CV – Olof Ejermo


Web address /
Home address / Mistelvägen 15, SE-244 71 Dösjebro, Sweden
Email / (work), (private)
Phone / +46462229650 (work), +46736946342 (mobile)
Born / December 8, 1972
Languages / Swedish
Swedish (mother tongue), English (fluent), German (very good)


2017- / Study director at CIRCLE, Lund University
2016- / Research associate at the Institute for Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis (Myndigheten för tillväxtpolitiska utvärderingar och analyser/Tillväxtanalys)
2015-2017 / Research associate at VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd)
2014-2015 / Advisor to the “The Medium Term Survey of the Swedish Economy” (Långtidsutredningen) on R&D, innovations and growth, Swedish Department of Finance
2012- / Member of the supervisory board at CIRCLE, Lund University
2011- / Senior lecturer in Innovation Economics at CIRCLE, Lund University
2009-2011 / Associate senior lecturer in Innovation Economics, CIRCLE, Lund University
2009 / Researcher at CIRCLE, Lund University
2005-2009 / Member of the management board, CIRCLE, Lund University
Assistant professor, CIRCLE, Lund University
2001-2004 / PhD candidate, Department of Economics, Jönköping International Business School
2002 / Visiting PhD-student, Bocconi University, Milan
2000 / Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Jönköping International Business School
1999-2000 / Forest Economist, the National Board of Forestry (Skogsstyrelsen), Jönköping

Education and titles

2010 / Associate Professor (Docent) in Innovation Economics, School of Economics and Management at LU
2004 / PhD in Economics, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS)
1999 / B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Economics from School of Economics and Management, Lund University


1.  Asheim, B., Ejermo, O. and Rickne, A. (eds., 2010), When is Regional ’Beautiful’? Implications for Knowledge Flows, Entrepreneurship and Innovation,”Reprint of Industry & Innovation, 16(1), Routledge: New York

2.  Ejermo, O. (2004). Perspectives on Regional and Industrial Dynamics of Innovation. PhD thesis: Jönköping International Business School.

JOURNAL ARTICLES under peer review

1.  Ejermo, O. (2017), “University invention and the abolishment of the professor's privilege in Finland"


1.  Ejermo, O. and Schubert, T. (2017), “Do Higher Wages Reduce Knowledge Worker’s Job Mobility? Evidence for Swedish Inventors,” Accepted for publication in Journal of Management Studies

2.  Ejermo, O. and Zheng, Y. (2017), "Liberalization of European migration and the immigration of skilled people to Sweden," Accepted for publication in IZA Journal of Development and Migration

3.  Ejermo O. and Källström, J. (2016), “What is the causal effect of R&D on patenting activity in a professor’s privilege country? Evidence from Sweden”, Small Business Economics, 47(3), 677-694.

4.  Ejermo, O. and Hansen, H.K. (2015), “How Important are Local Inventive Milieus: The role of Birthplace, High School and University Education,” Geoforum, 65 (October), 387–397 (Open Access)

5.  Zheng, Y. and Ejermo, O. (2015), “How do the foreign-born perform in inventive activity? Evidence from Sweden,” Journal of Population Economics 28(3), 659-695.

6.  Ejermo, O. and J. Xiao (2014), ”Entrepreneurship and the Business Cycle: Do New Technology-Based Firms Differ?,” Small Business Economics 43(2), 411-426 (Open Access)

7.  Jung, T. and O. Ejermo (2014),”Demographic patterns and trends in patenting: Gender, age, and education of inventors,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 86 (July), 110-124 (Open Access)

8.  Ejermo, O. and Bergman, K. (2014), ”Services vs. Manufacturing - How Does Foreign and Domestic Sales Impact on their R&D?", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 14(3), 367-391

9.  Ejermo, O. and Kander, A. (2011), “Swedish Business Research Productivity,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(4), 1081-1118

10.  Ejermo, O., Kander, A. and Svensson Henning, M. (2011), ”The R&D-Growth Paradox Arises in Fast-Growing Sectors,” Research Policy, 40(5), 664-672

11.  Ejermo, O. (2009), “Regional Innovation Measured by Patent Data – Does Quality Matter?,” Industry & Innovation, 16(2), 141-165

