Great Basin College

Career and Technical Education

Spring 2015

Course Syllabus for ELM126B Motors Maintenance

Credits: 2 credit hours

Location and Time: GBC EIT Bldg. RM103

Instructor Information:

Name: Clint Kelly

Office: GBC EIT Bldg

Office Hours: Posted


Phone: 775-753-2226

Required Text: As provided by Instructor

Course Description:

Develop a basic understanding of Motor Maintenance procedures, as applied to the Electrical Systems Technology Program, for the Electrical Systems Technologist in industrial, commercial, and residential industries.


Successful completion of ELM125B AC Motors, and Alternators (as part of the Electrical Systems Technology program) taught at GBC, or Instructor’s approval.

Method of Instruction:

Lecture, Lab, Student Participation

Learning Outcomes (Objectives):

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Apply basic troubleshooting procedures to motors in industry.

2. Apply basic preventive maintenance procedures to motors in industry.

3. Identify causes of motor failure in industry.

4. Identify poor motor efficiency based on environment of motor operation.

5. Apply correct test procedures with meters such as; Meggers, PF Meters, and DVMs.

6. Apply Ohm’s law to AC Motors requiring values of Voltage, Current, Power.

7. Apply bearing, and lubrication selection depending on manufacturer.

8. Develop a strong and consistent program to maintain motors in industry.

9. Recommend a motor consistent with requirements to management in industry.

Student Outcome Assessment
Assessment Method Learner Outcomes
Assignments and Tests 1 thru 7
Labs 1, 2, 5, 6, 7

Evaluation and Grades:

Grade A 90% - 100%

B 80% - 89%

C 70% - 79%

D 60% - 69%

F Less than 60%

Weight of Activities:

Lab Activities 30%

Homework and Assignments 30%

Interim Tests / Quizzes 40%

Student Responsibility:

In this course, as in the workplace, students must attend class, and turn assignments in on time. Attendance will be taken daily and will count toward a final grade. Late assignments will be accepted when prior arrangements, between the instructor and the student, have been made. Two absences, lecture/lab, will be considered a WITHDRAWAL from this course. The final withdrawal date for this class is March 4, 2015. Tardiness will count as ½ absence. Each absence will reduce the final grade by 3%. Because this is a lab oriented course, student participation is essential. GBC policies on attendance and conduct must be observed by all students.


All students participating in laboratory activities at GBC, or on-site will be required to review and sign Electrical System Technology, GBC Safety Procedures. No student use of laboratory/tools will be allowed unless authorized supervision is present, or special permission has been granted by the instructor.


The instructor reserves the right to change certain aspects of the syllabi such as; objectives, schedules, assignments, grading procedures, materials, etc. No changes will be made without informing class members in a clear and timely manner. It is not expected that changes to the content of the course syllabi will occur.

GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. If you have a disability and will be requiring assistance, please contact the ADA Office (Julie Burns) in Elko at 775.752.2271 for arrangements.

Motor Maintenance Competencies

Bearings Identify and compare Bearings number to Motor Nameplate

“ Apply Bearing Puller to Motor Bearings

“ Identify proper lubrication to various Bearing applications

Motor Identify problems with motors using