Bird`s list - Kamchatka and Commander’s islands
Legend of the table:
BoldEnglish names are for Commander’s islands birds
Seasons: 5 – May, 6 –June, 7-July, 8 –August, 9-September
Day: Numbers correspond to the days in itinerary of the “Birding wonderland – Kamchatka and Commander’s islands” tour;
0 - everyday
№ / Latin name / English name / Season / DayGaviastellatastellata / red-throatedloon / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Gaviaarcticaviridigularis / black-throatedloon / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Gaviapacifica / Pacificloon / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Gaviaimmer / commonloon / 5-9 / 4-9
Gaviaadamsii / yellow-billedloon / 5-9 / 4-9
Podicepsauritusauritus / hornedgrebe / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Podiceps grisegena holboellii / red-necked grebe / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Podiceps cristatus cristatus / great crested grebe / 5-9 / 4-9
Diomedea immutabilis / Laysan albatross / 5-9 / 4-9
Diomedea albatrus / short-tailed albatross / 5-9 / 4-9
Fulmarus glacialis rodgersii / northern fulmar / 5-9 / 4-9
Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa / Leach’s storm-petrel / 5-9 / 4-9
Oceanodroma furcata furcata / fork-tailed storm-petrel / 5-9 / 4-9
Phalacrocorax pelagicus pelagicus / pelagic cormorant / 5-9 / 4-9
Phalacrocorax urile / red-faced cormorant / 5-9 / 4-9
Ardea cinerea cinerea / grey heron / 5-6 / 4-9
Branta canadensis leucopareia / Aleutian Canada goose / 5-9 / 4-9
Branta canadensis minima / lesser Canada goose / 5-9 / 4-9
Chen caerulescens hyperboreus / snow goose / 5 / 4-9
Philacte canagica / emperor goose / 5 / 4-9
Cygnopsis cygnoides / swan goose / 5 / 2,12,13
Cygnus cygnus / whooper swan / 5-6 / 2,12,13
Cygnus bewickii / tundraswan / 5-6 / 2,12,13
Cygnus columbianus / whistling swan / 5 / 4-9
Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos / mallard / 5-9 / 2,12,13,4-9
Anas poecilorhyncha zonorhyncha / spot-billed duck / 5-9 / 4-9
Anas crecca crecca / green-winged teal / 5-9 / 4-9
Anas strepera / gadwall / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Anas penelope / Eurasianwigeon / 5-9 / 4-9
Anas americana / American wigeon / 5-9 / 4-9
Anas acuta acuta / pintail / 5-9 / 4-9
Anas querquedula / garganey / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Aythya marila / greaterscaup / 5-9 / 4-9
Histrionicus histrionicus / harlequin duck / 5-9 / 4-9
Bucephala clangula clangula / Eurasian common goldeneye / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Bucephala albeola / bufflehead / 5-9 / 4-9
Somateria mollissima v-nigrum Bonaparte / common eider / 5-9 / 4-9
Somateria spectabilis / king eider / 5-9 / 4-9
Polysticta stelleri / Steller’s eider / 5-9 / 4-9
Melanitta perspicillata / surf scoter / 5 / 4-9
Melanitta deglandi deglandi / American white-winged scoter / 5 / 4-9
Mergus serrator / red-breasted merganser / 5-9 / 4-9
Mergus squamatus / Chinese merganser / 5-9 / 4-9
Mergus merganser merganser / common merganser / 5-9 / 4-9
Pandion haliaetus haliaetus / osprey / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Mulvis migrans lineatus / blackkite / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Circus aeruginosus spilonotus / marsh harrier / 5-9 / 12,13
Accipiter gentilis albidus / northern goshawk / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Accipiter nisus pallens / Eurasian sparrow hawk / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Accipiter gularis gularis / Japanese lesser sparrow hawk / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Buteo lagopus menzbieri / Siberian rough-legged buzzard / 8-9 / 2,12,13
Buteo lagopus kamtschatkensis / Kamchatka rough-legged buzzard / 8-9 / 2,12,13
Aquila chrysaetos kamtschatica / goldeneagle / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Haliaeetus albicilla albicilla / white-tailed eagle / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus / baldeagle / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Haliaeetus pelagicus / Steller’s sea-eagle / 5-9 / 4-9
Falcorusticolusintermedius / Siberiangyrfalcon / 5-9 / 4-9
Falco rusticolus obsoletus / Americangyrfalcon / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Falcoperegrinusharterti / tundraperegrinefalcon / 5-9 / 4-9
Falco peregrinus pealei / Aleutian peregrine falcon / 5-9 / 4-9
Falcosubbuteosubbuteo / hobby / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Falco columbarius pacificus / merlin / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Falco tinnunculus perpallidus / Eurasian kestrel / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Lagopus lagopus koreni / willow ptarmigan / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Lagopus mutus pleskei / Siberian rock ptarmigan / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Lagopus mutus ridgwayi / Commanderrockptarmigan / 5-9 / 4-92,12,13
