4-6 Lower Cairncastle Road
Larne BT40 1PQ
Telephone: (028) 28 272791
Fax No: (028) 28 275022
Website: / (Non-Denominational)
AgeRange of Pupils:
Admissions Number:
Enrolment Number:
Current Enrolment:
Office Hours: / 11-18
8.30am - 4.45pm
Principal: J Wylie BA MSc PQH (NI)
Chairperson of the Board of Governors: Mr R Logan BA MA DipEd DASE
Part-Time (0.8), PermanentTeacher of Physical Education (Boys)
Appointment from 1September 2017
JOB TITLE:Part-Time (0.8), PermanentTeacher of Physical Education (Boys)
LOCATION:LarneGrammar School
4-6 Lower Cairncastle Road
BT40 1PQ
TELEPHONE NO:028 2827 2791
RESPONSIBLE TO:Initially to the Head of Physical Education and ultimately to the Principal or his appointed deputy.
SALARY:Teachers’ Main Pay Scale
Essential:Applicants must at the closing date:
(i)be qualified teachers recognised by the Department of Education (NI)and registered with GTC (NI)*;
(ii)be qualified to teach Physical Education to GCSE and ‘A’ Level (or equivalent Level 3 qualification);
(iii)hold an honours degree (2:2 or above) in which Sport/Physical Education is the main component and a PGCE or an Education degree (2:2 or above) with Sport/Physical Education as the major subject.
(iv)possess qualifications and experience to coach extra-curricular boys’ rugby throughout the school, including Saturday mornings.
Desirable:Preference may be given to applicants who at the closing date:
(i)hold an honours degree (2:1 or above) in which Sport/Physical Education is the main component; and/or
(ii)possess a Level 3 qualification in Sport/Physical Education; and/or
(iii)have taught GCSE Physical Education for a minimum of 1 year**; and/or
(iv)have taught a Level 3 Post-16 Sport/Physical Education course for a minimum of 1 year**; and/or
(v)have relevant qualifications, experience** or demonstrate willingness to teach an additional subject to GCSE; and/or
(vi)have relevant qualifications or experience** to teach Geography and/or Learning for Life and Work to GCSE; and/or
(vii)demonstrate willingness to participate fully in the school’s after-school and weekend extra-curricular sports’ programme.
*Applicants due to qualify in June 2017 are eligible to apply.
**Please note where teaching experience is required only experience gained post qualification will be considered.
Applicants should give detailed information of modules, courses and subjects studied as part of their qualifications, together with the number of years each was studied. Applicants should also give details of recent experience of teaching, indicating length of experience of teaching the GCSE & A level/Level 3 specifications.
- The interview panel of Governors reserve the right to enhance the criteria to facilitate the short listing and selection process.
- Shortlisting will be carried out only on the basis of the information contained on the application form. Applicants are therefore asked to indicate clearly in their application form how they satisfy the above criteria.
- Shortlisted applicants may be required to make a short presentation and/or teach a lesson.
* On taking up this post the successful applicant must be a registered teacher with the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland.
Posts involving work in educational institutions are subject to the provisions of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007.
The closing date for receipt of applications is
Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances
Job Purpose:
To ensure effective delivery of the relevant programmes of study within the School in accordance with School policies and in pursuit of high standards of pupil achievement to implement the School’s Pastoral programme.
As detailed on the Teachers’ (Terms and Conditions of Service) Regulations (NI) 1987;
In the first instance to teach Physical Educationup to and including ‘A’ Level or equivalent Level3 qualification and an additional subject to GCSE;
Additional duties as detailed below.
Within the sphere of Physical Education, to:
A. teachthroughout the School, up to ‘A’ Level or equivalent Level 3 qualification standard, in a manner that develops and supports pupils’ learning so that they achieve high levels of success in examinations;
B. to monitor and evaluate pupil learning and report outcomes to pupils, relevant staff, Governors and parents as requested by the HoD and/or the Senior Leadership Team (SLT);
C. to develop self in order to enhance personal performance and thus pupil outcomes. This development to be carried out by participation in the School’s In Service Education and Training (INSET) programme as required by the HoD and/or the SLT;
D. to secure and monitor resources allocated to ensure equality of pupil experience.
Within the remit of generally helping pupils to achieve success:
E. to carry out general teacher duties.
A1To teach Physical Educationup to and including ‘A’ level standardor equivalent Level 3 qualificationusing varied and innovative teaching strategies.
