Council Chambers

Tonawanda, New York

August 1, 2017

A Regular Meeting of the Common Council

Present: Council President Koch

Present Councilmembers: Gilbert, Smilinich, Rautenstrauch, Toth

Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer led by Associate Chaplain Dave Nedell


Copy of a July 5, 2017 Email communication to the Common Council with concerns regarding the Parking Fee App and objection to any parking fee for City Residents

Copy of letter to Jennifer Cala dated July 7, 2016 appointing her to the Youth Board with a term to expire December 31, 2019

Letter to Daniel Coad and Foster C. Baker Jr appointing them to the Plumbing Board.


July report of the City Clerk

July 24, 2017 Niawanda Park Pavilion Summary of Expenditures and Revenues to date

Treasurers Comprehensive Revenue and Expenditure Control Report as of 7/25/17

July minutes of the Traffic and Safety Advisory Board

Fire Department Activity Report for June

Building Inspector Monthly Report for June

Copy of Communication to Council President Jenna Koch from Fire Chief Stuart regarding requested information on need to acquire new pumper

Email communication from Fire Chief Chuck Stuart confirming his approval to remove hazardous fire hydrant at sidewalk, corner of Seymour and Niagara as a flow test of the two hydrants on the South side confirm more than sufficient water supply

Email Communication to City Clerk Gayle Syposs with copies to Mayor and Council regarding the removal of un needed fire hydrant at the corner of Niagara and Seymour on the North side from Steven Denzler, PE of the Erie County Water Authority

Communication from Captain Fredric Foels announcing Swearing In Ceremony for John T. Taggart on Friday August 4, 2017 at 1:00 PM

Ordered filed


The Tonawanda Common Council, in an effort to conduct business in a timely fashion and maintain an open line of communication with the public, welcomes comments on resolutions and other City business.

·  Persons wishing to speak and be recognized by the President of the Common Council are to be courteous, respectful, non-repetitive and brief.

·  All questions and/or comments should be addressed to the President of the Common Council.

·  Please state your name and address clearly for inclusion in the Common Council minutes. In the event any person wishes a response outside the confines of the Common Council meeting, please leave all necessary contact information with the City Clerk after the meeting.

·  Persons may address the Common Council during (2) separate sessions of the meeting for a total of 30 minutes per session. Once prior to the resolutions and also after the resolutions prior to Common Council comments.

·  Individuals may speak a total of (3) minutes per speaker per session. The President of the Common Council will adhere to this (3) minute guideline in an effort to allow everyone an opportunity to speak who wishes to do so.

·  The President of the Common Council reserves the Council’s right to limit or expand upon these limits as he/she may deem necessary and prudent.

·  Usage of cell phones other than for emergency is prohibited during all Council Sessions.


185. By the Council seconded by the Council

Resolved, that the Common Council minutes from July 25, 2017 be accepted as filed.

Ayes: Gilbert, Smilinich, Rautenstrauch, Toth, Koch

Nays: None

Resolution declared adopted

186. By Councilmember Rautenstrauch seconded by Councilmember Smilinich

Whereas, a fire hydrant at the corner of Seymour Bridge and Niagara Street near 38 Niagara Street is a hazard to the sidewalk and

Whereas, Chief Stuart has received a flow test of two hydrants on the South side and determined they are more than sufficient and has agreed to the removal of the hydrant near 38 Niagara Street in the sidewalk,

Now, therefore be it resolved that the Erie County Water Authority be requested and directed to remove hydrant G05A08A located at 38 Niagara Street.

Ayes: Gilbert, Smilinich, Rautenstrauch, Toth, Koch

Nays: None

Resolution declared adopted




Councilmember Gilbert: I just have a quick comment and question for the Council and the Mayor. As a whole, we don’t have an official Facebook page or Twitter or anything like that that we as a group go on to and express anything do we? (Negative response). That’s all I have. Thank you.

Councilmember Smilinich: I’d just like to remind everybody of the Grand Opening of the Hub Saturday, this week because everyone needs to be reminded and I have a question for the Mayor. Can you give us the plan from here on Phase Two and the funding please?

Mayor Davis: We are looking at Phase Two. I received an email from Paul DiOrlando with CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) as far as Phase Two would happen, the bidding for the RFP would go out next year for the second phase and I think that’s in line with what I told the Council back a number of months ago. When the Greenway Funding came in a little less than we had hoped that it would come in for that it would be broken into two phases and we would be hitting up the CDBG Smart Growth and they also gave us assurances that because the parking lot was attached to the Intermodal Hub that they would fund it moving forward, the work.

Councilmember Smilinich : That’s what I thought, thank you.

Councilmember Rautenstrauch: I do want to make a comment on resolution number 2 (186) , thank you Chief Stuart for your help and everybody involved with the moving of the hazardous fire hydrant which opens up the pathway for the bike path and safety for the sidewalk and ties into everything else that we are doing. In that same note I also want to say thank you to Joe Warthling and Mueller for getting the bike rack in there. I think that ties into that as well and alternate transportation over there. Many emails over this and I appreciate the Council working with me on this.

Councilmember Toth: I have nothing this week Madam President.

Mayor Davis: I’d also like to thank Joe Warthling for his help with the bicycle rack and hopefully Mueller will take up a few less parking spots on Main Street during the day. Just for Kids asked me to come in today and talk to them about my job as both Mayor and Meteorologist. I’d like to thank roughly fifty kids who were in a classroom that was pretty hot, for their attention and they asked some really great questions. I thank them for asking me to come out and speak to them. St Francis summer kids came by again, it’s always nice to see them. I believe this is the third summer in a row that they’ve come by for a tour. Took them through a tour of my office, Mrs. Syposs took them for a tour through the Clerks office and the Police took them through the Police Station. My thanks to them for helping out and good to see them again this year.

Council President Koch : In Good Theatre is playing Beauty and the Beast and Into the Woods at the bandshell, August 3rd, 7th, 8th and 10th at 7:00 P.M. so if you have a chance please go check it out. The TEA and I are sponsoring a school supply drive on August 16th, it’s a Wednesday from 5 to 8 at the High School so help us stuff our new Superintendent, Dr. Oldenburg’s office and if anyone would like to donate but can’t make the event please let me know and I would be happy to pick up any donations. Kohler Pool is open until August 18th so there is still time to head to the pool. And last but not least, I wanted to thank the Mayor and the Council for all their well wishes and thoughts for my Dad. We certainly appreciated your texts. He’s home recovering and resting so thank you again for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.


187. By Councilmember Koch seconded by Councilmember Gilbert

Resolved, that this Common Council adjourn until August 15, 2017.

Ayes: Gilbert, Smilinich, Rautenstrauch, Toth, Koch

Nays: None

Resolution declared adopted


City Clerk




Date Filed