Tetrao parvirostris parvirostris / Siberian black-billed capercaillie / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Tetrao parvirostris kamtschaticus / Kamchatka black-billed capercaillie / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Grus japonensis / Japanese crane / 5 / 2,12,13
Grus leucogeranus / Siberian white crane / 5 / 2,12,13
Grus canadensis canadensis / sandhill crane / 5-9 / 4-9
Anthropoides virgo / demoiselle crane / 5 / 2,12,13
Porzana fusca erythrothorax / ruddy-breasted crake / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Amaurornis phoenicurus chinensis / white-breasted waterhen / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Gallinula chloropus chloropus / moorhen / 5 / 2,12,13
Gallicrex cinerea / watercock / 5 / 2,12,13
Fulica atra atra / black coot / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Pluvialis fulva / Pacific golden plover / 5 / 2,12,13
Pluvialis dominica / American golden plover / 5 / 2,12,13
Charadrius hiaticula tundrae / great ringed plover / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Charadrius leschenaultii subsp / greater sand plover / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Charadrius mongolus stegmanni / Mongolian plover / 5-9 / 4-9
Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus / snowy plover / 5-9 / 4-9
Haematopus bachmani Audubon / American black oystercatcher / 5 / 4-9
Haematopus ostralegus osculans / оystercatcher / 5 / 4-9
Tringa ochropus / green sandpiper / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Tringa nebularia / greenshank / 5 / 2,12,13
Tringa guttifer / spotted greenshank / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Tringa totanus subsp / red shank / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Tringa erythropus / spotted redshank / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Tringa stagnatilis / marshsandpiper / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Heteroscelus brevipes / gray-tailed tattler / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Heteroscelusincanus / wanderingtattler / 5-6 / 4-9
Actitishypoleucos / commonsandpiper / 5 / 4-9
Xenus cinereus / terek sandpiper / 5 / 2,12,13
Phalaropus fulicarius / redphalarope / 5-9 / 4-9
Phalaropus lobatus / northern phalarope / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Philomachus pugnax / ruff / 5-6 / 2,12,13,4-9,
Calidris minuta / little stint / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Calidris subminuta / long-toed stint / 5-9 / 4-9
Calidris temminckii / Temminck’s stint / 5-9 / 4-9
Calidris ferruginea / curlew sandpiper / 5 / 4-9
Calidris alpina sakhalina / Chukotkadunlin / 5 / 4-9
Calidris alpina kistchinski / Kamchatkadunlin / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Calidris ptilocnemis quarta / Commander rock sandpiper / 5-9 / 4-9
Calidris acuminata / sharp-tailed sandpiper / 5-9 / 4-9
Limicola falcinellus sibirica / broad-billed sandpiper / 5 / 2,12,13
Gallinago gallinago gallinago / common snipe / 5,8-9 / 2,12,13
Gallinago stenura / pintail snipe / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Gallinago solitaria japonica / solitarysnipe / 5-9 / 4-9
Numenius madagascariensis / eastern curlew / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Numenius phaeopus variegatus / whimbrel / 5-9 / 4-9
Limosa limosa melanuroides / black-tailed godwit / 5-9 / 4-9
Limosa lapponica menzbieri / Siberian bar-tailed godwit / 5-9 / 4-9
Limosa lapponica baueri / Alaskan bar-tailed godwit / 5-9 / 4-9
Limnodromus scolopaceus / long-billed dowitcher / 5 / 4-9
Stercorarius pomarinus / pomarine jaeger / 5-9 / 4-9
Larus heuglini vegae / herringgull / 5-9 / 1
Larus schistisagus / slaty-backed gull / 5-9 / 1
Larus glaucescens / glaucous-winged gull / 5-9 / 4-9
Larus hyperboreus pallidissimus / glaucous gull / 5-9 / 4-9
Larus canus brachyrhynchus / American mew gull / 5 / 1
Larus crassirostris / black-tailed gull / 5-9 / 1
Rissa tridactyla / black-legged kittiwake / 5-9 / 4-9
Rissabrevirostris / red-legged kittiwake / 5-9 / 4-9
Rhodostethia rosea / Ross’ gull / 5,8-9 / 1
Pagophila eburnea / ivory gull / 5 / 1
Chlidonias niger subsp. / black tern / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Sterna hirundo longipennis / common tern / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Sterna paradisaea / Arctic tern / 5 / 2,12,13
Sterna camtschatica / Aleutian tern / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Alle alle alle / dovekie / 5 / 4-9
Uria aalge inornata / common murre / 5-9 / 4-9
Uria lomvia arra / thick-billed murre / 5-9 / 4-9
Cepphus columba kaiurka / Commander pigeon guillemot / 5-9 / 4-9
Synthliboramphus antiquus microrhynchos / Commander ancient murrelet / 5-9 / 4-9
Aethia cristatella / crested auklet / 5-9 / 4-9
Aethia pygmaea / whiskered auklet / 5-9 / 4-9
Aethia pusilla / least auklet / 5-9 / 4-9
Cyclorrhynchus psittacula / parakeet auklet / 5-9 / 4-9
Fratercula corniculata / horned puffin / 5-9 / 4-9
