NOVEMBER 15, 2005


Members Present: Chairman George Best, Ed Rudolph, Jake Smith, Billie

Smith, Gil Tucker, Scott Merchant and Joanne Bemiss,


Advisors Present: Vic Brizendine, Attorney

Ryan Libke, Planner

Chairman Best called the November 15, 2005 meeting of the Triple S Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 6:30 p.m.

Best: Before we begin, I would like for us to observe a minute of silence in memory and honor of Frank Hargadon, one of our members who passed away last week.

I would like to read a resolution that we will adopt and make a part of the record.

WHEREAS, Frank Hargadon has served for eleven years as a member of the Triple S Planning and Zoning Commission.

WHEREAS, he has rendered invaluable assistance to the Commission and given

unselfishly of his time to advance the purposes of the Commission, and

WHEREAS, his contribution to the Commission and especially to Shelby

County will be irreplaceable,

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Hereby Resolved, that the Commission extends

Its appreciation and commendation to Frank Hargadon for his untiring contribution.

This 2nd day of November, 2005


By: George R. Best

I would like a motion to adopt this resolution please.

Mr. Smith made the motion to adopt the resolution.

Mr. Tucker seconded the motion.


Triple S Planning Commission

November 15, 2005

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Best: You were previously given a copy of the minutes for the October 18, 2005 meeting. Is there any discussion or questions concerning the minutes of October 18, 2005?

Mr. Tucker made the motion to approve the minutes of October 18, 2005 as written.

Mr. Smith seconded the motion.

Best: Is there any discussion on the motion?


Financial Statement – Septemberr

Best: You were also given a copy of the September Financial Statement and you have had a chance to review that. Are there any questions or comments concerning the Financial Statement?

Mr. Rudolph made the motion to approve the Financial Statement for September.

Mrs. Smith seconded the motion.

Best: Is there any discussion on the motion?


Knob View Estates Preliminary Vector Development

Docket #S-1005-05

Mark Patterson, Vector Development Group, representing the Byers: This was held over from the October meeting for more extensive drainage study. Some property owners down from this property had some concerns about the drainage. The two areas that were studied on the east side

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Patterson cont’d: is Rolling Hills and on the west side close to Tower Heights. We propose to have a detention basin on each side of the property to contain the winter storm to be no less than the existing conditions. We have accomplished that. We have done a pretty intensive analysis on the conditions there. Basically, the basins will be earthen dams about two or three feet high. The construction plans will have the dimensions on those and the pipes and outlets of the existing storm sewers and drainage swales. The one in Rolling Hills section existing storm sewers tie into the storm sewers with the detention pipe, the 6” pipe coming out of the detention area. There were questions about small depressions on the property, we had a Geotech engineer look at that and it is probably 2 or 3 feet in diameter and we have a remedial plan to fill it in and the depression is not under any roadway or future house, and that will not be an issue in the future. I will answer any questions.

Best: Anyone on the Board have any questions?

Tucker: I want to commend Mark for the extensive analysis you did on this project that we requested. We appreciate the work you did on this.

Best: Any other questions from the Board? Anyone in the audience wish to comment?

Dave Gove, resident: I spoke to this at the previous meeting and I had some concerns I expressed. Mr. Patterson did a good job on the drainage study and has answered some of my questions. There are a few things I would like to get cleared up. The method proposed for reducing the flow rate, what we are concerned about here, is this a detention basin and I am interested in knowing some of the details of the detention basin. Mr. Patterson indicated that would be a berm area and if you have any information on the rate of in flow into this basin, to total capacity of this basin, what the maximum depth of water would be, where is a bermed basin the concern could possibly be reaching the berm. I would like that point addressed.

Patterson: The final construction plans will be done for the final plat approval. All the details will be addressed then. It will probably be 2 to 3 feet in height. It will be an excavated pond that will be dry all the time except when it rains a lot. There will be a 6” outlet pipe. There will be an emergency overflow with a 6” pipe it will go into, with a concrete box with a grate on top at the 100 year flood elevation and it may actually be above that. If that pipe is ever clogged the water will go to a grate with a 12 “pipe. The 6” pipe will control all the water going in.

Gove: Where would the 12” pipe discharge?

Patterson: Into the existing yard drain in the storm sewer system.

Best: What is the rate of release?

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Patterson: The rate of release is based on cubic feet per second. Our peak outflow through the basin is 1.54. The existing runoff is 3.6 leaving undetained from the existing site. There is a little area not going to the basins and the total leaving the site is 1.9 existing at 3.6 which is decreased.

Gove: In the drainage study it was indicated that these basins would do the job if built properly. How would we be assured they are built properly? Will there be inspections for that? Is that inspector going to sign off that they are built to specifications?

Patterson: This will be a bonded item since it will be an easement. The bond will be posted with Triple S Planning Commission for the construction cost. There will be a certificate on the final plat to certify that they are built right. There will be an as built survey to be sure everything is built to the right elevation and it will be certified to the Planning Commission. We will be certifying that its built right.

Gove: Why were there no contours on the final plat? Is this a mistake? Is it not a requirement in the state of Kentucky? Does this not require a certification of the County Health Officer for water and sewer?

Best: It does but this is on public sewers.

Patterson: Contours are on the drainage and erosion control plan preliminary construction plans. If the Commission wants them on the preliminary plan we can do that.

