Havre Des Pas Improvement Group

Minutes - Meeting 8th March 2018



Elizabeth and Geoff Higham

John and Andrea Ruddy

Approval of the Minutes 1st Feb 18


Matters Arising

Andrea Mallet (AM) - Feasibility Study

Allocation of the £155,000 study funds being used in total for the feasibility study.

Requesting a breakdown of how the money will be spent.

Silvio Alves (SA) - explained that the breakdown will be presented at the first working group.

AM - how are we going to fund the improvements after the study has taken place.

Simon Crowcroft (SC) - Explained that the other parish improvements have been paid for by the States of Jersey and that all future funding will need to be requested by the next elective representatives and if they could not get the appropriate support in the assembly for the improvements the money will have to come from the parish.

Ideas Raised

Unloading bay.

Bus shelters.

Road Resurfacing.

One way roads.

Cycle Paths across the promenade in front of the hotels.

Access around La Collette for walking to see the wildlife.

Parking Provision - Route de Fort parking being raised up to more than one level (Bob Le Brocq).

Diagonal parking when the roads are made one way.

More visitor Parking (Andium has offered surplus parking to visitors).

Parking in La Collette near and around the Incinerator.

SC - Steering group membership

Fiona from the hotel would like to be involved in the steering group to represent local industry.

Russell Labey (RL) - Historic Issues

RL - has kept a record of all of the reoccurring issues that are raised at the HDPIG and sends the info to DFI before our meetings to attempt to get some updates on progress for addressing the issues.

SA - informed that DFI will be involved in the steering group and can be challenged about their commitment to fixing the issues raised.

Judy Martin (JM) - Leafleting the area

Asked if anyone went out to leaflet the area.

AM - Confirmed that Sue and others went round and delivered 500 leaflets to the area and more leafleting will be done soon which will include areas like Willow Grove.

Marcus Calvani (MC) - Lido Pier

Pier is owned by Jersey Property Holding (JPH) not the parish and JPH are not even responding to the emails of the tenants about painting the railing in advance of a big global digital tourism event that will be taking place there in September.

Lisa Fitzmaurice (LF) - is there no funding from Visit Jersey to help for such an event.

Scott Wickenden (SW) - will speak to Digital Jersey and the Digital Team about putting pressure on JPH.

MC - to email the HDPIG members with the information so they can contact JPH to help pressurise support for the area.

RL - Russell is going to write to the parish to ask about funding for some small scale art projects.


LoveJersey App - Encourage residents to use the app to report cracks, potholes etc…

Ben Robertson the Artist is going to look what he can do around the area and will involve St Lukes School.

Ecology Trust Fund - 40 years since the AmicoCaditz oil spill Friday 16th March 2018

Seaside Festival Update (21st - 22nd July 2018)

Jason Maindonald (JM) - event plan has been submitted for a two day festival where the road will be closed over the Saturday evening.

Fireworks was raised as an issue and we will invite members to talk about at next meeting

Adam Routier AR - by the tunnel we have now got multi-coloured tarmac being used

Next Meeting April 5th 2018