International Listening Association 39th Annual Convention

Dublin, Ireland

June 20-23, 2018

Proposal Form

  1. Presenter(s) details
  2. Proposal details
  3. Presenter agreement
  4. Additional items
  5. Submission date, deadline and how to submit
  1. Presenter(s) details

Main contact: The person sending in this proposal (the person to whom we will respond).

Last name:First name:





Mailing address:

Additional presenters names and contact details: Please provide the same contact information as above if others are presenting with you.

Names of any presenters who are students:

  1. Proposal details

Program title:

Program placement: This program proposal is intended for(select or highlight one):

Listening in Healthcare Settings on 20 June 2018

The ILA 39th Annual Convention 21-23 June 2018. I understand that my program may be scheduled on any of these days to provide the best convention experience for attendees.

Either of the above. My program focuses on listening in healthcare.

Program format and length: Please select or highlight from the list below the format and program length that best suits your content.

Facilitated discussions: a time for fruitful exchange of innovative ideas, approaches to current challenges, and exploration of new frontiers where questions are posed, the facilitator guides and captures the output to be shared convention wide. Discussions last between 24 and 42 minutes.

Papers/Presentations: this option is the classic form of presentation. Presenters will present in front of an audience using slides if required. Please attach your paper, or describe your presentation. Presentations last between 12 and 48 minutes and may include time for questions.

TED-like Talks: dynamic delivery, creative content, quality thinking, 1 great idea. Presenters giving this kind of talk will be asked to work with a speaking coach provided by ILA. These talks last between 6 and 12 minutes.

Panels: discussion panels will include 2-4 speakers presenting different perspectives of the primary subject as well as a Moderator/Chair to introduce the speakers and direct questions from the audience. Where appropriate, attach paper if complete. Panels last between 24 and 42 minutes

Performance: this is especially suited to (but not limited to) those working in the media or performing arts. These programs last between 6 and 36 minute which may include time for questions and discussion.

Workshop/Short Courses: these programs will be interactive and will share best practices or introduce material that can be put to immediate use. Up to 72 minutes will be allocated for these programs.

Poster presentations: this option is ideal for those who are at an early stage of their work or are presenting for the first time. It consists in preparing a poster which summarizes the main points of the work. Between 6 and 12 minutes.

Webinar: this is designed for all those who cannot physically attend the conference but would be willing to present using technology. 24- 48-minute time slot including time for questions or discussion.

After Action Review:presenting an experience and deconstructing the lessons learned, questions raised, plans made. 6-12 minutes.

Exhibits: display of art, artifacts and symbols related to Listening during the convention including drawings, photographs, paintings, sculpture, quilts, etc. On display throughout the convention.

Program description: Please explain below in 3-4 sentences a summary of the proposed presentation suitable for publishing in the program listing (max 250 words)

Program objectives: Please list below in bullet points:key learning, or impact of your presentation.

Keywords: To help us organize meaningful program sequences, please provide up to 6 keywords to define/describe your program. You may select from possible track ideas below or create your own. Max 6 keywords to describe your approach, methods and/or content:

Your keywords (max 6)

Example program tracks and keywords:

  • Applied Settings: business, healthcare, organizational, governmental
  • Relational: Listening in among intimates, family members, and friends
  • Humanities: arts, performance, lived experience, spiritual experience, facilitated groups
  • Neurobiological/Psychological: the mind/body connection to listening, how our physiology, chemistry, biology, neurology, and psychological processing impacts Listening
  • Education: primary, secondary, college, graduate, adult instruction on Listening
  • Theory and research: paradigms, frameworks, methods, assessment
  • Civic and public spaces: to connect strangers, for social change, and social justice,
  • Miscellaneous: for those whose work informs our understanding of Listening and may not fit our framework, we welcome new vantage points eg. Listening across species, architecture and its impact on Listening, Listening and technology etc.

A/V Needs: PC computers will be available in each room. Please indicate yes or no as follows:

___Yes, I need a projector and screen. I understand there will be no AV support.

___No, I do not need a projector or screen

Trinity College provides PC windows-based computers in each room. If not using your own computer, presenters should plan on bringing their presentation on a USB memory stick or accessing it from the web. Alternatively, presenters should provide their own computer, external drives, adaptors, connection cables, video/TV, flip charts and markers, etc. Presenters are expected to set up their own technology. Unfortunately, there will be no additional support. Please note Ireland and the UK use the same current and plugs. You may need to bring a power converter and plug adaptor.

Describe bellow any special room or setup requests: we will do our best to accommodate or inform you of room limitations.

Submissions may be eligible for International Listening Association Awards.

  1. Additional itemsPlease provide bellow or attach:

___ An abstract or longer program descritption to give participants and reviewers a fuller understanding of your program content/format)

___ A paragraph Bio for each presenter

___ A Curriculum Vitae or long form Bio for each presenter (this can be a link to an online CV or Bio if desired).

___ A photograph for each presenter

___A Video sample (where applicable)

  1. Presenter agreement: By submitting this proposal I understand:

My program may be scheduled on any of these days to provide the best convention experience for attendees.

All presenters are required to register for the convention and pay the convention fee.Only registered convention participants may attend sessions. ILA members are eligible for reduced convention registration fees. For more information, visit the ILA convention website

If using a Trinity College provided PC computer, presenters should bring their presentation on a USB memory stick or plan on accessing it from the web.

If presenters provide their own computer, external drives, adaptors, connection cables, video/TV, flip charts and markers, etc. please expect to set up your own technology. Unfortunately, there will be no additional support. Please note Ireland and the UK use the same current and plugs. You may need to bring a power converter and plug adaptor.

  1. Submission date, deadline and how to submit:

This proposal is submitted on: ______

Proposal deadline: by 15 January 2018 (23:59 USA Eastern time).

Submit proposals to: subject line ILA 2018 Dublin Proposal