
Operating Reliability Subcommittee

September 9, 2015 | 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT

September 10, 2015 | 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EDT

ERCOT - Taylor

800 Airport Drive

Taylor, Texas

Conference: 1-866-740-1260; Access Code: 5247004; Security Code: 097745

Introductions and Chair’s Remarks

NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement


1.  Administrative Matters

a.  Arrangements – Chair Wise

b.  Announcement of Quorum – Secretary

i.  Operating Reliability Subcommittee Roster*

c.  Parliamentary Procedures* – Secretary

d.  Balancing Authority-to-Reliability Coordinator Mapping* – Secretary

e.  Future Meetings – Secretary

i.  September 9 – 10, 2015 – Taylor, TX (hosted by ERCOT)

ii.  November 10 – 11, 2015 – Charlotte, NC (hosted by Duke Energy)

iii.  February 9 – 10, 2016 – Tampa, FL (hosted by FRCC)

iv.  Schedule future meetings

2.  Meeting Minutes* – Approve – Chair Wise

a.  Minutes of May 5 – 6, 2015 Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting

3.  Reliability Plans* – Chair Wise

a.  Periodic Review of Reliability Plans

i.  Guideline for Approving Regional and Reliability Coordinator Reliability Plans*

b.  New or Revised Reliability Plans for Endorsement

i.  Reliability Plan for the TVA Reliability Coordinator Area

4.  Operations Review* – All

a.  Operations Review

b.  Use of Proxy Flowgates

5.  Interconnection Frequency Monitoring*

a.  Frequency Monitor Reports and Frequency Excursions

i.  Eastern – Chair Wise

ii.  ERCOT – Jimmy Hartmann

iii.  Western – Michelle Mizumori

iv.  Quebec – Maxime Nadeau

6.  Time Monitoring Reference Document Task Group Report* – Chair Wise

7.  Project 2010-14.2.2 (Phase 2 of Balancing Authority Reliability-based Controls – BAL-004-2 (Time Error Correction)) – Darrel Richardson

8.  Geomagnetic Disturbance Reliability Guideline Task Group* – Mike McMullen

9.  GridEx III Briefing – Bill Lawrence

10.  Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery Advisory – Ryan Quint

11.  Short-Term Seasonal Assessment Survey – Pooja Shah

12.  Essential Reliability Services Task Force (ERSTF) – Mike McMullen

13.  ERSTF Frequency Subgroup Status Report on Inertia and Frequency Response Measures – Julia Matevosjana

14.  Proposal to Develop a Reliability Guideline on Data Sharing in Support of the New TOP-003 and IRO-010 Data Specification Standards – Chair Wise

15.  Project 2009-02 (Real-time Reliability Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities) – Mark Olson

16.  BAAL Reporting Requirements* – Larry Kezele

Objective: On April 16, 2015, FERC approved BAL-001-2 (Real Power Balancing Control Performance). In the order, FERC stated the NERC is to monitor the use of BAAL and take action if certain things occur. NERC is to provide a report to FERC 90 day after the first two years that BAAL is enforceable. The U.S. enforcement date for BAL-001-1 is July 1, 2016. Paragraph 38 of the order states:
“We acknowledge NERC’s commitment to take a “first step” to address the Commission’s concerns by providing baseline data, including SOL/IROL exceedances where a balancing authority’s ACE was within its Balancing Authority ACE Limit. However, we agree with those commenters who urge the Commission to require NERC to provide more data than described in the NOPR. Therefore, we direct NERC to make an informational filing 90 days after the end of the two-year period following implementation that includes an analysis of data (all relevant events or a representative sample) on whether experience with the Balancing Authority ACE Limit in the first two years after approval has seen ACE swings and unscheduled power flows or inadvertent interchange that could cause SOL/IROL exceedances. However, if it is evident that during this two-year period the issues discussed above are creating SOL/IROL exceedances NERC should provide that information to the Commission, together with appropriate recommendations for mitigation, as this information becomes available. Further, NERC should also make the underlying data available to Commission staff upon request. Regarding BPA’s concerns about the interplay of Reliability Standards BAL-001-2 and BAL-002-1, the Commission believes those concerns are best addressed if and when NERC files with the Commission proposed changes to Reliability Standard BAL-002-1. However, we expect NERC to retain the data pursuant to the analysis directed above so that it will be available, if needed, to examine the effect of Reliability StandardBAL-002-1 in relation to the Balancing Authority ACE Limit in the future.”
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: FERC Order 810

17.  EPRI Network Model Management – Pat Brown, EPRI and Jay Britton (Britton Consulting)

18.  Status Report of the IDC Association – Mike McMullen

19.  Parallel Flow Visualization Reliability Metrics Task Group Report – Don Reichenbach

20.  Status Report – Net Actual and Net Scheduled Interchange – Tony Burt and Mike McMullen

Objective: The Operating Committee requested that the Operating Reliability Subcommittee find volunteer reliability coordinators in the Eastern and Western Interconnections to create proposed procedures and technology solutions that would create an error checking matrix of BA interchange data for their respective Interconnections. This project would have BAs share ICCP data with one Reliability Coordinator in their respective Interconnection. The RC would develop an error-checking matrix that could be reviewed if frequency was significantly off-schedule and the underlying cause is not known. The matrix could also be used if a BA's EMS were down as it would provide an alternate ACE calculation for the impacted RC and BA. BAs would share ICCP net interchange actual (by neighbor) and net interchange scheduled (total) data with the designated RC in their respective Interconnection and that the designated RC develop an error checking matrix.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: No

21.  Draft Reliability Guideline: RCs – BAs – TOPs Communication: Loss of Real-Time Reliability Tools Capability / Loss of Equipment Significantly Affecting ICCP Data – Vice Chair Senkowicz

Objective: At its December 2014 meeting, the Operating Committee approved posting the draft Reliability Guideline: RCs – BAs – TOPs Communication: Loss of Real-Time Reliability Tools Capability / Loss of Equipment Significantly Affecting ICCP Data for a 45-day comment period. The guideline was posted for comment on February 19, 2015 with comments due by April 6, 2015.
The Reliability Guideline Task Team (Vice Chair Senkowicz, Mike McMullen, Dave Devereaux, Chris Pilong and Chair Wise) will develop a response to the comments received.
Presentation: No / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Item: Comments Received

22.  Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 Reports – Chair Wise

Objective: The ORS reviews recent Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 reports at each of its meetings.
Background: There have been no EEA Level 3 events since the subcommittee’s last meeting.
Presentation: No / Duration: 5 minutes / Background Item: None

23.  NERC Situation Awareness Monitoring of EEA Events – Darrell Moore

a.  Standard EOP-002-3.1 — Capacity and Energy Emergencies*

24.  Data Exchange Working Group Status Report – Keith Mitchell

a.  Discussion – EInet Project

25.  Telecommunications Working Group Status Report – Clifton Johnson

*Background materials included.

Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda – September 9-10, 2015