Group ScoutLeader:-James Stannett – 01274 595085 / 07966 364552

Head Quarters:-Windhill Community Centre, Church Street, Windhill

Welcome to the 1stShipley (Windhill) Scout Group. If you have any questions at any point about your son’s membership in the group, please contact the section leader in the first instance and if they are unable to help please contact the Group Scout Leader. For now, please take time to complete the following form in full. All these details are important and must be completed for the next meeting. Please read the three declarations at the end and if you are able please sign and date each of them as indicated. All INFORMATION WILLBE TREATED IN THE STRICTEST OF CONFIDENCE. Thank You in advance.

Joining Date:
(if you attended another group before this please state the group and date you joined it) / Section Beavers / Cubs
Joined: Scouts / Explorers / Date of Birth:
Full Name
Address: / Home Tel. No:
Mobile Tel No:
Email address:
Religion: / Ethnicity:
Mother’s/Carer’s Name: / Father’s/Carer’s Name:
Please state any important access/care arrangements (e.g. contact with children, who to send letters to, if the child is in Local Authority Care, etc)
Doctor's name, address and Tel No:
Known Allergies:
Dietary Requirements:
Any other Special Needs/Disabilities:
1) I accept that the Scout Group will be keeping information about my son's membership of The Scout Movement for scouting purposes in the form of a computer database. I give explicit consent to the holding of information of my son’s health; disabilities; religion/faith; race/ethnic origin – for Scouting purposes only. / Signed …………………………………….
Date …………………......
2) Sometimes photos and video images of members taking port in activities ore submitted to the local newspaper; the Group, District or County newsletters and website; or put on display. If you have any objections please notify us in written as soon as possible. / Signed …………………………………….
Date …………………......
3) I would like the 1st Shipley (Windhill) Scout Group to treat my membership subscriptions and donations as Gift Aid donations from this date forwards and for the previous six financial periods. I pay an amount of income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to that we
claim on the payment (currently 28p in every pound you give). I will notify the Scout Group if I change my name or address. I understand I can cancel my declaration at any time by notifying the Scout Group. / Signed …………………………………….
Date …………………......

The Scout Association is a Registered Charity–CharityNumber 306101