12.  Asheim, B., Ejermo, O. and Rickne, A. (2009), “When is Regional ’Beautiful’? Implications for Knowledge Flows, Entrepreneurship and Innovation,” Introduction to the Special Issue, Industry & Innovation, 16(1), 1-9

13.  Andersson, M. and Ejermo, O. (2008), “Technology Specialization and the Magnitude and Quality of Exports,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 17, 355-375

14.  Ejermo, O. and Karlsson, C. (2006), “Interregional Inventor Networks as Studied by Patent Coinventorships,” Research Policy, 35(3), 412-430

15.  Andersson, M. and Ejermo, O. (2005), “How does Accessibility to Knowledge Sources Affect the Innovativeness of Corporations? Evidence from Sweden,” Annals of Regional Science, 39(4), 741-765

16.  Ejermo, O. (2005), “Technological Diversity and Jacobs's Externality Hypothesis Revisited,” Growth and Change, 36(2), Spring, 167-195.


1.  Ejermo, O. (2017) and Källström, J., ”Hur effektivt tar akademin fram innovationer?,” Ekonomisk Debatt, 2, 29-40 [How efficient is academia in producing innovations?]

2.  Ejermo, O. (2012), “Gammal uppfinner bäst – lärosätenas effekter på patentering via anställda och studenter,” Ekonomisk Debatt, 3, 37-51 [The Older the Wiser – Effect on Patenting by Universities on Employees and Students]

3.  Kander, A., Ejermo, O. and Schön, L. (2007), “De empiriska paradoxernas upplösning: FoU och tillväxten” [The Dissolvement of Paradoxes: R&D and Growth], Ekonomisk Debatt, 5, 6-15


1.  Ejermo, O. and Gråsjö, U. (2014), Accessibility to R&D – a reexamination of the consequences for invention and innovation, In C. Karlsson, B. Johansson, K. Kobayashi and R. Stough (Eds.): Knowledge and Innovation in Space. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.

2.  Ejermo, O., Andersson, M. (2013), Tre versioner av den svenska paradoxen (ch. 3) in Det innovativa Sverige – Sverige som kunskapsnation i en internationell kontext, Stockholm: Esbri and VINNOVA

3.  Andersson, M., Ejermo, O., Lavesson, N., Lööf, H., Ylinenpää, H. and Wincent, J. (2013), Introduktion (Introductory chapter) in Det innovativa Sverige – Sverige som kunskapsnation i en internationell kontext, Stockholm: Esbri and VINNOVA

4.  Ejermo, O. (2013), Challenges in studying green competitiveness, chapter 3, in: Benchmarking green competitiveness - An attempt to measure the green competitiveness of Swedish manufacturing. Östersund: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis (Tillväxtanalys)

5.  Ejermo, O. and Gråsjö, U. (2011), Invention, innovation and regional growth in Swedish regions, In Johansson, B., Karlsson, C. and Stough, R. (Eds.): Innovation, Technology and Knowledge: Their Role in Economic Development, London: Routledge

6.  Ejermo, O. (2010), Trender i svensk forskningsproduktivitet (In Swedish “Trends in Swedish Research Productivity”), In Braunerhjelm, P. (Ed.): En Innovationsstrategi för Sverige, Swedish Economic Forum Report

7.  Ejermo, O. and Kander, A. (2009), The Swedish Paradox Revisited, In C. Karlsson, B. Johansson and R. Stough (Eds.): Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Functional Regions. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.

