Safe Gazing at the Sun Page 1 of 7
WARNING: Never look directly at the sun or at a reflection of the sun.
DO NOT USE sunglasses, smoked glass, or improper welder’s glass.
ASTRONOMY LAB - Safe Gazing at the Sun
Safe Gazing at the Sun Page 1 of 7
WARNING: Never look directly at the sun or at a reflection of the sun.
DO NOT USE sunglasses, smoked glass, or improper welder’s glass.
Describe sunspot, the sunspot cycle, flare, prominence. (See your text or the classroom section of .)
Find an image of the sun on the web.
View the sun using a number of safe techniques. Describe and sketch these techniques.
View and sketch sunspots and prominences.
Keep clear, concise records of what you see and the equipment used.
Read this write-up and read about sunspots, the sunspot cycle, flares and prominences.
In your notebook, label the top of a right page with the title “Safe Gazing at the Sun” (Table of Contents too).
Under the title, write OBJECTIVES and record the objectives.
Under the OBJECTIVES section, write PREPARATION and write a brief paragraph describing sunspots (size, why they look dark, sunspot cycle). Also briefly describe flare and prominence.
On the day of the exercise (or one day before), go to:
Click on the “Sunspots” image of the sun (upper right corner) to enlarge it. Print out the image and tape it in your notebook.
Prepare a camera or cell phone to take pictures of the setups (helpful but not necessary).
Bring this write-up, a pen, scotch tape, your notebook with the information listed above written in your notebook and with the solar image taped in your notebook. You will be in the sun for at least a half hour so protect your skin. I will have some sunscreen but you may wish to bring your own. Wear a hat too. Bring a camera or mobile phone if you want to take your own pictures.
Check the calendar and your email for any last minute changes due to the weather.
Form into groups of 2 or 3. Keep your own record.
Record, sketch, or describe: Your location, the date and time, the names of your observing partner(s), and the weather and sky conditions.
For each viewing technique, sketch and label or clearly describe what you see on the sun.
Also sketch and/or describe the instruments used and how they are set up. Another person must be able to duplicate your work from your record. You may use the photos from the next few pages. Cut them out and tape them in your notebook. Make any additional notes about the equipment and its use. Sketches are fine too. You are welcome to use a camera such as your cell phone and include those pictures.
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Observe the sun using each of the following techniquesin any order. Record the setup and your observations for each.You may use the pictures in this write-up.
Safe Projected Images of the Sun
The following 1-5 methods PROJECT the sun onto a screen.
1. Safe Projected Image of Sun - Pin hole method– Index cards
2. Safe Projected Image of Sun - Pin hole method – shoe box
Safe Gazing at the Sun Page 1 of 7
WARNING: Never look directly at the sun or at a reflection of the sun.
DO NOT USE sunglasses, smoked glass, or improper welder’s glass.
Safe Gazing at the Sun Page 1 of 7
WARNING: Never look directly at the sun or at a reflection of the sun.
DO NOT USE sunglasses, smoked glass, or improper welder’s glass.
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3. Safe Projected Image of Sun - Small hand held telescope.
DO NOT LOOK THROUGH A TELESCOPE AT THE SUN unless it is filtered.See 6 -9 below.
4. Safe Projected Image of Sun - Sunspotter
5. Safe Projected Image of Sun - Reflecting telescope (Red Astroscan telescope).
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Safe Filtered Images of the Sun
The next three methods (6-8) safely FILTER the sun’s rays.
6. Safe Filtered Image of Sun - Welder's glass (#14).
Safe Gazing at the Sun Page 1 of 7
WARNING: Never look directly at the sun or at a reflection of the sun.
DO NOT USE sunglasses, smoked glass, or improper welder’s glass.
Safe Gazing at the Sun Page 1 of 7
WARNING: Never look directly at the sun or at a reflection of the sun.
DO NOT USE sunglasses, smoked glass, or improper welder’s glass.
7. Safe Filtered Image of Sun –Wide band-pass solar filter on 10” Dobsonian telescope.
8. Safe Filtered Image of Sun - Solar Max Telescope with H-alpha filter (narrow band-pass filter)
Revised 22 January 2016