Faculty of Wellbeing and Social Sciences
Progress since the last auditStaff development needs identified (if any): related to professional portfolios.
This audit document has been completed by the Practice Teacher (PT) and read, discussed and agreed as accurate by the appropriate Manager. Please make it available to the student(s) during the first week of the programme. Once completed please submit this documentelectronicallyvia our SCPHN Practice Teacher & Mentor Support Site no later than Please retain a hard copy.
PT Signature: Date:
Name, designation, base and telephone number of Manager:
Signature (s): Date: 07.04.14
Received by:
Personal Tutor / Programme Leader:
Details of issues discussed with date:
Signature: Date:
Name and contact details of the person who is responsible for the live register of practice teachers in the Trust (eg.PEF):
The aim of this document is to compile relevant information concerning the human and material resources available within the placement area.
Guidance for the completion of audit document:
The document consists of audit questions concerning structure and process, and an evaluation of the audit data. An acceptable placement requires that all questions are answered Yes, or alternatively No with a realistic plan to meet the criterion within the period of the placement. All answers require qualification in terms of brief descriptive details, comment or preferably evidence. Evidence will include, as appropriate, existing policies or procedures or examples of how the criterion was met. Please include examples as appropriate.
If the audit was completed the previous year, please add details of any changes which affect positively or negatively the quality of the practice placement. A SWOT analysis should be undertaken each year.
AUDIT OF PRACTICE PLACEMENTName of SCPHN Student / Name of professional(s) supporting SCPHN Student / Status (Please indicate either sign off PT, PT (preceptorship), student PT or Qualified Mentor
Structure (staff, placement features, learning resources)
1.Is the placement committed to the provision of a period of orientation to personnel, local policies and information technology?
2. Will the student(s) be supernumerary throughout the period of practice?
3. Is the learning situation under the management and control of a named and suitably qualified PT for the duration of their practice placement? Where the student(s) are being indirectly supervised has the model of supervision been made explicit to all involved?
4. Is there room available for the PT to conduct clinical demonstrations, discussions and counselling interviews?
5. Is there a quiet area for private study and work completion available to the student(s)?
6. Is the placement a general medical practice, a health centre/clinic, or other?
7. Is there an effective provision of clinical supervision and/or appraisal available to the PT and others involved in supporting, supervising and assessing students which encompasses the practitioner’s clinical and educational role?
8. Is relevant information regarding the area of practice accessible to the student, e.g local health needs assessment;local Health Profile?
9. Is there access to learning resources supportive of practice based learning:
i) relevant research findings
ii) journals?
iii) access to local computer databases?
iv) internet systems?
v) relevant policy documents including: Child Protection; Health and Safety; Equal Opportunities; appropriate clinical guidelines/protocols?
10. Is there a profile of learning opportunities for Specialist Practitioner students? (see SWOT Analysis)
11. Is the quality of care supported by the principles and processes of clinical governance?
Process (ethos, communication, support systems , opportunities)
- Is the system of communication between the University and the placement effective?
i) ensuring placement staff are prepared to receive students:
ii) ensuring PTs are supported in their role:
- Does the placement afford the students the opportunity to observe and discuss the work of the multi-disciplinary team such as Primary Health Care Team?
- Does the organisation of care reflect commitment to teamwork enabling the student to acquire the skills to function in a multi-disciplinary health care team?
- Does the placement encourage easy communication, safe and confident relationships between different levels of staff?
- Are teaching programmes in placementorganised, so as to ensure integration of theory with relevant practice?
6. Does the ethos of the placement encourage the participation of the student in decision making which is compatible with the level of experience?
7. Are the learning experiences offered in the placement compatible with a normal Specialist Practitioner workload? (range of patients/clients; settings; health needs; skill mix)
8. Are service users and carers involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of care and services?
9. Does the placement demonstrate a commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion and equality?
10. Does the placement demonstrate a commitment to the safety and wellbeing of patients, service users, carers, staff, students and groups
11. Are PTs facilitated to collaborate with each other and other colleagues to develop and facilitate learning opportunities; share good educational practices (including reflective practice); and contribute to assessment of students?
Evaluation of Audit Data
Audit should be more than a paper exercise, it should serve to maintain and enhance practice based learning and be a useful tool for all those concerned. A SWOT Analysis is a valuable aid to evaluating audit data and placing it in context of other relevant issues as a means of identifying how plans may be developed to maintain/enhance quality.
A SWOT Analysis (in this context) identifies Strengths and Weaknesses in the practice placement, Threats to the quality of the placement outside your immediate control, and Opportunities which could be developed. It is often best carried out in a small group (e.g. the PT and immediate colleagues or a group of PT’s. Service users or carers could be involved as well as other disciplines). Issues are identified quickly under the four headings in a structured ‘brainstorming’ exercise. Further reflection on the outcome of the brainstorming helps to clarify issues including noting omissions. Finally a Placement Quality Enhancement Plan can be drawn up to:
- address or mitigate weaknesses;
- ensure strengths are maintained/enhanced/shared with others if possible
- avoid or minimise the impact of threats;
- exploit new opportunities.
An initial consideration of the strengths, weaknesses and threats will then enable you to identify and itemize learning opportunities available to the student within your area.A template is provided below:
SWOT Analysis
Profile of Learning Strengths:
- Very good and supportive learning environment
- Good links with GP practices, children’s centres and other professionals/agencies
- Opportunity to be involved with safeguarding, children with additional needs and vulnerable families
- Peer support
- Availability of quiet rooms for supervision
- The geographical area
Profile of Learning Weaknesses:
No current weaknesses identified
Profile of Learning Threats:
- Staffing Levels due to staff sickness
Profile of Learning Opportunities:
- Well baby clinics to provide opportunistic health promotion
- Standard core service, making learning more structured
- Safeguarding issues/vulnerable families
- Working with other agencies
- Working in a large team to provide opportunity to work within a skill mix team and be able to delegate to others
- Collaborative working with the Children’s Centres
- Ability to learn about other services during spoke placements/meetings
- Opportunity to work with Practice Teacher who area of practice is diverse in its population mix in terms of culture and social class
Placement Quality Enhancement Plan
(Include plans to meet staff development needs)
Issues identified:
- All Practice Teachers and Mentors to maintain portfolio
- Practice Teachers/Mentors to be given time to attend Practice Teacher Preparation Days and Opt-In support sessions
Actions to be undertaken: (Person responsible \ time frame)
- To maintain competence and meet NMC standards
- Other Practice Teachers/Mentors to provide ongoing support
- Practice Teachers/Mentors to attend mandatory training and other relevant training to role
- To attend preparation days at BoltonUniversity
- To continue to meet other Practice Teachers/Mentors on a regular basis
All of the above are the responsibility of the individual Practice Teacher and Qualified Mentor
Anticipated Outcomes:
To maintain competencies and to enable the student to fulfill the requirements to become a Specialist Practitioner in Health Visiting
Thank you
Ruth Heffernan Programme leader
Zoe Ralph Lecturer