Sunday March 11, 2001 (UCF Student Union)

2:00 pm Equipment Exhibit Setup (Until 7:00 pm) Pegasus Ballroom A-F

Student Poster Setup (Until 5:00 pm) Pegasus Ballroom A-F

4:00 pm Registration (Until 6:30 pm) Registration Desk, Outside Pegasus Ballroom

5:00 pm Student Poster Competition, Round 1–Judges Only Pegasus Ballroom A-F

6:30 pm Reception for Vendors & Students (Until 10:00 pm) Hallway Outside Pegasus Ballroom

Monday March 12, 2001 (UCF Student Union)

7:00 am Registration Open (7:00 am–7:00 pm) Registration Desk, Outside Pegasus Ballroom

Equipment Exhibit Setup (Until 10:00 am) Pegasus Ballroom A-F

Continental Breakfast Pegasus Ballroom A-F

8:00am Science Educator’s Vacuum Workshop Charlotte Harbor Dining Room, 313

8:20 am Opening of Symposium Technical Sessions and Keynote Address Pegasus Ballroom G-H

8:30 am Short Course: An Introduction to Surface Analysis Techniques Sand Key, 220

Short Course: Focused Ion Beams: Principles and Applications Garden Key, 221

Short Course: Basics of Radio Frequency Technology Pensacola Board Room, 222

Short Course: Operation and Maintenance of Vacuum Pumping Systems Cedar Key, 223

Short Course: Sputter Deposition Egmont Key, 224

9:30 am Technical Session I: Microscopy in the Biological Sciences Pegasus Ballroom I

Technical Session II: Thin Films Pegasus Ballroom G-H

10:00 am Equipment Exhibit Open Pegasus Ballroom A-F

10:15 am Coffee Break Pegasus Ballroom A-F

11:10 am FSM Annual Business Meeting Pegasus Ballroom

11:50 pm Lunch Student Union Food Court, 1st Floor

12:55 pm Technical Session III: Biomaterial Interfaces Pegasus Ballroom G-H

Technical Session IV: Electronic Materials Pegasus Ballroom I

3:00 pm Coffee Break Pegasus Ballroom A-F

Technical Session V: Student Poster Session Pegasus Ballroom A-F

6:00 pm Florida Chapter Social Mixer Pegasus Ballroom A-F

7:00 pm Conference Luau Key West Ballroom, 218

Tuesday March 13, 2001 (UCF Student Union)

8:00 am Registration (8:00 am–4:00 pm) Registration Desk, Outside Pegasus Ballroom

Continental Breakfast Pegasus Ballroom A-F

Science Educator’s Vacuum Workshop Charlotte Harbor Dining Room, 313

8:30 am Short Course: Basics of Radio Frequency Technology Pensacola Board Room, 222

Short Course: Operation and Maintenance of Vacuum Pumping Systems Cedar Key, 223

Short Course: Sputter Deposition Egmont Key, 224

Short Course: Chemical Mechanical Planarization for

Microelectronics Manufacturing Sand Key, 220

Tuesday March 13, 2001 (UCF Student Union, Continued)

9:00 am Technical Session VI: Microscopy in the Physical Sciences Pegasus Ballroom G-H

Technical Session VII: Environmental Sciences Pegasus Ballroom I

Equipment Exhibit Open Pegasus Ballroom A-F

10:30 am Coffee Break Pegasus Ballroom A-F

12:00 pm Lunch Student Union Food Court, 1st Floor

1:00 pm Technical Session VIII: Contributed Poster Session Pegasus Ballroom A-F

2:30 pm Coffee Break Pegasus BallroomA-F

3:00 pm Technical Session IX: Focused Ion Beams Pegasus Ballroom G-H

ASTM E-42 Meeting Pegasus Ballroom I

Equipment Exhibit Closes Pegasus Ballroom A-F

5:00pm Student Poster Award Presentation Pegasus Ballroom G-H

Door Prize Drawing for Equipment Exhibit Pegasus Ballroom G-H

5:30 pm FIB Users’ Group Meeting (Until 8:00 pm) Pegasus Ballroom G-H

Wednesday March 14, 2001 UCF Student Union

7:30am Continental Breakfast Pensacola Board Room, 222

8:00 am Registration for AVS Short Courses Only In Room for Course

8:30 am Technical Session X: Surface Science I (XPS, Auger, etc.) Garden Key, 221

Short Course: Photolithography Process in IC Production Pensacola Board Room, 222

Short Course: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Analysis Sand Key, 220

Short Course: Plasma Etching and RIE: The Fundamentals Cedar Key, 223

Short Course: An Overview of Applied Vacuum Technology Egmont Key, 224

10:00 am Coffee Break Pensacola Board Room, 222

12:00 pm Lunch Student Union Food Court, 1st Floor

1:00 pm Technical Session XI: Advanced Metrology Garden Key, 221

2:30 pm Coffee Break Pensacola Board Room, 222

3:00 pm Technical Session XII: Surface Science II (SIMS, etc.) Garden Key, 221

Thursday March 15, 2001 UCF Student Union

7:30am Continental Breakfast Pensacola Board Room, 222

8:00 am Registration for Short Courses Only In Room for Course

8:30 am Short Course: Plasma Etching and RIE: Fundamentals and Applications Cedar Key, 223

Short Course: An Overview of Applied Vacuum Technology Egmont Key, 224

Short Course: Full Wafer Particle and Defect Detection,

Review & Characterization Sand Key, 220

10:00 am Coffee Break Pensacola Board Room, 222

12:00 pm Lunch Student Union Food Court, 1st Floor

2:30 pm Coffee Break Pensacola Board Room, 222