Reports on New Age Discoveries Resulting From a Most Cautious Research
An informative Bulletin Presenting Astounding Challenges for Advanced Thinking
(Taken from the “I DO” Book, Copyright 1968)
“THE GREAT OF THE EARTH without whom there would be no life in that Day” mentioned in the Scriptures, who are “not of the world” are reincarnate and “In the world,” at this time suffering from mortal misunderstandings, ignorance, purposeful misguidance and the lies of antichrist factors. Appearing to be average mortals of ordinary “evoluting” mankind, these “Stars of Heaven cast to earth in that Day,” are working diligently for the original souls or later (superior) “Maha” mastery who were the first to attain to “eternal life.” Including the “First Triad” of greatest power and authority, there are more than fifty of the “Star” souls now on earth, faithfully serving “the Father’s business” whether that “father” is the “Abba Father” who was the originally “chosen” Adam soul; or the “master of deceptions” known as “antipater” or antichrist (Lucifer). Scriptures declare “one-third the stars of heaven are pulled by the tail of the great dragon.” The “Dragon” has long been a symbol of the “anti” soul or negative pole of the first triad. The crocodile was used by some ancient peoples to symbolize the same deity. They also had reasons for using the alligator to symbolize the Positive soul of the first triad. This could be one of the reasons for a later name of “Allah” being linked with a name for God. Among the same people the other soul of the “first triad” was portrayed as a turtle. His shell was marked with divisions symbolizing how many “unseen” souls of authority served as a canopy of protection over him. The turtle (soul once called Aaron) is shown with the burden of the “rod” of power on his back, around which were entwined the crocodile (evil one) following and biting the tail of the alligator (Michael). The turtle is comparable to the usual understanding of Gabriel who became “the balancer,” and whose soul sometimes was symbolized with the “scales of justice” to “weigh the hearts,” (Anubis or Thoth).
Through all the histories of humanity, records of man’s conception of an unseen body of governing souls has been expressed one way or another. Sometimes the ideas were sketched in stone, done in hieroglyphics, on papyrus, in scrolls, or painted on canvas. Other times the ideas were expressed by animals or birds symbolizing the soul qualities of those being portrayed. There were Totem Poles showing the “first triad” and their relationship in each Age; even expressing the relationships of others of later soul attainments who were identified with the “first triad,” (Trinity) of original “God Power” who were always portrayed greatest and most powerful.
Because “The Great of the Earth” (Three-in-one Godhead) incarnated as leaders among many nations in all Ages, there were always Wise Men who knew the symbols used to express the contents of their own souls. When histories were recorded they used whatever symbols understood at the time. In every Age the Lucifer converts, or incarnating “one-third Stars,” used deceptions to ensnare, plunder and enslave the innocent. The Positive Faction of incarnating “immortals” or “gods” always tried to warn victims and unveil the deceived. For this reason there was always the repetition of trouble caused by the negative faction to destroy records of good souls, (converts of Michael and Gabriel) who were forced to protect what they knew the others were after. Civilizations came and were plundered as wars were instigated by the wicked, and the innocent suffered. Average souls who were concerned only with worldly affairs were not aware of what was actually behind their tribulations. Only Royal families and esoteric groups had any idea about the causes. Even then, with all their study for understanding, deceptions were so cleverly wrought as to many times deceive “the elect” into wrong moves which they were caused to believe right. The Righteous in “high places” were always targets of the antichrist who would incarnate among them if possible, and then work from within, using such a position for greater advantage. Having an heir to the throne became a problem for those who understood, as well as a danger for those who didn’t. We will give more specific information about this type of forced injustice of Lucifer, (the negative pole of creation), when mortals can be expected to understand the “immortal” side of life and Cosmic Powers of souls who were once called “gods.”
The first problem to be solved to begin understandings in the New Age, is that of making reincarnation understood by all, let alone specific instances where “The Great” were troubled because of Lucifer trying to get his “little devil” (or physical plane manifestation) into incarnation in a position for greater advantage. The story of Moses in the bulrushes came from a clever play of the negative faction who were in charge of the destruction of other babies, and responsible for saving their own most important soul. Allah had warned the Pharaoh about the plan of Lucifer to incarnate a physical “puppet” in his family, but the deceptions were so cleverly done the Pharaoh didn’t realize the Moses baby was the danger. The real story is staggering and we could not expect Christians to believe it because Christianity has become too infiltrated with the wrong information. We can only hope and pray this small facet of “Truth” will challenge for an investigation.