A2To aid the HoD in drawing up suitable teaching programmes (Schemes of Work) inline with the requirements of the appropriate statutory bodies.
A3As directed by the Principal, to teach an additional subject(s) to GCSE standard, outside the area of Physical Education, which best meets the curricular needs of the School and/or enables the school to extend its curriculum and meet the requirements of the Entitlement Framework.
A4To be aware of and implement as necessary, developments in Physical Educationteaching that will further pupil progress.
A5To provide pupils with regular constructive feedback and positive reinforcement on allaspects of their performance.
A6To maximise pupils’ involvement in the production of attractive and useful wall andother displays.
A7To implement all departmental policies.
A8To promote that aspect of the School’s ethos relating to cross community work and furthering the School’s Education for Mutual Understanding programme.
A9To teach LLW (Citizenship, Employability and Personal Development) as requested by thePrincipal.
A10To undertake organisation and participation in the department’s visits and educational trips.
A11Under the direction of the Head of Physical Education, to participate fully in the school’s after-school and weekend extra-curricular sports’ programme. Specifically to lead after-school rugby and athletics or cricket practice on at least two afternoons per week and to supervise, coach, referee and assist with the organisation of Saturday morning rugby and either athletics or cricket fixtures, taking responsibility for at least one school rugby team. This will require attendance at school on approximately thirty Saturday mornings throughout the year.
A12To assist with the development of other sports as required by the HoD.
B1To set, annotate and mark appropriate homeworks, class work, tests andexaminations; and to maintain a well ordered and up-to-date mark book/computer record of all work set and marks recorded.
B2To provide pupils with regular constructive feedback and positive reinforcement on all aspects oftheir performance.
B3To report to parents in line with school policy.
B4 To report to parents through Parents’ Meetings, Open Nights and Consultation Interviews.
C1To maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the courses being taught.
C2To review pedagogy regularly in order to ensure the most effective and appropriatestyle to improve pupil performance.
C3To ensure INSET participation is directly related to the needs of the School as assessed by the HoD and SLT.
C4To participate in all aspects of the School’s Performance Review and Staff Development Scheme (or any similar performance management scheme) as directed by the Principal.
D1To aid the HoD in requisition of materials annually.
D2To ensure that all equipment and accommodation used is kept in best condition.
D3To ensure the Health and Safety of all pupils and staff within the classroom and other work places.
D4To undertake the role of First-Aider within the School undertaking any appropriate training that the Principal deems necessary.
E1To carry out duties as detailed in the Teachers’ (Terms and Conditions of Service) Regulations (NI) 1987.
E2To carry out all duties in a manner in which they comply with:
a. current Health and Safety legislation.
b. the requirements of the Children’s Order.
c. the School’s security requirements.
d. the requirements of LarneGrammar School’s Policy Documents.
e. the requirements of the NEELB and DE.
E3To act as a Class Tutor to an assigned Tutor Group and to carry outrelated duties in accordance with the general job description of a Class Tutor.
E4To carry out a share of pupil supervisory duties in accordance with published rosters.
E5To participate in appropriate meetings with colleagues, parents and pupils.
E6To implement all School Policies and procedures.
E7To play an active part in furthering the School’s Ethos as a multi-cultural, inter-denominational community promoting such values as caring, tolerance andco-operation.
E8To undertake any reasonable duties as requested by the Principal or his appointedDeputy.
These duties are not necessarily comprehensive and are subject to annual amendment by the Principal, after consultation with the post holder.
In the event of these duties not being performed to the satisfaction of the employing authority the matter will be dealt with in accordance with any disciplinary procedures agreed by the General Committee of the Teachers Salaries and Conditions of Service Negotiating Machinery.
