Keurboom Park Association
(A City of Cape Town Ward 58 community park project)
The name of the association is:Keurboom Park Association
2Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Keurboom Park Association (KPA) are toprovidea safe and clean natural space, to conserve the diversity of plants and animals in the Park and to develop Keurboom Park by:
2.1Providing a direct link between the City of Cape Town (the Council) and the user community.
2.2Giving guidance to the Council in prioritizing the needs and wishes of the Park user community.
2.3Entering into a written agreement with the Council as to the committed services the Council or its sub-contractors will provide for the Park.
2.4Drawing up a medium and long term plan for the Park.
2.5Compiling an annual budget of proposed expenditureto be financed from the Council’s capital expenditurebudget and from Ward allocations.
2.6Implementing, by way of donations and fund raising, additional improvements to and projectsfor the Park for which the Council has no funds.
3.1Membership of the KPA shall be open to all members of the user community who share in the aims and objectives of the KPA and who have submitted a duly completed membership application form.
3.2Membership shall be renewed annually at or before the annual general meeting (AGM).
3.3There are no membership fees as the KPA operates on donations.
The KPA has all such powers that may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the carrying out of the above aims and objectives and in particular but without limiting the generality thereof:
4.1To borrow money for any purpose of the KPA and to secure repayment of such money under security of any part of the property or assets of the KPA and to guarantee or become liable for the payments of money for the performance of any obligations.
4.2To invest and deal with the moneys of the KPA not immediately required in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the committee.
4.3To open a banking account or accounts in the name of the KPA and to operate thereon.
5.1The committee shall consist of a minimum ofthree (3) and a maximum of seven (7) members. The committee may co-opt additional members who will not have committee voting rights if the committee has seven (7) elected members.
5.2The management and control of the KPA and its property, assets and affairs shall be vested in the committee who shall exercise all the rights and powers of the KPA.
5.3No part of the income or funds of the KPA may be paid or otherwise made available for the personal benefit of any committee member; provided that nothing in this Constitution shall prevent the committee from paying to any person a fee commensurate with services rendered or for goods supplied to the KPA.
5.4The committee shall regularly deposit all monies received by the KPA into its bank account and shall decide who shall have signing powers thereon.
5.5The committee shall elect its own office bearers of chairman, secretary and treasurer.
5.6The committee shall meet at least once every three (3) months. A committee meeting may be called by any member of the committee provided that all committee members have been notified by email at least five (5) days before the meeting of the date, time and place. A quorum shall be three (3) committee members. Decisions may be taken only at a properly called meeting and decided by a majority vote. A proposal will not be carried if there are an equal number of votes.If a proposal on a matter is communicated to all committee members by email, then a decision shall be carried where at least three (3) members agree and none disagree.
5.7On the dissolution of the KPA, funds held by the KPA shall, by a committee decision, be donated to one or more organizations with similar aims and objectives to those of the KPA.
6General meetings
6.1There shall be at least seven (7) days notice given to the members of KPAof the date, time and placeof any meeting and of any proposed resolutions. A public notice in Keurboom Park and an email to members shall be considered due notice.
6.2The quorum at general meetings shall be a minimum of five (5) KPAmembers personally present. There shall be at least one general meeting a year, the AGM.
6.3KPA membersshall elect committee members each year at the AGMto fill all vacancies caused by the disqualification, resignation, death or rotational retirement of committee members.
6.3.1If there are three (3) or more vacancies of elected committee members then these vacancies need to be filled by electing new committee members. All remaining committee members serve for another year.
6.3.2If there are less than three (3) vacancies then up to three (3) committee members shall retire by rotation. The longest serving committee members shall retire first and, where there are two (2) or more committee members who have served for equal periods, the selection of those to retire shall be made by the drawing of lots.
6.3.3Committee members who have resigned or retired shall be eligible for re-election.
6.3.4The committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the KPA present at the AGM.
6.3.5Each member present may not cast more than one (1) vote for any one (1) candidate.
6.4Save for clause 6.3, each KPAmemberpresent shall have one (1) voteon any issue put to the vote.
6.5All matters of procedure shall be decided by the chairperson of the meeting.
7The constitution of the KPA
7.1The constitution of KPA may be amended by a two thirds majority vote of members present and voting at a general meeting where at least seven (7) days notice of the proposed amendment has been given to the members of KPA.
7.2In the event of any disputeover the interpretation of the KPA’s constitution, the majority decision of the KPA committee shall be final and binding upon all members.
This constitution was approved at the annual general meeting held at 18h00 on 20 May 2013at the Western Province Cricket Club, Avenue de Mist, Rondebosch.
Chairperson: ______Secretary: ______
KPA Constitution v2 1209.docx