During the many wars of supremacy for evil, great works of Art were destroyed to keep those “with eyes” from seeing the “Truths” they incorporated. Repeatedly the negative faction worked frantically to keep the world from learning the secrets of the “Truth” of the Positive Faction intended to help mortals turn on the devil, instead of blindly generating power to keep “Lucifer” in business so long. “Truth” records made to unveil the deceived were of greatest interest to the “Antipater,” (antichrist) who would rewrite them to cover his injustices, give credit and glory to his own soul, or destroy them if that was not possible. In every Age the negative faction left purposely written records, twisting facts to suit their own purposes. These were intended to make sure posterity would have references to glorify the most evil soul, and defame the “two” whom God favored. Without the ability to check Akashic records in “The Book of Life” it would be impossible to recognize the “Truth” about any soul from the twisted histories done by the negative faction to turn as many as possible against the “two” favored by God, and credit d’Eve-il with glories that soul did not earn.
Age after Age of darkness and then came some of light. When pure souls of “White Robes” martyring many causes, cried for help, they were told “yet a little while until others suffer as you have.” The reason for this is that the law of God provides for powers generated by wrong doing to rebound and strike those who create them. When the saturation point is reached, retribution is evoked for punishment in keeping with the crime and according to the injustices done. It was expected that a time would come when the master of deceptions would go overboard so far as to demand Hierarchical intervention, necessitating the revocation of Lucifer’s Cosmic Power. To accomplish that, it would be necessary for many Sainted souls to carry whatever crosses necessary to bring such a situation about. It was to be expected then that the Positive faction could progress the world without interference from the relentless soul who lost his former “second place” to Gabriel at the “Fall of Lucifer” long ago. Prophecy promised that he would be removed even from the third place in the Trinity, for “a thousand years,” to begin In the Last Age. By his displacement or “fall,” October 1955, which we have discussed many times, The Positive Faction under the “two” chosen by God, were freed from the dangers of that relentless soul so they could proceed to help the deceived understand enough that The Advent of The King of Kings might be possible.
The “two” souls of the “first triad,” (Trinity) were the main targets of the third member (antichrist) in every incarnation. The “watchers” for the negative faction sought them out each time, determining their soul status by their “fruits.” Immediately upon “spotting” them, the work began to plunder or appropriate their good works, crucify and eliminate. Many histories were written to the credit of the “lord of deceptions” behind the dastardly deeds, and to defame the “two” eliminated. This is why Jesus remained in obscurity until thirty years of age when His mission caused Him to be recognized. At that time the negative faction functioned under Herod, and the son of “Antipater” who had been appointed Procurator of Judea in the time of Julius Caesar who had been “spotted” and deceived by that incarnate Devil. It was “Antipater” who secretly arranged the deceptions responsible for Caesar’s death. His son Herod was appointed to the high position in government of Galilee at the age of 15, when the Roman Senate made him King of Judea. He was strong, cruel, and increased in splendor in Jerusalem, having erected the Temple which was the center of Jewish worship in the time of Jesus. Foreseeing the advantage the Antipater’s son was to have over the victims of dangerous deceivers, Jesus incarnated to try to save the Jews. He told them, “I came to restore that which was lost,” and said “The Truth shall Make Ye Free.” The negative faction was determined that “Truth” would not be recognized so had warned their deceived converts from the time of Moses, that a prophet would come whom they must destroy. Therefore there was little chance for Jesus, even with the help of greatest souls of the Hierarchy who incarnated to help Him, again only hoping that together they might bring “Truth” to bear away the victory.
