Magenup Adult Riders

Magenup Equestrian Center, De Haerroad, Wandi



With a twist!

Thankyou to our sponsors:

Saddle Tack Australia

Oakford Stock Feeds

Nagmart Maddington

Off The Track

Maxi Soy

This show is for ADULT RIDERS only. You must be a full member of an adult riding club to enter.


Jump heights- Ground poles, 30cm and 45cm

Dressage tests- Ground poles and 30cm option of Prep test (walk/trot) or Prelim test (walk trot and canter. 45cm will be a prelim test only.

Cross country: Will be a mix of jumps in your class height, and handy pony type games and activities. This can be done ridden or in-hand.

Sunday August 23 - Fun ODE #1
Sunday November 15 - Fun ODE #2

Starting at 8.30am

Entry Fee per ODE

$60 for Magenup members

$75 for Non Magenup members

(Price includes ground fee and public liability insurance)

Entries open Via Global Entries Online-

Magenup Members can enter from 1st July 2015 for both ODE’s

Non Magenup Members can enter from 7th July 2015 for both ODE’s

This is a beginner ODE. This show is aimed at nervous Nellies (and Neds) that are not ready for the big wide world of eventing from E-grade onwards. If you have regularly competed in the E grade PCAWA before PCAWA dropped the E grade height for open riders, and have placed 1-3rd place, then this ODE is not for you and we discourage you from entering.


Class / Dressage test / Show jumping height / XC /handy pony
1A / Walk/Trot
Prep A / Ground Poles / A mix of ground poles and jumps, with handy pony/games activities.
Do as much as you can for points in the allocated time
Can be done in-hand or ridden and at a walk, trot, or canter.
1B / Walk/Trot/Canter
Prelim 1.1 / Ground Poles
2A / Walk/Trot
Prep A / 30CM
2B / Walk/Trot/Canter
Prelim 1.1 / 30CM
3 / Walk/Trot/Canter
Prelim 1.2 / 45CM


1 sausage sizzle provided FREE per entry.

Free instant tea or coffee (coffee from fancy machine for sale).


Helpers will be given a cupcake or piece of fruit and a drink for their efforts. We appreciate the support and cannot run this event without them.

A draw will be posted 1 week prior to event, with all helper duties and an explanation of what each duty is and where they will need to be for their duty.

Your helper does not need to be experienced.

If for some reason you are unable to make it, you are still required to do your helper duty please as we rely on each and every helper to ensure the day runs smoothly.


An ambulance will not be on site for this event. If you require an ambulance one will be called for you at your expense. Persons with current senior first aid will be present on the grounds on the day of the event. In the case of a rider fall, an incident report must be filled out and rider must be checked over by first aid.


Your entry fee includes day insurance. This is a public liability insurance and not personal accident insurance. In the event you or your horse causes injury or damage to people or property at the event an excess will apply. You ride at your own risk and Magenup adult riders group take no responsibility for personal injuries to the rider or horse. All riders must sign a waiver at the club house when registering before mounting their horse.

Registration at club-house open from 7am.

Our gates are always open so come as early as you please.

Please keep in mind this event will run for most of the day.


  • Your adult riders Club uniform to be worn in all 3 phases.
  • All entrants are to provide a helper for 3 hours, sorry no self-help.
  • Approved helmets and appropriate footwear is to be worn- including if you are doing your XC phase in-hand and if you are leading someone “lead line”, person leading must be in appropriate foot wear and helmet.
  • You will be gear checked before each phase. Your gear must be in good condition and safe to proceed in.
  • Bitless bridles are allowed, but not halters (unless you are doing XC in hand). You are welcome to do your phases in any saddle.
  • Good horsemanship and sportsmanship will be encouraged at all times
  • Riders to have a number bib (bring safety pins if you don’t have one so we can pin to your shirt) and a bridle number. Numbers will be provided on registration.
  • Well behaved stallions are welcome. Stallion must wear a green disk at all times.
  • No dogs to be on premises
  • No one other than the rider entered can ride on the grounds.
  • No other horses on the grounds except for the horse entered.
  • Due to lack of warm up space, lunging of horses are not allowed on grounds.
  • A maximum of 6 people may be in the warm up arenas at a time.
  • You will be directed for parking at the gate, please listen clearly for instructions. Floats are to be parked in the white gravel area if float parking section is full. Horses are not to be tied to the float in this area.
  • There will be no elimination from any phase except for the case of a horse or rider fall. In the event of a rider fall, or horse fall, the rider is asked to leave the ring and present to first aid at the club house. The rider and horse may continue to compete in other phases at their own risk. The rider is not permitted to ‘retry’ or complete that phase if there is a fall.
  • Dressage judge and Show jumping Judge will give an “awesomeness score” out of 50 on top of the dressage or jumping score. Magenup “awesomeness score” is a combination of horsemanship, sportsmanship and enjoyment by the rider. This will go towards your final score.
  • If you are unable to attend, a vet or medical certificate must be provided to receive a refund
  • If you scratch or are unable to attend, YOU MUST STILL DO YOUR HELPER DUTY
  • Camping is permitted. Please advise event organiser if you are camping. Toilets and shower will be opened over night for your convenience.
  • Bays and yards: Please only use a yard if your horse will NOT cross tie in a bay under cover. You are welcome to use float yards or tie your horse to your float in the designated areas (as the parking director on arrival).
  • Please ensure all manure and hay is removed before you leave.