Founded in 1886, LarneGrammar School (“the School”) is a multi-cultural, non-denominational and co-educational VoluntaryGrammar School with an Enrolment Number of 735 and an Admissions Number of 110.
The School provides a high quality education to all pupils, enabling them to participate in a range of activities, to enjoy their schooldays and to obtain the best examination results of which they are capable. The vast majority of pupils pass on to universities throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, including Oxford and CambridgeUniversities.
A caring ethos is at the heart of the School. The size of the school and the strong pastoral system give rise to a very obvious “family atmosphere” in which pupils are valued as individuals. Pastoral care is provided through Class Tutors, Year Heads, SENCOs and an experienced Vice Principal (Pastoral). The School also works closely with external support and welfare services. The School Nurse and a Counsellor from New Life Counselling provide additional support.
This care for the individual is combined with very high standards of teaching and learning and results in the pupils achieving considerable academic success. Acceptance of a place in the School is taken as acceptance of the School’s Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy and as a statement of agreement to abide by the School Rules.
Its prime position and extensive grounds have made the School attractive to pupils from many primary schools from Larne, Carrickfergus, Ballyclare, Ballynure, Newtownabbey, Ballymena, Whitehead, Islandmagee and surrounding rural communities. Pupils are taught in modern accommodation with access to up-to-date equipment across the teaching spaces including interactive whiteboards, data projectors, extensive ICT equipment and video conferencing facilities. There are three rugby pitches, one synthetic hockey pitch, one shale hockey pitch, a Fitness and Dance Suite, Sports Hall, Lecture Theatre, eight Science labs, Art and Home Economics Suites, Music Suite, Library, Technology and Design Suite and Sixth Form Centre. In addition the excellent location of the school allows easy access to additional facilities such as the local leisure centre.
There are 49 specialist teachers, 2 foreign language assistants and numerous peripatetic instrumental tutors.
On entering the School, pupils are placed in one of four classes, following common courses in Physical Education, French, Mathematics, Science, Home Economics, Art, Technology and Design, History, Geography, Music, Religious Education, Physical Education, Games, Information Technology and Learning for Life and Work (incorporating Citizenship, Personal Development and Employability).
In Year 9 all pupils study Spanish in addition to French.
In Years 11 and 12 the curriculum is divided into two parts: the compulsory elements of Physical Education, ICT, LLW, Mathematics and Double Award Science along with PE, RE and Games; four optional subjects are also chosen from a wide range. Year 13 students normally take 4 AS Levels with most reducing to 3 A2 Levels in Year 14.
Careers Education (CEIAG) is provided through formal instruction, support services and as a cross-curricular theme. Pupils have access to the careers suite and computer suites. All senior pupils have the opportunity of a week’s work experience.
Homework plays an important part in the teaching and learning process and all pupils are expected to complete work at home according to a homework timetable.
In addition, pupils are offered a wide range of extra and co-curricular activities and the opportunity to travel and experience the world outside east Antrim. (In recent years pupils have visited Canada, United States, France, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Italy as well as mainland UK and Republic of Ireland.) The result is that the children who join the School at age eleven leave seven years later as confident, tolerant and well-rounded adults, ready to move on in the next stage of their education or career and take their place as responsible members of society.
The School is easily accessible by public transport (bus and train) from Carrickfergus, Newtownabbey, Ballyclare and surrounding areas.
The School holds high expectations for its pupils and encourages them to aspire to rewarding careers and to participate in the wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer in the School. Parental aspirations are of paramount importance and the School complements these by constant and regular communication.
The School charges an annual Capital Fee of £100 per pupil (pupils in receipt of free school meals are exempt from the Capital Fee and a sibling discount of £40 per child applies) and requests a Voluntary School Fund Contribution of £80 per pupil per year (subject to annual review).
Application forms should be sent to the Principal’s Secretary, Larne Grammar School, 4-6 Lower Cairncastle Road, Larne, Co Antrim BT40 1PQ.