The “two” whom Scriptures say God would choose to put down evil, are known on highest planes as Michael and Gabriel, recognized most generally by Christians as “The King of Kings” and “Virgin Mary.” They were also known by many names and titles by “other sheep ye know not of” when they incarnated to help where needed. In this “last age” the “two” managed to “keep unspotted” (for protection) as Jesus warned His Disciples. In 1951 the soul known as “a great dragon” whom Scriptures declare, “stood ready to swallow up The Child,” discovered the reincarnate Mother of this Age. Persecutions began, crosses were heaped on the “two,” (Mother and Child). Immediately following the discovery there was a seven and one-half year reign of the great “EVE-il” power who made karmas sufficient to “fall by her own footsteps” as Scriptures declare would happen “In the Last Age.” As soon as the negative faction discovered the reincarnate Mother, “wars in heaven” began for the protection of the “two” below. The sufferings of “White Robes” were almost unbearable in their reincarnate forms on earth. After “forty and two months” of intense injustices, with deceptions running rampant among older souls, Lucifer’s Cosmic Power was revoked for a thousand years. That was October 1955, when “A great Angel (Michael) appeared and asked for time to mark more in the forehead.” The location was Winnipeg, Canada where many took pictures of the “apparition” without knowing what was taking place on earth to bring about the fulfillment of that prophecy. EVE (original mother of underdeveloped souls), then incarnate as Mary Martha Bowers (Bowzers), known to some as Gwendolyn Green whose body became an habitation for Mrs. Besant, (who left the Annie body in 1933). Mrs. Bowers lived in Winnipeg at the time. As soon as Lucifer’s Cosmic Power was revoked, Mrs. Bowers could no longer “pull fire down from heaven to prove she was of God.” Her “god,” El Morya was “dead.” Lucifer was finally bereft of his Cosmic Power to function through a physical plane manifestation. The reincarnate Virgin Mary (mother of immaculate souls) of the Positive faction then began to “blow” the “horn” of understandings, which as the physical plane manifestation of Gabriel, was her right. After Lucifer’s power was revoked, she was told “your tongue is loosed by God,” because it was considered too dangerous to openly tell “Truth to Make Free” before that time. She was then free to “unveil the original Isis,” who in a former life, “cut Osiris” (Son of God) “to pieces,” by deceiving His Disciples into going many directions, instead of uniting for overpowering evil in that Age. The same idea, where deceptions confused and scattered the reincarnate Disciples, was repeated again in this Age. “The second Isis” or Virgin Mary who became “world mother” when Lucifer (Eve) “fell” long ago, has been seeking the “pieces of Osiris” whose unity would make the return of “The Child” possible.
In this Age of the development of Atomic Power, the Positive Forces planned “Atom’s Power, or the power of the original IHVH (Yahweh or Son of God) to provide everything good the world might need for greater progress of souls. The same Plan was fractured Ages ago when appropriated by the Incarnate Lucifer of the time. The negative faction used atomic power for advantage over others, endangering posterity to a point where Cosmic Intervention took over to prevent such a disaster. Again in this Age the negative faction planned to use the Hydrogen bomb to destroy all but their own, and fulfill “their” prophecy of destruction of the world by fire. God’s Plan is to burn the dross from evil souls with the “fire” of Divine Mind. “Hydra” always suggested something evil, so in the case of the use of Atomic Power, it proved that bomb to be of the negative faction. In this Age the most dangerous souls dedicated to the work of Lucifer for the New Age, were secured in Ashrams all over the world, with food, water and training for survival. The Cosmic Birth of “A Little Child to Lead Them” (Aja, “the unborn” of some Ancient understandings) stopped the bomb. The world certainly wasn’t aware of such things, nor ready for a surprise like that. The “two” whom God had chosen were on hand, always uniting to meet whatever great emergencies demanded their attention. This story is only one account of the many other attempts of the negative faction to get complete control of the world in This Age. Each time there was another deceptive plan to involve the world with negative control, the “two” whom God chose, met the emergency – the crosses which served to invoke Cosmic Intervention, finally resulting in the “Fall” of Lucifer for a thousand years, beginning October 1955. Since then that “god is dead” because he cannot respond to mantrams calling for his help. Frustrated followers who depended upon his response to their “calls” are now being exploited by Black Magicians who are taking advantage of ignorance of the dangers from “wizards who peep and mutter.” Without understanding what happened, the faithful of the “lord of deceptions” are using his “anti” (second book) teachings to create degenerate riot mongers. Evil souls, still determined for supremacy for the negative faction, plan to use the deceived Hippies for another angle of devastation. Cults and creeds, as well as all other Institutions having group powers which might be appropriated, have been infiltrated by well-trained, very dangerous souls who have long been working from within to advantage for their own faction. It is said by some that the Plan originated in Sicily in the fifteen hundreds.
World dangers are now very great with “blood in the streets” from “Black Power,” “Poor Power,” “Cult Power,” “Creed Power,” “Political Power” and co-operative evil powers disregarding “God Power.” A great change is in order! “Man’s extremity has become God’s opportunity!” “Powers that be,” known as “God Power” from “Hierarchical controls” are being invoked, whereby the karmic effects from evil will be reversed to rebound on those who are purposely instigating tribulations. Then, striking where it will, (because it can only strike in retribution for wrongs being done), the world is to experience a Great Surprise! Veils between dimensions will be lifted so “all eyes will SEE.” Nothing that is evil or “maketh a lie” will then be able to continue without detection.