Paradise Town Council Meeting

October 15, 2014

7:30 p.m.

Council Members Present: Mayor Leland Howlett, Jay Rinderknecht, Kyle Smith, Alyssa Petersen (recorder)

Excused: Margaret Obray, Spencer Winn

Townspeople Present: Kevin Norman, Austin Leishman (scout), Nate Coombs (scout).

Minutes: The minutes from October 1, 2014 were emailed previous to the meeting. Jay

made a motion to approve the minutes as read, Kyle seconded that motion, all in favor.

Bills: Mayor Howlett read the bills. Kyle made a motion to approve the bills, Jay

seconded that motion, all in favor.

Council Reports:

·  Roads- Nothing to report at this time.

·  Water- All meters in town have been read and any overages will be billed in November 2014.

·  Community – Margaret was excused from this meeting.

·  Grants/Fire/Budget- Spencer was excused from this meeting.

Unfinished Business:

Mayor Howlett called the County Executive about drafting a 1-year Sheriff’s Department and Animal Control contract. Mayor Howlett left a voicemail and is still waiting for a return call.

New Business:

Austin Leishman Eagle Scout Project- Shed paint and concrete pad: Austin wants to pour a 3-foot pad all the way around the shed at the new park and paint the exterior. Mayor Howlett encouraged Austin to get as much funding, donations, etc. as possible. Austin asked the Town Council about the colors they would prefer for the outside of the shed. The park committee will meet and decide on a color so Austin can get this project finished this fall. Mayor Howlett signed the necessary paperwork for the project to get started. Austin would like to get started November 1, 2014 and finish the painting before the concrete and the roof.

Nate Coombs Eagle Scout Project-Shed roof and finish work: Nate will finish the roofing, soffit, and fascia on the shed at the new park. Kyle has some material that Nate can use. Kyle will take all the material he has and put it in the shed. Mayor Howlett signed all the necessary paperwork for Nate to start this project and encouraged Nate to get as much funding, donations, etc. as possible.

Adjourn: Jay made a motion to adjourn; Kyle seconded that motion, all in favor. Meeting adjourns at 8:08 p.m.


Leland Howlett, Mayor Alyssa Petersen, Recorder