LTP Intervention Implementation Monitoring Tool
OSI Approved Personnel Monthly Report
Division: / School:Facilitator:
Report for the Month of: / Report Date:
Purpose:Per Virginia’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver, OSI approved personnel are assigned to priority schools to monitor the implementation of the school’s reform program and report findings monthly to the OSI. This effort ensures that the Lead Turnaround Partner (LTP), division, and school maintain the fidelity of implementation necessary for the reform. In addition, the LTP services provided to the priority school must be aligned with all of the “turnaround principles” noted below, as indicated in the approved Scope of Work (SOW) for the LTP at each school.
Directions: Note:The Priority School Monthly Report is completed by the OSI approved personnelthen sent to the VDOE-OSI point of contact (POC) for review/approval. Once the report is approved by the OSI POC, it is returned to OSI approved personnelas a PDF. The OSI approved personnelwill send the approved report to the building principal, the division POC and the superintendent, with a copy to the OSI POC.Reports are due to VDOE-OSI by the 5th of each month for the previous month beginning October 5, 2015. The May/June report is due on July 1, 2016.
(1)Refer to the approved LTP SOW for the priority school to providethe Improvement Strategiesassociated with each of the Turnaround Principleslistedin the tables below.
(2)Based on participation in and/or a review of minutes from school- or division-level school transformation team meetings, information extracted from required monthly/quarterly reports identified in the LTP SOW, and observations made from monitoring and support visits, provide Evidence of implementation of the activity. Provide the date or date range when the activity took place. Insert more rows as necessary if more than one activity is indicated in the LTP SOW for a given Turnaround Principle.
(3) Indicate the Implementation Status of the activity using “stop light” indicators per the following key:
(4)Based on a review of the current SIG application, current division- and school-level meeting minutes, School Improvement Plan tasks, and any available school reviews (LTP, state, etc.), in the Alignment to School/Division Needs column, indicate Yes or No to show if the interventions, supports and monitoring efforts are aligned with the identified needs.
(5)Provide recommendations for addressing any barriers that may be impeding the school- or division-level improvementefforts in theRecommended Supportsection. Enter suggestions regarding technical assistance for the school- and/or division-level teams that may be needed and provide the evidence to support the suggestion.
TurnaroundPrinciple 1: / Provide strong leadership by: (1) reviewing the performance of the current principal; (2) either replacing the principal if such a change is necessary to ensure strong and effective leadership, or demonstrating to the state education agency that the current principal has a track record in improving achievement and has the ability to lead the turnaround effort; and (3) providing the principal with operational flexibility in the areas of scheduling, staff, curriculum, and budget.
Responsibility: / Improvement Strategy: / Evidence: / Implementation Status: / Alignedwith School / Division-level needs
Principle 2: / Ensure that teachers are effective and able to improve instruction by: (1) reviewing the quality of all staff and retaining only those who are determined to be effective and have the ability to be successful in the turnaround effort; (2) preventing ineffective teachers from transferring to these schools; (3) providing job-embedded, ongoing professional development based on the teacher evaluation and support systems and tied to teacher and student needs; (4) working with the school division or other state or local public educational body to recruit and recommend teachers and a leader(s) who have a proven record of success of increasing student achievement; and (5) recommending necessary restructuring of teacher and leader contracts.
Responsibility: / Improvement Strategy: / Evidence: / Implementation Status: / Aligned with School / Division-level Needs
Turnaround Principle 3: / Redesign the school day, week, or year to include additional time for student learning and teacher collaboration.
Responsibility: / Improvement Strategy: / Evidence: / Implementation Status: / Aligned with School / Division-level Needs
Turnaround Principle 4: / Strengthen the school’s instructional program based on student needs by (1) ensuring that the instructional program is research-based, rigorous, and aligned with state academic content standards; (2) providing comprehensive, coherent, manageable and integrated instructional and support programs; (3) recommending which existing programs are to be continued and which programs are to be eliminated; and (4) consistent with the state Standards of Learning (SOL), recommending alignment of curriculum, instruction, classroom formative assessment and sustained professional development to build rigor, foster student-teacher relationships, and provide relevant instruction that engages and motivates students.
Responsibility: / Improvement Strategy: / Evidence: / Implementation Status: / Aligned with School / Division-level Needs
Turnaround Principle 5: / Use data to guide instruction and for continuous improvement, including providing time for collaboration on the use of data and providing formative and providing ongoing reports on program effectiveness to include, but not limited to, student achievement, parental involvement, student attendance, and student discipline.
Responsibility: / Improvement Strategy: / Evidence: / Implementation Status: / Aligned with School / Division-level Needs
Turnaround Principle 6: / Establish a school environment that improves school safety and discipline and addresses other non-academic factors that impact student achievement, such as students’ social, emotional, and health needs.
Responsibility: / Improvement Strategy: / Evidence: / Implementation Status: / Aligned with School / Division-level Needs
Turnaround Principle 7: / Provide ongoing opportunities for family and community engagement.
Responsibility: / Improvement Strategy: / Evidence: / Implementation Status: / Aligned with School / Division-level Needs
Virginia Department of Education
Office of School Improvement / 1