(701)652-2188 Zip 58421

Permit No. 11


e-mail us


Pastor Bruce Vold:

Parsonage: 652-3349

Pastor Russ Christiansen:

cell - 650-1493

KDAK (1600 AM) Broadcast at 11 a.m.

WORSHIP 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.


Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8am-5pm



Happy New Year to one and all! We worship and believe in Jesus Christ - the One seated on the throne - who says "Behold, I make all things new." (Rev. 21:5) So, as we set out in a new year and turn the calendar to 2013, what's new with you? What do you want new in your life?

First and foremost, I hope for us all, is a desire to have a stronger connection of faith, a deeper relationship, a closer bond with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is what is needed most in this world. With fear and violence, terrorism and war, addictions and despair ever more prevalent in our world and society on a daily basis, a new and stronger dependence on Jesus is the key to peace in the world and a better society for everyone in which to live.

Christians are not perfect, but with grace and forgiveness, and the power of the Holy Spirit, we try to make the world better, not worse. The world needs more new and true Christians. Likewise, prayer does not automatically solve all problems, but it does help keep us focused on the One who can solve problems, and prayer can strengthen our commitment to doing what is right. The world needs more pray-ers, new and old Christians dedicated to the power of prayer to make a difference for ourselves and others. Finally, while we know that old habits of sin are hard to break, the world needs more good habits, new ways to do things. Did you know, for example, that in our congregation there are way more people in the habit of not going to church on a regular basis than there are of those who worship regularly? The number, in fact, sadly is more than three times as many. New habits of worship and devotion to Christ have become necessary.

These are some of the things I look for to be new in the New Year. How about you? Let me know what you hope for. Together let us continue to seek to please God.

Peace be with you. ~ Pastor Bruce


Keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season

He will honor you with every blessing. (Psalm 37:34)


SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 at 12:30 p.m.

A Potluck Dinner will be held following the 10:45 service.

Bring a dish to pass and stay for the meeting.


Confirmation Classes will resume January 9.

** Sermon Note Totals are updated monthly on the bulletin board. Parents, please check to see how your student

is doing. 20 Sermon Notes are required each year.


Sunday, January 13 at 6:00 p.m. will be Movie Night at Trinity. Watch bulletins for more details!

Trinity Lutheran Church Directory Update!

Thank you to everyone who took their picture or submitted a picture for the church directory. If you haven't done either, you may still do so by Friday, January 4, 2013. For a submitted picture the cost is $15.00

If you didn't have a picture taken but would like a directory, or want additional directories, please call the church office at 652-2188 or Dorothy Fenske at 652-3214. The price for each directory is $10.00

PARISH NURSE NUGGETS. . . from Holly Zieman, RN


At this time of new beginnings. . .

as we close this past year out . . .

we take a look at our feelings . . .

and just what life is all about . . .

Life is about faith, love and friendship . . .

leaving a part of us along the way . . .

life is about caring for each other . . .

as we live from day to day . . .

Time stands still for no one . . .

whether pauper or a king . . .

life keeps moving right along . . .

as if it sprouted wings . . .

So as we take time to reflect on the past . . .

and look at special things we've done . . .

we pray everything in this New Year . . .

brings you good memories for years to come . . .

May you have an abundance of health and prosperity . . .

may you have faith, joy, and love . . .

May your life be filled with happiness . . .

and the peace of God above.

As 2013 begins, we know God will continue to walk by our side, loving and caring for us each and every day. May God bless you now and always.

~ Parish Nurse Holly

**Parish Nurse Holly is still on medical leave. If you need to borrow any of our home care equipment, please call the church office.


JoAnn Hollatz is busy lining up Lay Readers for the upcoming year. If being a Lay Reader this is something you'd like to do, please call JoAnn or the church office. A schedule for the upcoming year will be posted on the office window. Please sign up for your preferred month. The readings will be mailed to you so you'll have time to look them over. Help JoAnn, help the church! Thank you!


Call or stop by the church office to reserve your special date for next year. Please don't just leave a note on Carmen's desk, as your date may already be reserved. Thank you for supporting this vital part of Trinity's ministry in the community. Did you know our broadcast can also be heard online?


Session 5: Asking for a Sign--Judges 6:11-24, 36-40

By Rev. Lisa Lewton

Believing is Seeing By Judy Lake

In this Study, we have another “reluctant” leader who didn’t think that he could trust God to help him do the job God had in mind for him. His name was Gideon. Gideon became a “mighty warrior” because God was with him. Otherwise, he was just the youngest son of the smallest clan of the Israelites. Or so Gideon thought,

As he told the Angel of the Lord who appeared to him (in our vernacular), “Who? Me?”. Gideon was sure the Lord was mistaken. But no, God knew what He was doing, as always, and the Angel assured him that because God was with Him (God’s power), he WAS a mighty warrior. Still in doubt, he asked God for a few signs (fleeces) that he was really hearing what he thought he did. God convinced him: I will be with you.

How many of us often ask God: Are you sure this is what you want me to do? And then received answers in the form of something we read, or several some ones we don’t even know who come out of the woodwork to say, “Please keep on doing what you do.” I have. It is a humbling feeling!

We must believe that if God wants us to do something, He’ll be there with us, giving us His power, to do the best job possible--making us His “mighty warriors.” As a dear friend once quoted to me when I was going through my two cancer treatments, “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” She even gave me a plaque with this saying that I often look at for reassurance and a reminder that no matter what valley I go through, He is there with me!

Gideon found this to be true, too. Whether Gideon felt “adequate” enough to do the job or not, God helped him form an army to defeat their enemies.

