Centennial High School Governance Council

Meeting Agenda – January 24, 2014 7:30 am – 8:30 am

(This meeting does allow time for public comment)

7:30-7:35 am: Call to Order

7:35-7:40 am: Public Comments (2 2 min slots)

7:40-7:50 am: Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

December 18 Meeting Minutes

7:50-8:25 am: Discussion Items

Discussion of Seed Fund Proposals

Submit deadline – February 10

Community / Parent Survey

Revision of February 24, 2014 Meeting Date; Conflict with Seed Fund Presentations

8:25-8:27 am: Information Items

8:28-8:30 am: Announcements and Adjournment

Centennial High School – Governance Council Meeting

Media Center Conference Room

Minutes –January 24, 2014

Members present: Caroline Truax, Dave Nabors, Scott Kent, Amanda Otto, Shellie Caplinger, Kibbey Crumbley, Marcelle Male, Eva Taylor, Karen LeCates, Kathy Yadegari, Allison Eames.

Members absent: Jim Eason

Guests: none

The following items were on the agenda:

The meeting was called to order by Karen LeCates at 7:32am.

There was no public comment.

Dave Nabors moved and Shellie Caplinger seconded approving the agenda as presented. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Scott Kent moved and Amanda Otto seconded approving the minutes of the December Council meeting. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Discussion of Seed Fund Proposals

Summer School

There is a strong possibility that the county will be distributing money out to individual schools this year so that they can run their own summer school programs. That, plus the money available in the Summer Bridge program should allow us to provide some unique opportunities for all students this summer. We will take a checkpoint after this summer and determine if we need to apply for seed fund money next year for our 2015 Summer School program. For these reasons, the SGC will not be applying for seed fund money for the 2015 Summer School program this year.


The schools in south county are applying for the AVID program, so Centennial has been added into their proposal. So, all fees will be taken care of by the county. Centennial will have to incur tutoring and supply fees to be part of the AVID program, so the SGC will be applying for seed fund money to cover those expenses.

Weight Training Equipment

The budget and action plan will be completed shortly for this proposal. The football program has been very instrumental in the development of this plan. All sports need to be encouraged to utilize this equipment and facility.

Media Center

This proposal needs to get approval from the Fulton County Schools facilities group.

There was discussion on areas that the SGC would like to pursue in the future. There probably needs to be another survey of the community and parents to get a checkpoint of where things are. A suggestion was made to perhaps include the feeder middle school communities in the survey as well. Ideas for the future include:

·  International Baccalaureate – Eva Taylor will organize a committee to look into this.

·  More dual enrollment opportunities

·  Add a new Career Tech program

·  Pursue additional internships through discussions with local business owners

The Outreach and Communications committee will be meeting in the next couple of weeks.

The next Council meeting has been changed to February 25, 2014 at 7:30am in the Media Center Conference Room.

Future meeting dates: 3/31, 4/28

The meeting adjourned at 8:34 am.

Summary of Meeting Actions – January 27, 2014 Centennial High School Governance Council Meeting

Eleven of twelve Council members were present for the January 27, 2014 Council Meeting at Centennial High School.

Agenda Items and Actions (The council took action on the following agenda items)

Approved Agenda for January 2014 Council Meeting

Approved Minutes from December 2013 Council Meeting

Discussion Seed Fund Proposals

Discussion Community/Parent Survey

Discussion Revision of February 24 meeting date