How magenup ODE works…

Magenup ODE is all about encouragement, having a go, and getting some confidence. Above all it’s about enjoying the day out with your legged best buddy.

The dressage phase:

Dressage will be scored and converted to a percentage.

Plaiting is optional.

Dressage tests may be called. Please organise your own caller/encourager/cheer squad.

Show jumping:

20 points allocated to each jump.

Lose 10 points for each refusal, cross of tracks or knock a pole down.

2 refusals allowed per jump, after 2 refusals rider needs to move onto next jump.

No time kept for show jumping round. Can do at own pace.

If a rider falls, any points accumulated to that point will count. A fallen rider must leave the ring and be checked by first aid.

Jumps must be jumped in the numbered order from the correct direction.

Missed jumps will lose 10 points for each jump missed unless in the case of a fall.

Ground poles and 30 cm rounds MAY have someone leading you if you wish (AKA- LEAD LINE!!), you are to organise your own person to lead you. They must not hold onto the rein- a halter can be used under the bridle with a lead rope or may just walk and run next to you for security, but just be there “in-case”. They must wear a helmet and appropriate foot wear.

  • NO Helmet cams.
  • Safety vests are not compulsory however recommended.


An appropriate time limit will apply to cross country to complete all tasks in. Once the time is up, a whistle will blow and you must leave the cross country course. All points earned to this point will be accounted for. The time provided for you to complete the course in will be at a leisurely trot pace.

If participant is in the middle of a task and the time finishes, you will receive no points for that task.

Participants must only jump or partake in the handy pony or game exercises marked with your class.

XC can be done at walk, trot or canter.

Ground poles and 30cm may do XC in hand, you will be given an additional 1minute to complete the course if done in hand.

Tasks and jumps may only done once, however you can do in any order.

Points will be displayed on each jump or task, and can be done in any order.

A description of how to complete an obstacle will be attached to each task, which can be read when walking the course.

Participants must start in the starting box. There is no finish line, you finish when the whistle is blown where ever you are on the course.

Participants must comply with PCAWA gear checking rules.

If a rider falls, any points accumulated to that point will count. A fallen rider must leave the course and be checked by first aid.

If you do an obstacle incorrectly, you will not be awarded the points for that task, however you can try again.


Each class will be placed up to 6th place, all others will receive a participation prize.

Every Entrant will receive a 10% discount voucher for Saddle Tack Australia, which you will receive on registration in the morning of the event.

From all Classes:

Highest Score off the track thoroughbred

Highest score off the track standard breed

Highest score any other breed

Highest “awesomeness score” Award*

Dressage encouragement award

Highest dressage score award

Judges Jumping Encouragement award

Judges Choice Jumping award

Each class will total to the same amount of points- Same amount of tasks/jumps in XC and same number of jumps in SJ.

*In the case of a tie, the awesome award will go to the highest dressage score.

Series Prizes:

High Point total scores from ODE 1 and ODE 2 in classes 1a, ab, 2a, 2b and C

(To be awarded end of day ODE 2 once points have been tallied. You must have entered and participated in both ODE’s to be eligible for this prize).


Entries are via Global entries online.

Entries will be open for Magenup ARC members only on the 1st of July 2015 for ODE 1 and ODE 2.

Entries will open for all other ARC members on the 7th of July 2015 for ODE 1 and ODE 2

Magenup Members should have received a code to enter online from the 1st of July, please contact us if you have not received this. From the 7th, you no longer need a code and entries will be open for all other arc members to enter.

We do suggest if you wish to do the ODE 2, enter both immediately as 2014 this was a VERY popular event and spots filled very quickly.

Entries will close when full at 55 entries or by the 10th of August for ODE 1 and by the 31st of October for ODE 2


A draw will be available 1 week prior to event with your riding times and helper duty details.

For enquires and questions, please contact Kylie Murray on 0422 410 170 or