
MWF 1000-1050 Section U Tanner DAV Rm 122

MWF 1115-1205 Section03 Griswold Rogers Rm 312

MWF 1325-1415 Section06 Skurla Rogers Rm 312

MWF 1430-1520 Section05 Griswold Rogers Rm 109

MWF 1535-1625 Section01 Griswold Rogers Rm 109

TR 0800-0915 Section04 Campbell Rogers Rm 312

TR 1230-1345 Section02 Campbell Rogers Rm 106

Labs: All Lab Sessions will be in Davidson, Room 122

Instructors: Dr. William Tanner Office: Davidson 119 Email:

Prof. Dick Campbell Office: Rogers 200B Email:

Dr. Norman Griswold Office: Rogers 301D Email:

Dr. Carolyn Skurla Office: Rogers 200K Email:

Office Hours: Office hours and appointment information for Dr. Tanner are posted on the professor’s office door.

Required Texts and Materials:

·  TI-89 Calculator and the accompanying Manual. No exceptions without the expressed approval of the instructor.

·  Pritchard, Philip J. MATHCAD: A Tool for Engineering Problem Solving, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2008.

·  Palm, William J. III. Introduction to MATLAB 7 for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 2005.

Prerequisites: MATH 1330 – Calculus I is a co-requisite or permission of professor.

Catalog Description:

The course will provide exposure to, and practice with, problem-solving strategies for problems commonly encountered in the design and analysis of mechanical and electrical engineering systems. This course will enhance a student’s ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems and to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Prerequisites: ENGR 1310.

Statement of Purpose:

The Engineer has a variety of tools available for design and analysis, which are applicable to any industry or discipline. Many of these tools are computer based and the Engineer needs a thorough grounding in the use of these tools and the fundamentals of computer programming for the solution to engineering problems. This course will introduce the principles of structured programming, using a programmable calculator, and using industry standard software applications to solve a variety of engineering problems.

Course Elements

Matrix Algebra

Complex Numbers

Computer Basics

Structured Programming Basics

Microsoft Excel

Linear System Solution Methods

Basic Vector Mathematics

TI89 Calculator Operations



Computer Usage:

Homework assignments and laboratory assignments will be solved using the TI-89 calculator or the appropriate software tool. Some lectures will be conducted in the computer lab, Rogers 114. Each student is responsible for maintaining a current login/password for access to the ECS network. The laboratory is available 24/7 for student use.


Course information and homework assignments can be obtained online through Blackboard, which can be accessed at http:/my.baylor.edu or from the Current Students link from the Baylor homepage. There is a “Combined” section which will contain the material for the course that is applicable to all sections.

Coursework and Grading:

o  There will be four (4) semester examinations and a Final Examination.

o  Specific policies for the exams and final exam will be announced well in advance. The exams will be administered during the class period. The final exam will be a comprehensive evaluation of your understanding of the course material

The final exam will be held in accordance with the official published schedule available on the UMHB and Baylor web.

NOTE: Mastery of the subject must be displayed on the comprehensive final exam. Failure of the final exam may result in failure of the course.

o  NOTE: Exceptionally good or poor performance on the final exam may result in a higher or lower course grade, respectively, than that called for by the grading guidelines.

o  All exams must be taken on the scheduled dates. No make-up exams will be given.

o  There will be graded homework assignments on a regular basis.

o  Homework – Solution of engineering and programming problems. Students are encouraged to collaborate on these problems; however, each student shall prepare and submit individual solutions independently. Each student is responsible for understanding the material.

o  Homework assignments will be posted on Blackboard in advance. The course schedule shows the Due Date for all graded assignments. Assignments are due at 1700 (5:00PM) on the published date. Assignments may be turned in during the class session or at the collection box outside the Instructor’s office.

Late Assignments will NOT be accepted. If you know you will not be present, you should arrange for your assignment to be turned in early, or delivered by someone prior to the due date/time. Any exceptions or excuses must be arranged with the Instructor prior to the due date. Last minute illnesses or emergencies will not be excused as the assignments are posted well in advance of the due date. Exceptions in extreme cases must be approved by the Instructor, preferably in advance.

Participation and Attendance:

o  Per UMHB policy, you are required to attend 80% of the classroom/lab lectures. 9 or more absences will result in a grade of F. There are no excused absences. Absences will be recorded at the beginning of the class.

o  Your active participation in both the classroom and the laboratory will be assessed.

o  You are responsible for all material presented whether or not you attend class.

·  Weighting of Course Components: Semester exams: 4 @ 15% 60%

Homework assignments 15%

Final exam 25%

TOTAL 100%

·  Anticipated Grading Scale: A 91-100

B 81-90

C 71-80

D 61-70

F <61

Please also note the grading exception, described above, related to performance on the final exam.


High ethical standards are required of every student at UMHB and Baylor University. It is your responsibility to foster an atmosphere of honesty and integrity. All exams and assignments must be the work of the individual student (unless otherwise instructed). Copying another’s work or allowing another to copy your work are both considered cheating. Any violation of the Honor Code may be reported to the Honor Council and may result in failure of the course. For more information, see “Constitution of the Baylor University Honor System” in the UMHB and Baylor University Student Handbook.

Plagiarism Detection Service – Turn It In:

The following notice is required to appear on this syllabus by the general counsel of Baylor University:

"Students agree that by taking this course, all required papers, exams, class projects or other assignments submitted for credit may be submitted to turnitin.com or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. A description of the services, terms and conditions of use, and privacy policy of turnitin.com is available on its web site: http://www.turnitin.com. Students understand all work submitted to turnitin.com will be added to its database of papers. Students further understand that if the results of such a review support an allegation of academic dishonesty, the course work in question as well as any supporting materials may be submitted to the Honor Council for investigation and further action."

It is also highly recommend that you spend some time reviewing exactly what plagiarism is on the Baylor Library’s website: http://www3.baylor.edu/Library/BeyondLib/plagiarism.htm.