God’s lesson to Gideon and to us? We are to trust in His promises. That is the bottom line. Do we believe because we see or see because we believe?


that Trinity has a Facebook page? Did you know that Trinity’s web site has been updated? The website has a whole new look, however the same pages are there in drop down menus. On the new website you will find the monthly calendar and newsletter, along with all the information previously there; and pictures of the church and happenings at the church. Ron Duque has been working on the site and informed me that we (meaning me) can also do a blog on the site! So, it may be that you will, in the near future, also find a weekly (or at least periodic) thought or meditation. We have been posting upcoming events and pictures of events on our Facebook page. You can also find links to listen to the songs sung at the Advent program. Thanks to all who have already ‘liked’ our page, and to those who have posted pictures. You will also find links on our website to LCMC, (our church affiliation) Red Willow Bible Camp and other organizations that Trinity is connected with and support. We will also be adding archives of sermons and I am told that we could even do live podcasts of our worship services! I am not sure if I am more excited or intimidated by that idea! I hope you will take the time to visit our website and Facebook pages. It is our goal to keep these sites current and informative for you. There are links on the website to contact Trinity, the pastors, or the web site administrator. We welcome your comments and input. Pastor Russ

*Thrivent Choice Dollars: Have you designated your Thrivent Choice dollars? Visit and log in. You'll see the choice Dollars available for you to direct. Search the Thrivent Choice online catalog and select the organization(s) to which you'd like your $$'s directed. Or if you prefer, call 1-800-847-4836, say "Thrivent Choice" when prompted and "Choice Dollars" when prompted again. Trinity Lutheran is a place you can designate your "Choice Dollars".


A Heartfelt Thank You to all who gave gifts to our Angel Tree for kids in Foster County and also to the residents of the State Hospital. Your generosity will be felt and remembered throughout the coming year. We hope you feel the blessings returned to you!

* TLCW 2013 Yearbook needs to be completed and we need your help.

There are still many open spots on the signup sheets for Communion & Altar Committees, Work Group Callers, as well as many other opportunities to serve. If questions, call Sharie Mattson, Lynelle Bachmeier or Julee Erdmann.



Jan. 2 Mike Balvitsch

Jan. 3 Robert Buskness

Jan. 4 Laurie Struxness, Mark Frost

Jan. 6 Cole Solwey, Kylie Solwey, Zoey Kollman

Jan. 7 Jamie Larson, Lynelle Bachmeier

Jan. 8 Kristin Cabler, Cody Bickett

Jan. 11 Traci Lura, Jaedyn Lura

Jan. 13 Brittney Roundy

Jan. 14 Kirk Stokes

Jan. 16 Karen Buskness

Jan. 17 Brenda Rask, Einar Ellingson

James Scheen

Jan. 18 Jacob Edland, Kendall Schaffer

Valborg Ellingson

Lester & Valborg Ellingson

Jan. 24 Carol Montgomery, Maddyx Davis

Trace Hoggarth

Jan. 27 Susan Bickett

Jan. 28 Hartley Bjerke

Jan. 30 Mary Ziemkowski

Reminder: If I missed your birthday, I apologize. Please call the church office so we can print it in the weekly bulletin. Thank you.



Treasurer’s Report as of November 30, 2012

November Income Disbursed Weekly Income and Attendance

General $16,539.68 $12,597.84 Weekly Need: $6146.05

Sunday School 124.70 11/4/12 $7,755.65 325

Mission 1,269.00 11/11/12 cancelled due to weather

Building 3,434.45 11/18/12 $5,077.73 209

Total $17,933.38 $16,032.19 Thanksgiving Eve $1,034.00 77

11/25/12 $3,641.00 239

Budget Report for January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2012

Categories Disbursed To Date Budgeted For Year Difference for Year

Benevolence $14,637.00 $15,000.00 $363.00

Pastoral Ministry And Staff $156,635.18 $203,715.30 $47,080.12

Congregational Life $20,354.51 $25,679.00 $5,324.49

Building and Maintenance $40,254.84 $75,200.00 $34,945.16

Totals $224,630.15 $319,594.30 $94,964.15


December 4, 2012
Secretary Joan Copenhaver called the meeting to order. Members present were: Jennifer Gast, Lisa Weninger, Robin Simonson, Steve Schaubert, Andrea’ Scheen, Nyla Walen, Jo Pollert, Janice Gussiaas, and Ken Wangen. Pastor Russ was also in attendance. Devotions were given by Pastor Russ. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The general account has $18,037.06; the missions account has $54,243.71; and the reserve account has $19,280.93. Steve made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Nyla seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Russ reported that replacement chairs to match the tables have been ordered through Central City Lumberyard. Also he reminded the council that anyone is invited to attend the LCMC meeting at Prairie Faith. An Around the World presentation will be given in January and the Concordia College Choir trip would be coming up soon.

Deacon’s Report: The deacons have found volunteers to be communion assistants in December.

Board of Education Report: Jesus’ birthday party was planned with treats and activities. The Sunday School program would be held during second service at church.

Trustees Report: They are currently working on the budget for next year. Snow removal volunteers have been arranged with the exception of during Christmas. Volunteers are still needed to check the sidewalks before the Christmas services. Covers have been put over the vents that are in the sanctuary.

Old Business: The Did You Know article for next month will be about the Facebook page. The task force met with an architect about designing a plan for an addition for consideration. However the task force has not met since the plan has been received. The committee will be working on the individual church pages for the directory in January. Extra directories will be purchased for new families as they join the church in the future. The nominations committee needs to find replacements for the Board of Education, Trustees, Deacon, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary.