Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
Statewide Rehabilitation Council
Chairperson / Vice Chairperson / Secretary / Members at LargeAlan Greene / Dawn Clark / Lusa Lo / Lisa Chiango / Naomi Goldberg
September Quarterly Meeting
Springfield Public Library
September 13, 2016
1:30pm to 3:30pm
Meeting Minutes
West District Update
- The Dino DeBartolomeis, the western district director, provided the following updates for the FY17 year.
- Fiscal year 325 placements from western district
- Of the people served in the western district, consumers with mental health disabilities account for 39%, learning disabilities are 22% and Orthopedic are 12%.
- The average hourly wage of a consumer placed in employment is about $13 per hour
- Consumers who are working, work and average of 26 hours per week and about 90% have medical coverage.
- Every vocational rehabilitation counselor has been assigned a school to visit to assist with transition aged youth being transitioned into MRC services.
Commissioner Update:
- The Commissioner provided the following updates:
- Commissioner is very appreciative of all the work that has been completed by the QVRCs.
- The offices are doing an incredible job with transition, many positive stories of youth working with public services and creating jobs. The King Phillips School in Wrentham is all ready to work with the local area office counselors on making sure students are transition planning.
- The Massachusetts Office on Disability having conference and discussing why people with disabilities are making lower wages.
- The MRC will be hosting the Second Employer Conference which will be discussing the best practices of hiring people with disabilities.
- The Job Drive training program has worked with the CVS Pharm tech program, and 10 consumers being hired as Pharmacy Technicians.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- The meeting minutes were reviewed and moved to be accepted by Doug Mason, with a second from Steve Aalto. The committee voted in favor of accepting the minutes as written.
Old Business
- Gubernatorial Appointments:
- Josh Boardman discussed that he has been working with the Governor’s Office on Appointments. He has also met with the staff to discuss the current people that are awaiting appointments. As soon as more information is available, we should have more answers.
BEOC Update:
- The Business and Employment Opportunity Committee provided updates to the committee regarding the work they have been completing. This included finding pathways to make sure youth representation is on the council and the Governor’s youth council, there is more SRC public involvement, a collaboration has been created for the New England States Rehabilitation Councils and increasing opportunities of flexible employment.
- Transition Materials Review:
- Josh Reviewed the materials that have been recently created by the commission for transition aged youth. Each person in attendance received a copy of the brochure.
New Business
- WIOA Update:
- Bill Noone, MRC Research and Development Director, provided the following updated.
- The new legislation has been finalized and published on the federal register. The legislation is currently in its 30 day review period,
- Transition materials were transition aged services. 16 -22 15% rule – about 8mill in MA.
- 400 SE funds – 6m funding. 200k should be funded.
- RSA requested for all parts of legislation to proceed forward, even though the full rules have been processed. First look on how states will FY17 and FY18.
- MRC has created 20 contracts with providers for high school students of which served 426 youth in 2016, added 199 internships with CVS, and a total of 635 students will be provided services though these services.
- New Common measures include 6 months of employment retention and 12 months’ after being placed in employment. This is being done by reviewing unemployment data in collaboration with the MA Department of Labor.
- WIOA Steering committee has been implemented and is figuring about the who, what, where when and why of all of the data.
- State Plan/Annual Report:
- Review of the state plan requirements.
- Annual basis will be done in an annual report.
- Reviewed the Annual report program design.
- Reviewed timeline.
- November 15
- Update to Standing Committees:
- The committee did not have time to review this information. Josh Boardman, stated that this would be discussed at the upcoming SRC training.
- Notice of Elections and Training:
- Josh Boardman advised that the MRC would be holding a training for SRC Gubernatorial and Ex-Officio members to vote on the new executive board. This training will be announced soon.
-Meeting Adjourned at 3:30pm