MON Feb.20 – No Gems – Happy Family Day!
TUEFeb.21 - 6:00p.m.Corporate Prayer
- 6:00p.m. Cabinet Meeting
-7:00p.m. Bible study with Pastor Angel
WEDFeb.22–7:00 Restless Church discipleship class
THU Feb.23–6:30 Kindling at Bridges
- 6:30 Cadets
FRIFeb.24 – 7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast
Please keep in Prayer:
CHURCH FAMILY of the Week:
Rev. John & Wendy Baker & family
Kevin & Caitlin Williams Family PASTORAL FAMILY of the Week:
Pastor Angel & Linda Valentin& Family
MISSIONARY of the Week:
Dave & Jennifer Wright – Niamey Niger
Ainsley Haines – JK/SK
STUDENT of the week:
Beth Healey
Wheaton College Wheaton IL
You can watch past sermons
atyour convenience on
You tube
- Are you new to our church today? We very much want to welcome you. Pleasestop by our Welcome Desk in the Lobby to pick up your Complimentary gift and fun gift bags for your kids! You are invited to our coffee & treat time after the service in the fellowship.
Samaritan’s Purse extends a big thank you to our congregation for our participation in the 2016 Operation Christmas Child campaign. Because of your generosity we sent in the most boxes in our area – Thank you!
Official Board and Cabinet members please note the following dates and times for February meetings: Cabinet Meeting: Tuesday Feb. 21 @ 6p.m.
Official Board Meeting: Tuesday Feb.28 @ 6:30p.m.
- Coffee Time – The time of fellowship and refreshments that are hosted following service on Sundays are run completely by you! If you want to be a part of creating a place for the church to grow in friendship and family this is a great opportunity. Some of the tasks include putting out treats, making coffee and juice, clean up after and creating a welcoming environment. There is a sign- up sheet on the bulletin board if you are interested. Training will be provided. Thank you!
- Snacks that are provided during coffee time are donated by our church family.If you are able to donate cookies, squares, fruits, veggies, cheese or crackers it would be much appreciated. Items can be brought in on Sunday morning or in advance…just mark them as Coffee Time treats. Thank you!
- Each month our church sponsors meals to be provided to people in our community through a partnership with The Mission. Two days a week volunteers from the church prepare and serve lunch. In January 2017, 375 meals were dished up…that is approximately 35 people per day! If you want to hear stories about how this ministry is making an impact talk to Wayne Justason or Scott McFadyen.
- Tax Time: The official tax receipts are ready for pick up in the church lobby. Please pick up your receipt today.
- The names of the members of the Pastoral Leadership Task Force have been accepted by the Official Board. The members are as follows: Rosemary Skuce, Katie Valentin, Chris Malcomnson, Kevin Wills, Kevin Ingleby, Tom Evans, Tim Vandermeer, Beth Sinclair, Susan Niblock and the Chair is Derek Miedema.
- Are you interested in leading a study or small group? We’re looking for people to host and/or lead a group. Contact Pastor Randy at 613-283-5383 or for more information.
- Do you have a passion for introducing some of the youngest members of our church family to Jesus? We currently have ministry opportunities to work with the toddler & 2’s class on Sunday mornings. For more information about what this could look like please contact Pastor Emily.
Mark 5:36b
(Jesus said) “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”