8.  Andersson, M. and Ejermo, O. (2004), Sectoral Knowledge Production in Swedish Regions 1993-1999. In C. Karlsson, P. Flensburg, and S.-Å. Hörte (Eds.): Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

9.  National Board of Forestry (1999), Chapters 13 and 14 in Statistical Yearbook of Forestry. Jönköping: The Swedish National Board of Forestry


1.  Ejermo, O. (2007), Innovation, industrial dynamics and structural transformation: Schumpeterian legacies – Edited by Uwe Cantner and Malerba, Franco, Papers in Regional Science, 87(2), 305-306

2.  Ejermo, O. (2007), “Lättillgängligt om tillväxt”, Ekonomisk Debatt, 7, 68-69 (Review of Helpman, E. (2006), Tillväxtens mysterier, Stockholm: SNS, the Swedish translation of Elhanan Helpman (2004), The Mystery of Economic Growth, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press)


1.  Ejermo, O. (2016), Den svaga länken? Inkubatorernas roll i det svenska innovationssystemet [A Weak Link? The Role of Incubators in the Swedish Innovation System], Örebro University and Entrepreneurship Forum, Örebro

2.  Andersson, M., Ejermo, O. and Källström, J. (2014), Forskning och utveckling i Göteborgsregionen - omfattning, inriktning och kopplingar till den övriga lokala ekonomin, CIRCLE och Business Region Göteborg

3.  Ejermo, O. (2014), Patenteringsverksamhet vid Lunds universitet 1996-2006, CIRCLE and LU Innovation, Lund: Lund University, Sweden

4.  Ejermo, O. (2012), Universitet som drivkraft för tillväxt och utveckling [Universities as drivers for growth and development], Örebro University and Entrepreneurship Forum, Örebro

5.  Andersson, M., Dieden, S. and Ejermo, O. (2012), Näringslivets forskningsverksamhet – hur sårbart är Sverige på en global marknad? [Research in Swedish business – how vulnerable is it on a global market?], Globaliseringsforum Report #4, Entrepreneurship Forum, Stockholm

6.  Ejermo, O. (2012), Svensk innovationskraft – ett innovationsekonomiskt perspektiv [Swedish Innovation Drivers – an Innovation Economics Perspective], Entrepreneurship Forum, Stockholm

7.  Ejermo, O. and T. Jung (2012), Radical technologies and diverse technology-bases, Final report (deliverable 2.4.6) for AEGIS (Advancing Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Economic Growth and Social Well-being in Europe), large-scale integrated EU-project

8.  Bergman, K., Ejermo, O., Fischer, J., Hallonsten, O., Hansen, H.K. and Moodysson, J. (2010), Effects of VINNOVA Programmes on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - the cases of Forska&Väx and VINN NU, the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), Stockholm: VINNOVA Analysis VA 2010:09

9.  Ejermo, O., Enflo, K. and Kander, A. (2007), Offentlig forskning och utveckling och tillväxt, Report to the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA)

10.  Andersson, T. and Ejermo, O. (2005), Effort and Performance of R&D in Sweden, Malmö IKED

11.  Ejermo, O. (2001), Entreprenörer i skogsbruket 1993 – 1998, Rapport 7/2001, Jönköping: The Swedish National Board of Forestry

12.  Ejermo, O., Johansson, B., Karlsson, C., Larsson, S. and Pettersson, L. (2000). Skattekraft i Nässjö kommun. Report to Nässjö municipality

13.  Ejermo, O., Karlsson, C. and Klaesson, J. (2000). Åkerinäringens samhällsekonomiska betydelse. Report to the Swedish Road Haulage Association and the Transport workers union


1.  Ejermo O. and Källström, J. (2015), “What is the causal effect of R&D on patenting activity in a professor’s privilege country? Evidence from Sweden”, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2015/43

2.  Zheng, Y. and Ejermo, O. (2015), “How Do the Foreign-born Perform in Inventive Activity? Evidence from Sweden,” CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2015/9

3.  Ejermo, O. and H.K. Hansen (2014), “How Important are Local Inventive Milieus: The role of Birthplace, High School and University Education”, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2014/15

4.  Ejermo, O. and Bergman, K. (2013), ”Services vs. Manufacturing - How Does Foreign and Domestic Sales Impact on their R&D?", CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2013/21

5.  Ejermo, O. and J. Xiao (2013), Entrepreneurship and the Business Cycle: Do New Technology-Based Firms Differ?, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2013/19

6.  Ejermo, O. and T. Jung (2012), Demographic patterns and trends in patenting: Gender, age, and education of inventors, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2012/05

