Gender Equality Action Plan
Possible Gender Issue / Situation at Present / Action/Objective / Time scale / Persons involved / Success CriteriaAchievement of pupils / All pupils receive the support they need in order to achieve. Data at end of Key Stages would back this up. / To continue to use successful tracking methods and assessment in order to identify those pupils who require additional support / Ongoing throughout the year / All class teachers, SENCO and assessment co-ordinator, teaching assistants to carry out intervention programmes. / Raiseonline data to show that there is no significant gender difference in achievement
Sports and extra curricular activities / All pupils are given an equal opportunity to participate in sports and extra curricular activities. / To continue to offer sporting opportunities and after school clubs to all pupils / Ongoing throughout the year. / Teachers and those people who organize sports day and after school sport. / List of pupil participation
Staffing Recruitment / All positions are advertised and open to either male or female. Applications are judged strictly on merit. / To ensure all applications are considered strictly on merit. / As and when vacancies arise / Governors and Headteacher / All candidates given feedback by Headteacher
Staffing Pay
Trainee teachers including work experience students / All employees are paid in line with nationally agreed pay scales
Placements are encouraged by both male and female persons / To ensure that all staff are paid on the correct scale
As and when trainee teachers are placed with us, and the same applies to work experience students / Ongoing
As and when the are placed in school. / Headteacher, Chair of Staffing, Office Manager
Headteacher, class teacher mentor / to be monitored by the Finance Committee
Positive feedback from tutors
Outside agencies / All outside agencies including Educational Psychologist, speech therapists, behavior support, both male and female are welcome at our school. / To ensure that all pupils have access to the appropriate support. / As the need requires. / Headteacher, SENCO other staff / Impact of the support has a positive effect on those pupils who access it.
Governors / Positions are open to both female and male. We welcome a balance of gender on our Governing Body / To ensure the school is well governed / As and when vacancies occur / Chair of Governors, Headteacher , Swindon Governor Support / Ongoing review og governing body membership and vacancy management.
Policies / All policies are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are in line with the gender equality and equal opportunities policy. / To ensure all policies are reviewed to meet ant statutory duties. / Ongoing and whenever a new policy is written / Headteacher,, Teachers and Governors / Updated policies in place
SEF / New statutory duty under Community Cohesion to include equality issues. / To ensure evidence is available to demonstrate compliance with the new statutory duty. / ongoing / Headteacher, Teachers and Governors / To have a successful discussion at the School Improvement Partner meetings
Contact with Parents / Letters or invitations to events addressed to both parents. Where parents do not live at the same address individual letters sent at their request. Newsletters posted on website to ensure access for all / To continue to involve both parents in pupils’ education. / ongoing / Office Manager, Headteacher, admin officer, Teachers / Use of website to ensure access of information
Uniform / Amend prospectus to list uniform without reference to boys and girls. / immediately / Headteacher / To have the prospectus amended.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE