• Leave all private sewer lateral cleanouts (white or metal caps in your yard or driveway) visible so they can be located. Remember in the event that your lateral is clogged, access to the cleanout can be the difference between a near miss and sewage backing up into your home!
  • Promptly repair or replace missing/broken lateral caps on your property.
  • Plan ahead to obtain a permit from the WBRA for all work performed on your sewer lateral – the contractor you choose may also acquire your permit from us along with construction details.
  • When in need of sewer lateral or water line repair, obtain estimates from more than one contractor who’s registered with (or willing to register with) the Authority – please contact us if you need a list of contractors who are currently registered with us.
  • Insist that your contractor places a call into the PA One-Call System at 1-800-242-1776 prior to any digging on your property and contacts our Inspector at 570-560-2023 prior to covering sewer lateral/water line repairs.
  • Feel free to ask for identification from anyone on your property claiming to be representing the Authority – please call our office at the number below if you are uncertain.
  • Visit our website @ for more information, news and events.


  • Please do not connect sump pumps, floor drains, down spouts or other sources of groundwater or surface water into your indoor plumbing, sewer lateral or any part of the sanitary sewer system – treating outside water sources raises overall treatment costs and affects our treatment plant capacity.
  • Please do not flush sanitary wipes of any kind (flushable or non-flushable), facial tissue, diapers or hygiene products into the sanitary sewer – they do not breakdown which can contribute to plumbing blockages inside your home and create costly maintenance issues within our treatment system.
  • Please do not introducemedications, fuels, oils, greases, paints, acids or solvents of any kind into the sanitary sewer - they pose a serious threat to our treatment system and our environment, and may create a hazard to our field crew members.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are experiencing sewer backup inside your home, if you notice a potential water line or sewage leak, or if you have questions about your account.

WBRA will be continuously striving to improve our sewer and water service and taking action to protect our water resources. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and welcome your feedback.

Thank you,


PO Box 428 Muncy PA 17756 Phone (570) 935-0087 Fax (570) 935-0248