Every week students will bring home books from our class library. We call them our zip-lock bag books. The permission slip below must be returned before books will be checked out.
The books are leveled and coincide with your child’s reading group books at school. We look for children to be able to read the books with 85% accuracy (on the words). More importantly, your child should be able to read the books with inflection and fluency. There is a big difference between saying the words and reading. It’s like playing the piano; playing the notes in a song is different than making the music come to life. The latter is like reading.
Take time to talk about the setting, characters and events that happen in the beginning middle and end. Talk about the author and illustrator also. Each student gets 5 books. Spend quality time with your young reader. Read a book more than one time in a setting. Read it together first, then go back and model for them by first, reading one page to them and then have them (looking at the words!!!!!) do their best to read as you did; with good inflection and fluency.
The books are $5 each to replace. We do book exchange every Monday. Please get in the habit of packing all 5 books up Sunday night, so they can be returned Monday morning. Books will only be accepted for return on Mondays unless your child is absent, or there is no school on a certain Monday.
Please make sure you return them Mondays as requested. If books are not returned not only will your child not get new books, but other students may not have enough books to check out.
Keep the top portion at home for reference. You can also find this on our webpage.
Cut and return bottom permission slip below.
Child’s name______
I understand zip-lock bag books are $5 each to replace and I will make sure they are returned Mondays as Mr. Guscott requests. I will also read them with my child and model good reading habits.
Parent/guardian signature______