Final FYE Instructor Evaluation of Peer Mentor

Mentor: ______Instructor:______Semester:______

Base the following ratings on your mentor’s performance during the second half of the semester.

Exemplary (20-16) / Adequate (14-10) / Developing (8-0)
Attendance (40 points)
Instructor Score: /20 / Has arrived on time each class period since mid-term. / Arrived late 1-2 times since mid-term. / Arrived late 3+ times since mid-term.
Instructor Score: /20 / Has attended all UNIV 1105 class meetings since mid-term. / Has missed 1 class meeting since mid-term. / Has missed 2+ class meetings since mid-term.
Peer Leadership (60 points)
Instructor Score: /20 / Always contributes to class discussions in a positive manner. Helps guide students in the learning process. Does not take over or dominate discussion. / Only contributes to class discussion when called upon. Responses are not always pertinent and/or dominates discussion. / Occasionally or never contributes to class discussions. Comments are inappropriate or negative.
Instructor Score: /20 / Always participates in class activities in a positive manner. Helps guide students in the learning process. Does not take over or dominate activity. / Participates in class activities only when asked. Sometimes becomes primary contributor. / Occasionally or never participates in class activities and/or dominates activity.
Instructor Score: /20 / Facilitated a successful civility discussion and Collaborative Learning Experience (CLE) that was appropriate and meaningful for students. / Facilitated a civility discussion and CLE, but could have been more prepared to meet the objectives of the activities. / Led students in civility discussion and CLE activity, but did not meet objectives.
Communication with Students (60 points)
Instructor Score: /20 / Always prepared to make announcements during class. Includes important dates and activities as well as other forms of useful information (e.g., tips and strategies for success). / Makes announcements, but not always prepared with useful information. / Rarely prepared to make announcements.
Gets to Know Students
Instructor Score: /20 / Has taken the time to get to know the students by sitting in different spots and talking with students before and after class. / Has taken the time to get to know some students, but has not connected in some way with each student. / Does not take time to get to know students individually before or after class.
Identifies Student Needs
Instructor Score: /20 / Reaches out to students to understand their individual needs. Follows up with student questions or concerns. / Reaches out to students only when asked. Occasionally follows up with students. / Occasionally or never reaches out to students to identify their individual needs. Does not follow up with students.
Communication with Instructor (40 points)
Instructor Score: /20 / Consistently reaches out to me with appropriate questions or concerns. / Occasionally reaches out to me with questions or concerns. / Never reaches out to me with questions or concerns.
Instructor Score: /20 / Always contacts me ahead of time to review mentor lesson ideas/outlines. / Briefly discusses ideas or outlines for mentor lessons. / Does not contact me to discuss details of mentor lessons.
Total Instructor Score: ______/200
FYE Department Info Only (mentor will not see)
Any concerns or additional comments that you would like us to know about this mentor’s performance?