during a test, 10 percentage points will automatically be deducted from your test. Text messaging during a test will be treated as an incidence of academic dishonesty, with all of the repercussions.
Calculators: Calculators are not allowed in class. Students found using a calculator will receive no credit for the day*. This includes the calculator on your cell phone/text messenger/etc.
Attendance: Studies have shown that students who have poor attendance habits are less likely to pass Math 092. This class only meets once a week so missing one class is the same as missing a whole week of a regular class. Arriving late for class is distracting for other students. On the rare occasion that you arrive late to class, enter the room quietly and find a seat near the door. If you arrive late, do not try to turn in your work to the tutors, they have been instructed not to take work after they have started grading.
Talking: I want your input during the lecture, so if you have questions please ask. Additionally, I will often ask for student feedback during class. However, chit-chatting amongst yourselves during the lecture is distracting for other students. Any student who persists in talking during the lecture will be asked to leave class.
Groups: The majority of the time spent in class will consist of working in groups. Group work is part of your assignment grade.
You will be allowed to set up your own groups of no more than 4 students, but I reserve the right to move students from one group to another. Each student in the group must do all their own work and turn in a paper. Groups that have students divide the problems between themselves or groups copying from each other will receive no credit for the day. Since you are working in a group you are responsible for helping each other out, however you are also responsible for your own learning so do not take advantage of your group mates. I will grade a paper chosen at random from each group and everyone in the group will receive that grade. Group work cannot be made up.
Homework: There are two types of homework for this class, both of which are part of your assignment grade.
The paper homework will be turned in to the tutors at the beginning of the next class. Once the tutors have started grading they will not accept any more papers. If there is no work, then you will receive no credit for the problem. Additionally, if the tutors can not read your answer, then it is wrong. No late homework will be accepted. **
Online homework will also be assigned on MathXL. This homework will have intermediate due dates between when we meet in class. I will announce the intermediate due dates in class.
Quizzes: In class quizzes will be given on September 6th, September 27th, and November 8th. All other quizzes will be done online with due dates that will be announced in class. The lowest two quiz grades will be dropped. Make-up quizzes will not be given.**
Tests: Tests will only be given on the assigned days. ** Tests must be done in pencil. The final test will be given on Saturday, December 13th, 2008, 9:00 am – 11:00 am. The location of the final will be announced later in the semester.
Cheating: Academic Dishonesty, or cheating, is a very serious offence in college and can have serious repercussions. What constitutes Academic Dishonesty is covered on pages 531 and 532 in the CSUN Catalog. All instances of suspected Academic Dishonesty will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Tutors: The classroom tutors are here to assist you in understanding the material. During group work time they will be circulating in class answering questions. The tutors will not do the work for you, and will always check to see if any of your group-mates knows how to work the problem. If you have any problems with either of the tutors please let me know so that we can deal with the situation immediately.
Website: I have a CSUN website, Off of the website you can find reviews and other information. There will also be a link to MathXL from the website. I try to make as few copies as possible, so most handouts will on the website. Additionally, I will be posting grades off of this site in a way that only you, individually, will know which grade is yours. I will only do this with your permission, and the form that you must fill out to give me permission is on the website as well.
Questions: Any questions about grades received on homework, group work, quizzes, or tests should be referred to me. The tutors can help you if you have a question about WHAT you did wrong, but any grading disputes need to be discussed with me directly.
If you are having trouble in the course, please come see me as soon as possible so that we can work together to help you be successful. I look forward to having you in my class this semester. You should be successful if you attend class, are on time, and keep up with the assignments.
* If you are a student served by the Center on Disabilities, please make sure that I receive a copy of what your reasonable accommodations are as soon as possible. If you think that you may need the assistance of the Center on Disabilities because you have any covered disability it is your responsibility to register with them.
** If you miss a class due to extraordinary circumstances (hospitalization, death in the family, etc.) accommodations can be made, provided you can prove that this is why you missed class. Proof consists of doctor’s note, obituary, etc.
Accommodations will always be made for religious holidays. You, as the student, are responsible for informing me of these holidays during the first couple of weeks of classes.