St. Paul Parochial School News

May 17, 2017


Saturday, May 20th, 6 PM – Isabelle & Peyton Alloway

Sunday, May 21st, 8 AM – Gracie & Stella Koch

10 AM – Hayden & Brooke Schindler

SLE OF THE WEEK: SPPS students are Active Christians who: Exhibit respect for God, life, and creation through both word and action.

SPPS SPRING CONCERT…Tomorrow, May 18th, 7 PM at the church. The students are to wear their “Sunday best” dress clothes.

MUSTANG BUBBLE FUN RUN…is this Friday, May 19 at 2:15 PM! Please have your student bring a water bottle and towel to school, as they may get damp during the run from the bubbles/foam on the course. Student prizes will be distributed by their classroom teachers prior to the run. Friday will also be a free dress day for the students, please see the handbook for guidelines. We hope that the event is fun and festive for the students. Parents are welcome to cheer on students and help blow bubbles along the route. If you would like to help out, please be at the school by 2:00!

SCHOOLTOOLBOX….SPPS Parent’s Club will again be orderingschoolsupplies throughSchoolToolbox, Inc. You can customize your order and it will be delivered directly to your home.Please check out the attached flyer and order online atwww.schooltoolbox.com.If you have any questions please contact Veronica Hockett.

BOYS VS. GIRLS BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION CONTEST…contest ends May 30th. Start bringing in those Box Tops today!

SCRIP…Plan on ordering scrip for graduates? Last date to order will be Tuesday, May 23rd, by 8 AM. The scrip will be at school Friday morning, May 26th. If you would like to stock up on scrip for the summer the very last order will go in Tuesday, May 30th, at 8 AM. Any questions or last minute orders please email Georgia at .

FIELD DAY/TALENT SHOW…is Thursday, May 25th. The information was presented to each of the classrooms today. If your child wants to participate in the talent show, please see the attached information.

SPPS RODEO PARKING SIGN UP… The St. Paul Rodeo will be here before we know it and your support of the rodeo parking fundraiser is very important to SPPS. Please see the attached sign-up sheet and select your favorite shift ASAP and let the office know what shift you want to be put on.

THE NEW PARENT’S CLUB OFFICERS are: VP-Andrea Britten, Secretary-Katey Meza. We thank them for their service to the school!

CRIME PREVENTION AWARENESS…The St. Paul and Donald community members are invited to attend a Marion County Sheriff presentation on Crime Prevention Awareness at the St. Paul Fire Station Hall on Sunday, May 21st, starting at 2 PM. The one hour program will include information regarding Neighborhood Watch and how to identify scams/fraud. All ages are invited.

AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE…Wednesday, June 7th, 1–6:30 PM at the St. Paul Fire Hall. Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.


-Thursday, May 18th, 7 PM – SPPS Spring Concert

-Friday, May 19th – Fun Run in the PM

-May 22nd – 26th- School Spirit Week

-Monday, May 22nd – Kick Ball Tournament in the PM

-Thursday, May 25th- Field Day/Talent Show in the PM

-Friday, May 26th – Noon Dismissal

*Last day of Hot lunch

-Monday, May 29th – NO School – Memorial Day

-Thursday, June 1st – 8th Grade Graduation

-Friday, June 2nd – NO School – Conferences as needed

-Thursday, June 8th – Last Day of School – 11 AM Dismissal


KG – Raegen Fleck

1st/2nd Gr. – Angel Hernandez

3rd/4th Gr. - Diego Medina

5th/6th Gr. – Ralph Pohlschneider

7th/8th Gr. – Emily Alicata


- Talent Show information

- Rodeo Parking Sign-Up