The MIR is a broad overview of a country. Market feasibility studies and competitive intelligence analysis can provide invaluable information about the likely success of new product or service ideas. Any time you are considering changing your products or services, developing new ideas, moving into new geographic markets, or expanding your business or service offering, an MIR can provide accurate, timely, in-depth information that will help you make the best possible decisions, given the characteristics of your likely customer base and competitors.

Sources that can help you:

Government and Non-Government Organizations:

U.S. Department of Commerce Basic Guide to Exporting


U.S. Department of Commerce Export Portal


Office of Trade and Industry Information, U.S. Department of Commerce


International Trade Centre (ITC) (UNCTAD/WTO)


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)


World Trade Organization (WTO)


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)


Inter-American Development Bank


World Bank


GlobalEDGE at Michigan State University


CIA Factbook



MIR PROJECT – 100 pts.

This project requires you to research a nation gathering baseline data for use in determining whether it could be a successful future market. You are to select one of the countries on the MIR country list that follows. Each member of the class must select a different country.


Argentina Japan Hong Kong Cambodia

United Arab Emirates Mexico Indonesia South Africa

Brazil Russia Singapore Kenya

China Thailand South Korea Ghana

Germany Romania Vietnam Malaysia

India Pakistan France Netherlands

Bangladesh Ethiopia Ireland Sweden

Taiwan United Kingdom

MIR – Market Intelligence Report -

Market Intelligence Report: ______

(Identify chosen country)

Basic Information: (Include source)

·  Official name of country

·  Citizens are properly referred to as a (an)

·  Ease of doing business ranking

·  Capital City

Demographics: (Include year of statistic & source)

·  Population

·  Population growth rate

·  Median age of population

·  Age structure:

o  0-14 years: ____%

o  15-64 years: _____%

o  65 years +: ______%

·  Urban/rural composition of the population

·  Ethnic groups, by percentage, in population

·  Languages spoken

·  Official language

·  Major religions of the country

·  Life expectancy of residents

·  Percentage of population below the poverty line

·  Literacy rate (overall)______

o  Male:______%

o  Female ______%

Government: (Include year of statistic & source)

·  Type of government

·  Official currency

·  Head of Government

Geography: (Include year of statistic & source)

·  Surface area

·  Population density

·  Border countries

·  Climate of country

Economics: (Include year of statistic & source)

·  GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

·  GDP growth rate

·  GDP per capita

·  GDP is drawn from:

o  Agriculture ______%

o  Industry ______%

o  Services ______%

·  Labor force works in:

o  Agriculture ______%

o  Industry ______%

o  Services ______%

·  Unemployment rate –

·  Inflation rate

·  Export partners

·  Import partners

·  Total value of exports

·  Total value of imports

·  Major exports of country

·  Major imports of country

·  Primary natural resources

·  Major industries of country

·  Major primary products made in country

Communications Infrastructure: (Include year of statistic & source)

·  Number of Internet users


·  Freedom of the Press

·  Corruption Perceptions Index


In completing this report, what facts did you include in your report that surprised you and why did they surprise you?


http://correctclick.com/biblio/ should help with entries.

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