eiNetwork Training Millennium Serials


Creating a New Checkin Record

  1. Select Serials Check-in mode from Navigation bar.
  1. Search for the bibliographic record by any of the standard search options available when clicking on the down arrow: ex. journal title, title, record number.

  1. With the bibliographic record displayed in the brief display, and the summary tab displaying attached checkin, click on the New button.

NOTE: If there are no checkin records attached to the bibliographic record the summary tab View defaults to All Record Types and the New button is grayed out. Click on the down arrow and select C Checkin.

The change to C Checkin activates the New button.

If there are Checkin records attached to the bib-record, select the Attach New Checkin

Now follow the template prompts to create the checkin record.

The template begins with the Fixed Fields.

  1. Type the appropriate Location code and the number of copies for that location.
  • The default number of copies is 1.
  • Select Add Location if you have multiple subscriptions housed at different Location codes.

To view the list of location codes double click in the text box. Select the correct code from the list and click on OK.

  1. SCODE1 is the amount of time you keep the title at your library. Enter the correct code.

To view the list of codes double click in the text box.

Select the correct code from the list and click on OK.

  1. SCODE2 is the frequency of publication. Enter the correct code.

NOTE: SCODE2 is a statistical field only, it doesnot set the pattern on the check-in card.

To view the list of codes double click in the text box.

Select the correct code from the list and click on OK.

  1. Select Vendor information.
  • Your choices will vary depending on the vendors you have in your serials/accounting unit.
  • If you order directly from the publisher, select the code dirct (direct ordering).
  • If no order is placed to receive the publication, select none.

NOTE: You must have the correct Vendor code if you use electronic claiming.

To view the list of codes double click in the text box. You can search for your vendor by keyword, vendor code, vendor name, or vendor record number.

After searching and selecting the vendor from browse list, click on the Use Vendor Record button.

  1. RLOC is the Receiving location. Enter the code designated for your library. See RLOC list of codes.

NOTE: There is not a list of codes to view in a select box.

Next in the template are the Variable Fields:

  1. Enter the vendor number if you are using a vendor.
  • If no vendor is used, just click on Next to skip
  1. Enter the holdings information for any issues the library currently has.
  1. Enter any necessary notes.
  • This is a free text field.
  • Multiple Checkin Notes can be entered.
  • Checkin notes do not appear in Millennium Circulation or in the Web OPAC.
  1. Enter your library and staff initials.
Creating the Checkin Card

Start your checkin card with a small number of checkin boxes (Items on card). Adjust the number of boxes based on the frequency of the serial (for example, 12 boxes for a monthly). Doing so makes it easier to manage the extrapolation process later. Set up at least two weeks worth of checkin boxes for a daily publication.

If you circulate the title, make sure the Create item record during check-in option box is checked. If you do not circulate the title, make sure the option box is not checked.

Always create item records at time of checkin even if you do not circulate an issue until the next issue arrives. Creating an item record at the time of checkin allows you to use the computer to construct the volume enumeration keeping the enumeration format uniform. If you do not circulate the issue right away, change the item status to an “o NONCIRCULATING”. Change the item status to “- AVAILABLE” when you are ready to circulate the item.

  1. Select the Frequency of Publication.
  • The default is M Monthly.
  1. Enter the cover date.
  • Expected date defaults to the cover date.
  • Accurate dates are necessary if you are using the Claiming function.
  • To change expected date you can use shortcuts:

-type letter “t” in Expected date box and todays date will display.

-type letter “c” in Expected date box and a pop-up calendar will display.

-type letter “b” in Expected box and blank date will display.

  1. Enter the enumeration information.
  • The issues per volume default is 12.
  1. Enter Claiming and Binding information.
  • Days before claiming will depend on the frequency of publication. The formula for the number of days before claim is the publishing frequency plus half. [Example: A monthly days before claim default is 45 (30 days + 15)]
  • Unit of binding and Binding delay should be set at 0 if you do not bind serials.
  1. Click on the Advanced button to set up more than two levels of enumeration.
  1. If necessary, click on the Supplement or Index tabs found in the Advanced Create Card data box to enter captions, enumeration and other information for supplements and indexes.

  1. Proof your work then, when satisfied with the set up, click on the Submit button. This creates the checkin boxes and you are now ready to checkin an issue.
  1. Select the Save button to save your card.

NOTE: To proof read or edit/add fields to the Checkin Record click on the Record tab.

How to Checkin An Issue without Creating an Item

  1. Select the Card tab.
  1. Leave the Create Item box unchecked.
  1. Select the box belonging to the issue you wish to check in, if it is not already selected. (When selected item will display in darker shade with a black box out-lining the checkin box.)
  1. Click on the Check In button.

NOTE: To undo a check-in, right click on the box you wish to move from “Arrived back” to “Expected” and select Undo.

How to Checkin an Issue and Create an Item

  1. Select the Card tab.
  1. Select or check the Create Item box.
  1. Select the box belonging to the issue you wish to check in, if it is not already selected. (The selected checkin box will display in a darker shade with a black box out-lining it.)
  1. Click on the Check In button.

Follow the template prompts to create the item record.

  1. Select the appropriate I Type.

The I Type defaults to “10 Magazine.”

To view the list of I Type codes, double click in the text box. Select the correct code from the list and click on OK.

  1. Enter the price.

NOTE: Enter the price for an individual issue, not the subscription price.

  1. Select the appropriate Location Code.
  • The location defaults to the location code entered in the checkin record.

To view the list of location codes, double click in the text box. Select the correct code from the list and click on OK.

  1. Select the item status.
  • If the item can circulate immediately, select - AVAILABLE.
  • If you will not circulate the issue right away, select O NONCIRCULATING. Then change the status to - AVAILABLE when you are ready to circulate the item.
  1. Enter the agency code.
  1. Scan the item barcode.
  1. Enter your library and staff initials.

The completed item record will display. You can correct any mistakes by clicking the cursor in the field and editing the information.

  1. Click on the Save icon.
  1. Answer Yes to save.
  • Yes saves both the item record and the checkin.
  • If you chose No, you will lose the checkin as well as not saving the item record.
