YUL Manuscript Cataloging Documentation Development


July 26, 2004

Present: Joan Swanekamp, Toby Appel, Susan Brady, Richard Boursy, Nancy Lyon, Martha Smalley, Karen Spicher

Minutes recorded by: Karen Spicher


The Walpole Library recently raised the question of using 541, instead of 561, for provenance information. Joan decided that 541 should not be used. Provenance information in orbis records should go in 561, and additional information could be kept in a separate local database.

Rules for Single Manuscripts

Several repositories catalog single items: BRBL, Med, and Music. Hebrew and Arabic manuscripts are also cataloged as single items. We will work on developing single item rules at a later time.

Appendices (Cont.)

C: Delete text; list links to other sites, including: Brbl Ms Unit, Authority Control at Yale, Music Cataloging at Yale.

D: Delete

E: Delete. Add list of thesauri in the 655 section, with links where possible. State that AAT is the principal thesaurus.

F: Delete.

G: Delete.

H: Delete.

I: Delete table. Use an example record, showing brief and long opac views. Karen will find out if YUL-wide documentation includes a similar table which we can link to.

J: Delete.

K: Delete.

L: Delete.

M: Delete.

N: Keep, as is.

O: Delete. Add link to this document from the fixed field section. We will decide where to store this document, possibly along with other documentation of cataloging decisions.

P: Delete. Add link from fixed field section to record type definitions on LC Marc21 website.

Q: Delete. State in 100 and 600 sections that family names don’t have to be in authoritative form, even if the form used appears as a see reference in an authority record. Karen will investigate whether Mars changes these headings.

Proposed new appendices:

Committee minutes: We will find a place to maintain a link to our minutes, to preserve a record of how decisions were made .

Call numbers: We will address this after changes to local call number indexing have been implemented.

Microfilm records: We will link to catalog department documentation, after this is developed.

We decide to change our meeting frequency to once per month, the fourth Monday of each month, starting on August 23. During our upcoming meetings, we will discuss the draft sections posted on our website.