7.  Ejermo, O. (2011), Svenska uppfinnare – nytt datamaterial och ny inblick i innovationsprocessen [Swedish inventors – new data and insights into the innovation process], Report to the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, Working paper/PM 2011:14, also published as Working paper for Entrepreneurship forum

8.  Bergman, K. and Ejermo, O. (2011), Swedish Business R&D and its Export Dependence, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2011/05 and Department of Economics Working Paper, WP2011:26

9.  Ejermo, O., Kander, A. and Svensson-Henning, M. (2008), The Swedish Paradox Arises in Fast Growing Sectors, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2008/07

10.  Ejermo, O. and Gråsjö, U. (2008), The Effects of R&D on Regional Invention and Innovation, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2008/03

11.  Ejermo, O. (2007), Regional innovation measured by patent data – does quality matter?, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2007/08

12.  Ejermo, O. and Kander, A. (2007), Swedish business research productivity – improvements against international trends, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2007/07

13.  Ejermo, O. (2006), Inventive and innovative activity over time and geographical space: the case of Sweden, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2006/14

14.  Ejermo, O. and Kander, A. (2006), Trends in R&D, innovation and productivity in Sweden 1985-2002, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2006/09

15.  Andersson, M. and Ejermo, O. (2006), Technology and Trade: An Analysis of Technology Specialization and Export Flows, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2006/05

16.  Ejermo, O. and Kander, A. (2006), The Swedish Paradox, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP2006/01

17.  Ejermo, O. and Karlsson, C. (2005), Interregional Inventor Networks as Studied by Patent Co-inventorships, CIRCLE Working Paper, WP 2005/11

18.  Andersson, M. and Ejermo, O. (2004). How does Accessibility to Knowledge Sources Affect the Innovativeness of Corporations? Evidence from Sweden. CESIS Working Paper no. 3, Stockholm: CESIS (a still earlier version has been published as: Does closeness to knowledge handlers spur firms' innovativness?, JIBS Working Paper no. 2003-1, JIBS: Jönköping, Sweden).

19.  Andersson, M. and Ejermo, O. (2004). Sectoral Knowledge Production in Swedish Regions 1993-1999. CESIS Working Paper no. 5, Stockholm CESIS.

20.  Ejermo, O. (2004). Productivity Spillovers of R&D in Sweden. CESIS Working Paper no. 15, Stockholm CESIS.

21.  Ejermo, O. (2004). Technological Diversity and Jacobs' Externality Hypothesis Revisited. CESIS Working Paper no. 16, Stockholm CESIS.

22.  Ejermo, O. and Karlsson, C. (2004). Spatial Inventor Networks as Studied by Patent Coinventorship. CESIS Working Paper no. 17, Stockholm CESIS.

23.  Ejermo, O. and Johansson, B. (2004). Process Innovations in a Duopoly with Two regions. CESIS Working Paper no. 18, Stockholm CESIS.

24.  Ejermo, O. (2003). Patent Diversity as a Predictor of Regional Innovativeness in Sweden. CESPRI working paper no. 140, Bocconi University Milan, Italy.


1.  Ejermo, O. and Xiao, J. (2012), Entrepreneurship and the Business Cycle: Does Inventive Entrepreneurship Differ?, In I. Bernard (Ed.): Entrepreneurship and Innovation Networks, Papers presented at the Uddevalla Symposium 14-16 June 2012, Faro, Portugal

2.  Ejermo, O. and Gråsjö, U. (2009), The Effects of R&D on Regional Invention and Innovation, In I. Johansson (Ed.): Spatially Dispersed Production and Network Governance. Papers presented at the Uddevalla Symposium 15-17 May 2008, Kyoto, Japan

3.  Ejermo, O. and Kander, A. (2006), The Swedish Paradox: Myth or Reality? In I. Johansson (Ed.): Innovations and Entrepreneurship in Functional Regions. Papers presented at the Uddevalla Symposium 2005, 15-17 September, Uddevalla, Sweden.

4.  Ejermo, O. and Karlsson, C. (2005), Spatial Inventor Networks as Studied by Patent Coinventorship In I. Johansson (Ed.): Regions in Competition and Co-operation. Papers presented at the Uddevalla Symposium 2003, 12-14 June, Uddevalla, Sweden