Best: Are there any other questions? Anyone else wish to comment? Any questions from the Board? If there is no further discussion, a motion is in order for the preliminary of Knob View Estates.

Mr. Rudolph made the motion to approve the preliminary for Knob View Estates as they have done a good job of addressing concerns that were raised.

Mr. Smith seconded the motion.

Best: Is there any discussion on the motion?


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Bland Property Zone Change Agri & R to R-3 Single Family Only & F/C

Docket #Z-337-05 Vector Development

Held over from October 18, 2005 meeting.

Mark Patterson, Vector Development Group, representing the Bland Family Property: This property is located on Old Seven Mile Pike and Catalpa Lane. The property is undeveloped and it is 43.60 acres of which 4.82 acres is currently zoned R and 38.81 acres is currently zoned Agricultural. 36.66 acres is in the City of Shelbyville and 7.268 acres is in the County. We are requesting R-3 Single Family Only for 138 lots for a density of 3.16 lots per acre which is below the permitted 4 per acre. We are also requesting 7.268 acres to be zoned Flood Plain/Conservation. The Flood Plain/Conservation area is currently between Brittany Estates and Southgate. This will remain open space with no development. For a zone change there has to be proof that the development is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and that the original zoning is inappropriate. The Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan shows this property as residential Low Density and Conservation. Low density requires that the site be on sewers and this is on sewers. The density required is less than 4 units per acre, which we are at 3.16 units per acre. The current zoning is inappropriate due to the adjoining properties are residential. A traffic impact study was performed using a traffic signal at 53 and Old Seven Mile Pike. This signal was approved by KY. DOT on October 25th. At this time the time of installation is unknown. Ky. 53 and Old Seven Mile would have an “A” rating level of service and a “C” level of service for Old Seven Mile. If this is built Ky. 53 would go to an “A-B” and Old Seven Mile would be “C-D”. Catalpa and Greenland Park at Ky. 53 was also studied. Currently this is an “F” rating as it is. It will remain “F” if no improvements are made there, but the study recommends that Ky. DOT put a turn lane in it would raise the level of service to “C”. The widening of Old Seven Mile Pike across the property was recommended up to Woodfield Subdivision. Shelby County Road Department has approved widening this portion of the road to 20 feet width and that will be at the developers expense. Staff Report concerns were a sidewalk along Catalpa across the property. A buffer along I-64 in back of the lots. A buffer along adjoining agricultural properties and the widening of Old Seven Mile Pike. These conditions are all acceptable at this time and we will submit revised plats showing those buffers.

Best: Those will also be binding elements.

Patterson: In closing we are requesting 36.368 acres to be rezoned to R-3 Single Family Only for 138 lots and 7.268 acres to be zoned to Flood Plain/Conservation and the density is 3.16 lots per acre, which is less that is permitted. All utilities are available being in the City limits. I will be glad to answer any questions.

Best: Would you explain the buildable area shown on the plat.

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Patterson: Buildable areas are shown where houses could possibly be built, but we are not going to build there. It has to do with taking that out and making it open space. We have two interior areas for open space that join 20 or so lots and it will be public access for their use. There was a small amount of buildable area there. We are setting aside two nice interior open space islands in the development for owners use.

Tucker: Those two areas will be left greenspace?

Patterson: That is correct, also, the 7.2 acres for green space.

Best: Anyone on the Board have any questions? Anyone in the audience wish to comment?

J.R. Wiley, adjoining property owner: I have a three acre tract at the end of Old Seven Mile Pike. I would like to see the plat.

Patterson: This shows the buffers and the one on the table does not.

Wiley: Will there be a buffer next to me?

Patterson: Yes.

Wiley: We have been through this about five years ago. What type houses will be in this development? Will they be compatible with what is there now?

Patterson: Square footage will be about 1,400 square feet minimum. They will be compatible to the Woodfield houses. Basically the fronts will be brick.

Wiley: I have three acres and my house is 1,800 square feet and it is all brick. My property is zoned agricultural, are there any requirements for buffering between my property and the residential zoned property?

Best: He has already agreed to buffer.

Wiley: What type of buffering will that be. I know you are in the process of changing the regulations on buffering in Shelby County. Will this be by the new laws or the old ones?

Best: We don’t know when the new regulations will come into affect, right now is falls under the old restrictions. Mark, do you have comment on that as to what you intend to do?

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Patterson: We have talked to J.R. about this. We talked about putting in about any size tree he wanted. The final plat won’t be ready for 3 or 4 months and by that time the new regulations will be in place.

Wiley: When the new regulations go in will this have to be by the new regulations?

Best: Most likely it will be under the new regulations.

Wiley: I would like to see that take place and if you could put that in the stipulations. There are natural buffers along Seven Mile Road. It is loaded with trees and deer all along that road. There are two entrances proposed and we would like to see if any trees are removed they will be replaced. They have said they would not disturb any more than they have to in widening the road. If trees are removed I would like to see them replaced. Like to see buffering along the road as it is now.

There are two entrances proposed there and I think that is one entrance too much. I would like to see that taken care of. These questions may come later but the way the houses face, on Seven Mile Road all the way down it, you see fronts of houses. There are houses proposed to have be backs facing Seven Mile Road. To within about 600 feet of my property line, I will see sides and backs of houses. I would like to see the development studied a little more to see of that can be changed so when you drive down the road the road stays in character.