Springettsbury Township

York County


2003 Budget

Approved December 19, 2002

Dear Board Members:

On behalf of the Township management team, I am pleased to present to the Board of Supervisors the preliminary 2003 budget proposal for Springettsbury Township. This budget focuses on meeting key township priorities while preparing the organization for future growth and change.

The Township staff has continued to modify the budget document to create an operational and policy document that addresses the needs and desires of the Board of Supervisors and Township Manager. In preparing the budget, the Township staff relied upon past financial results, 2002 mid-year budget figures and estimated year-end revenues and expenditures, to provide a fuller financial and operational picture for the Board.

In formulating the budget proposals, departmental directors prepared preliminary line item figures based upon budget directives sent by the Township Manager in September. These figures are reviewed by the Finance Director and Township Manager to ensure compliance with directives and overall consistency.

This memo will briefly summarize changes in revenues and expenditures and address some of the underlying assumptions

2003 Budget Summary

The overall proposed budget for all funds has been set at $19,274,625 in 2003, an overall increase of $420,625 from the previous year. This equates to an average 2.23% increase; however, a fund by fund examination shows that the increases range from 30% in the General Fund to a reduction of 42% in Other Funds. The largest fund continues to be the General Fund, which is the primary operational fund for most municipal activities, followed by the Sewer Fund. Combined, these funds represent 85% of the total budget. The combined other funds represents only 15% of the total budget.

Half of the increase in the General Fund is an interfund transfer to the Capital Reserve Fund for current and future expenditures. With the exclusion of the interfund transfer from the beginning cash balance, the General Fund will grow by 15% in 2003. This year, the Township is proposing the addition of 6 new full-time employees to address the greater needs associated with a larger municipal complex, upgraded recreation facilities and programming, and overall growth in the township.

The Sewer Fund has grown by a modest 3.7% from 2002, while capital costs for repair and replacement of equipment and lines continues to grow. There are no additional personnel requested in 2003 in the department.

Key Issues

Over the past several years, the Township has been aggressively addressing major capital improvements, including a new municipal complex, renovated park, wastewater system improvements and land acquisition. These projects, outlined in the 1998 Capital Projects Report, have greatly depleted the cash reserves for the Township. In addition, the pursuit of these projects has given the Board of Supervisors and staff little time to plan for the next five year period.

Based upon the expressed concerns of the Board of Supervisors, staff and members of the community, the Township staff has begun the process of focusing resources on several primary areas that are essential in preserving and improving the community:

·  Transportation and Traffic Issues: These issues relate to construction and renovation of roadways, traffic flow and capacity, safety issues and ordinance enforcement.

·  Quality of Life Issues: These issues relate to areas that affect an individual’s desire to live, work or shop in the community, including traffic issues, personal safety, neighborhood preservation and code enforcement, and community involvement and identity.

·  Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness: These issues relate to improving the productivity of employees thru restructuring of the organization, improving business practices, training, recruitment and employee development, and technology use.

This concept provides guidance to department Directors in preparing the budget, and in deciding where to allocate resources during the year.

In connection with these objectives, the Township is proposing that several key plans be started that will be essential to charting our course for the next five to ten years. These plans include:

·  Five Year Capital Plan: This plan would examine capital project proposals from all departments and establish project scopes, timetables and funding sources.

·  Comprehensive Plan: This plan, which is required to be updated every ten years, would examine land use, transportation needs and other issues. This information is used to prepare a revised zoning ordinance, subdivision and land development ordinance, and related documents.

·  Fire Service Plan: This plan will establish the focus of the department, and will evaluate equipment, manpower, service types, intergovernmental cooperation, and volunteerism.

·  Recreation Plan: This plan will establish long term uses for all of the parks, including facilities and equipment, and uses that are compatible with the needs of the community and user groups.

Funding is provided for the plans, and staff has begun to gear up for the activities associated with performing or coordinating these plans.

By focusing on general goals and preparing, and following, the blueprints established in the various plans, the Township will be able to effectively meet the needs of the community in a timely and cost-effective manner.

I would like to thank the department Directors and staff members who prepared the various budget components, and especially Jack Hadge, Finance Director, for working with all parties to understand the process and implications, and to assemble much of the details.

Respectfully Submitted:

Robert J. Sabatini, Jr.

Township Manager/Secretary

November 2002

Budget Hearing and Meeting Schedule

November 4, 2002: Budget Hearing – 5:30 pm

·  General Overview

·  Wastewater Treatment

·  Public Works

November 20, 2002: Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting – 7:00 pm

·  Approval of Budget Adoption Notice

November 26, 2002: Budget Hearing – 5:30 pm

·  Administration and Finance

·  Police

·  Fire

·  Community Services

December 2, 2002: Budget Hearing – 5:30 pm

·  Recreation

·  Summary

December 12, 2002 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting – 7:00 pm

·  Tentative Adoption of Budget


Springettsbury Township

Consolidated Budget