Date: 1-17-2012

Subject: Hooksett Little League Baseball Meeting

Attendees: Jeff Labrecque, Kevin Pinard, Jim Guillmette, Steve McNally, Jeff Lewis, John Patti, Todd Lizotte, Chris Songen, Kevin Pinard, Jim Lord, Mike Downer, Jed Cooper, Stacy Howe, Chris Autenrieth, Matt Bouchard, David Santin

Meeting Minutes as Follows:

Name in BOLD has and Action item to complete.

·  Motion by Howe to open meeting at 6:40, Seconded by Santin. All approved.

·  Motion by Labrecque to approve 1/7/2013 minutes, Santin Seconded, All Approved.

·  Motion by Labrecque to approve 12/5/2012 minutes. All approved.

·  Home nominated Jim Guillmette for League Information Office. Labrecque seconded. All approved.

·  Concession director position nomination was tabled to next meeting.

·  Downer nominated Jim Lord for Teeball / Blastball director. Labrecque seconed. All approved.

·  Open positions are as follows:

o  Concession Director

o  Marketing Director

o  Sponsorship/ Fundraiser Director

·  Discussed Bang the Rust clinic.

o  Starting Feb 3,2013

o  Downer motion, Evans Seconded, and all Approved $1000 to fund program.

o  Motion for $5 per player at clinic. Labrecque Seconded. All approved

o  Feb 3 clinic will be at an earlier time due to Superbowl.

·  Discussed Registration dates. Add one more date. Feb 9, 2013 9-11AM

o  Labrecque to secure Cawley Cafeteria.

·  Labrecque to secure gym practice time from 3-11-2013 to 4-15-2013.

·  Babe Ruth field conversion discussed.

o  Update Conversion to AAA is a go.

·  Bouchard to complete benches on 2-29 and 2-30.

·  Online Registration up and running on 1/18/2013.

·  Evaluations at SNHU on 3/9/2013 from 8am to 3:30pm.

·  Discussed Picture day. Decided on May 18th.

·  Discussed Jamboree. Will be 4/28/2013

·  Discussed Opening Day. Will be 5/4/2013.

·  Motion to pay Little League Charter fee by, Downer, Pinard seconed. All approved.

·  Howe discussed how HYAA is giving each league their own checking account. 75% of our funds are deposited into account until book keeping issues are figured out.

·  League restructuring was discussed.

o  Downer to get with Division Directors and Pinard to put framework together for league structure.

·  Possible names for AAA coaches:

o  Mike Salvas

o  David Santin

o  Gene McCarthy

·  We will not play games with Manchester North. They are playing with Manchester West.

o  Evans to talk with Bow.

·  Chris Songen discussed a Cooperstown team comprised of 11-12 yr. olds. Would take place after All-Stars.

·  Future Meetings: 1-31-2013

·  Motion to close at 8:10 by Labrecque. Santin Seconded. All approved.

Registration Dates: Jan 23rd (6:30 pm-8:30 pm)

Feb 5th (6:30 pm – 8:30 pm)

Feb 9th (9 am-11am)

Feb 19th (6:30 pm-8:30 pm)