Surname / Date of birth


Telephone / Mobile phone
Examination module (please circle)
Module 1
Language and background to language learning and teaching / Module 2
Planning lessons and use of resources for language teaching / Module 3
Managing the teaching and learning process
Module 4
TKT: Knowledge about Language / Module 5
TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning / Module 6:
TKT: Young Learners
Examination session (please circle)
February / May / November / December
If you have a special need or disability you need to fill in a special arrangements request now. Contact your exam centre immediately.
Method of payment: / Način plaćanja:
Ban transfer to the giro account:
IBAN: HR5224840081105845585
Beneficiary: British Council Croatia, Zagreb, Palmotićeva 60/1
Field 'Poziv na broj' - Please leave empty
For the purpose of payment PLEASE STATE:
1.  Candidate name and surname
2.  Address, town
3.  Exam and exam session / Bankovnim transferom na žiro račun:
IBAN: HR5224840081105845585
Naziv korisnika: British Council Croatia, Zagreb, Palmotićeva 60
Poziv na broj: Ostaje prazno
Za svrhu uplate OBAVEZNO NAVESTI:
1.  Ime i prezime kandidata
2.  Adresu, grad
3.  Naziv ispita i ispitni termin


1  Registered candidates will receive a Statement of Entry and Notice to Candidates with all the details about the time and the venue of your examination.

2  Once you have registered, you will not be able to transfer to a later examination sitting or to a different level of examination.

3  The fee will not be refunded in case of failing or withdrawal from the exam.

4  If the candidate is unable to sit the written part of the examination because of illness and submits a medical statement, he/she may ask for a refund of only 50% of the exam fee. The medical statement with the diagnosis written clearly in Latin or English must be presented within seven days of the date of the examination.

Special examination conditions can be arranged for candidates who have disabilities (e.g. Braille papers and extra time for blind candidates). If you require special arrangements we should be informed about that at least a week before the registration deadline. Your request must be supported by medical evidence not older than 2 years and the diagnosis written clearly in Latin or English.

250,00 kn
/ per module



The British Council and the Examining Boards take all reasonable steps to provide continuity of service.We feel sure you will understand, however, that we cannot be made responsible for any interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control. If examinations or their results are disrupted, cancelled or delayed, every effort will be made to resume normal service as soon as possible. The British Council’s liability will be limited to the refund of the registration fee or re-testing at a later date.

By sending this entry form to the British Council Croatia Examination Services and by ticking the check boxes below this text you confirm that you understand that you are registering to take the TKT exam with the British Council.

I accept the conditions of registration and will observe the Cambridge English regulations and the British Council arrangements.

I agree to the British Council passing on my personal data for registration purposes to Cambridge English Language Assessment.

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