


Intro/Statement of problem
Devel. Points
Logical Order & Sequencing / Well-developed introduction with a clear thesis, development points with separate paragraphs for each, and a conclusion that fully summarizes paper. Paper reflects a thoughtful and insightful response to the prompt. / Paper has clear thesis but lacks either a well-developed introduction or a conclusion that fully summarizes paper or sufficient development of points or paragraphs contain more than one idea. Good response to the prompt. / Paper has a clear thesis but lacks a strong introduction or a conclusion that fully summarizes paper. Paper lacks sufficient development of points or paragraphs contain more than one idea. Essay contains more summary than response by the student. / Thesis is unclear. Introduction is missing or weak; insufficient supporting points; paragraphs are not distinct; conclusion does not summarize paper or is missing altogether. There is no clear order to argument. / Paper shows no organization. No thesis is evident. There are no supporting points and paragraphs are not distinct. There is no logic to the order of information.


Supporting Details
Conceptual Understanding
Elaboration / Topic is argued successfully with evidence that supports thesis. Supporting detail is substantial, relevant and accurate. / Topic is argued effectively with evidence that supports thesis. Supporting detail is clear with some need for revision in accuracy, relevancy and/or elaboration. / Topic is argued but supporting detail is not clear and/or does not sufficiently support thesis. Student needs further elaboration on key points from the text. Quotes are out of sync with referenced points. / Topic is not argued successfully. Supporting detail is vague and unclear. Information is irrelevant, inaccurate and/or undeveloped. Response lacks specific textual evidence or quotes. / Topic is not argued successfully. Supporting detail is confusing irrelevant and inaccurate. Too many details have been omitted.

Writing Mechanics

Editing / Very few errors in usage, mechanics and spelling.
Apparent and diligent editing is demonstrated. / A few errors exist but not enough to interfere with the readability of the paper. / Meaning of work is clouded due to errors. Statements are unclear due to errors in mechanics. Syntax is limited or confusing. / Errors are a major distraction to reader. / Too many errors to effectively follow argument.


Word Choice
Varied Sentences / Word choice and phrasing are appropriate. Transitions are used to connect points to thesis. Sentences are varied, complex and well worded / Word choice and phrasing are mostly appropriated. Transitions are used to connect points to thesis. Some variety in sentence structure / Word choice and/or phrasing are sometimes inappropriate. Transitions are not consistently used to link points to thesis. / Word choice and/or phrasing are often inappropriate. Transitions are either missing or are too weak to provide unity and flow. / Word choice and/or phrasing are inappropriate. There are no transitions.