Lunda cirrhata / tufted puffin / 5-9 / 4-9
Columba livia livia / rockdove / 5-9 / 1
Streptopelia orientalis orientalis / rufous turtle dove / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Sphenurus sieboldii sieboldii / Japanese green pigeon / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Cuculus canorus canorus / common cuckoo / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Cuculus saturatus horsfieldi / oriental cuckoo / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Cuculus poliocephalus / little cuckoo / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Nyctea scandiaca / snowy owl / 5,9 / 4-9
Asio flammeus flammeus / short-eared owl / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Aegolius funereus magnus / borealowl / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Surnia ulula ulula / northern hawk owl / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Upupa epops epops / hoopoe / 5-9 / 4-9
Dryocopus martius martius / black woodpecker / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Dendrocopos major kamtschaticus / great spotted woodpecker / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Dendrocopos minor immaculatus / lesser spotted woodpecker / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Picoides tridactylus crissoleucus / Siberian three-toed woodpecker / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Picoides tridactylus albidior / Kamchatka three-toed woodpecker / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Tachycineta bicolor / treeswallow / 5-9 / 4-9
Riparia riparia riparia / bankswallow / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Hirundo rustica gutturalis / barnswallow / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Alauda arvensis pekinensis / Eurasian skylark / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Anthus gustavi gustavi / Pechora pipit / 5-9 / 4-9, 2,12,13
Anthus cervinus cervinus / red-throated pipit / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Anthusrubescenshaermsi / continental buff-bellied pipit / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Motacilla flava tschutschensis / Chukotka yellow wagtail / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Motacilla flava simillima / Kamchatka yellow wagtail / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Motacilla taivana / green-headed wagtail / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Motacilla cinerea melanope / Siberian gray wagtail / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Motacilla cinerea robusta / Far-Eastern gray wagtail / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Motacilla alba ocularis / white wagtail / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Motacilla lugens / black-backed wagtail / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Lanius excubitor sibiricus / northern shrike / 5 / 2,12,13
Perisoreus infaustus sibericus / Siberian jay / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Pica pica camtschatica / black-billed magpie / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Nucifraga caryocatactes kamchatkensis / nutcracker / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Corvus macrorhynchos subsp. / carrion crow / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Corvus corax kamtschaticus / raven / 5-9 / 4-9
Cinclus pallasii pallasii / brown dipper / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Troglodytes troglodytes pallescens / Commander winter wren / 5-9 / 4-9
Prunella montanella badia / Siberian accentor / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Locustella fasciolata / Gray’s grasshopper warbler / 5 / 2,12,13
Locustella certhiola rubescens / Pallas’ grasshopper warbler / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Locustella ochotensissubcerthiola / Middendorff’s grasshopper warbler / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Locustella lanceolata / lanceolated grasshopper warbler / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Phylloscopus borealis borealis / Siberian Arctic warbler / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Phylloscopus borealis xanthodryas / Kamchatka Arctic warbler / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Phylloscopus fuscatus homeyeri / dusky warbler / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Ficedula parva albicilla / red-breasted flycatcher / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Muscicapa sibirica sibirica / sooty flycatcher / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Saxicola torquata stejnegeri / common stonechat / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe / northern wheatear / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Phoenicurus auroreus / Daurian redstart / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Luscinia akahige akahige / Japanese robin / 5-7 / 2,12,13
Luscinia svecica svecica / bluethroat / 6-7 / 2,12,13
Luscinia sibilans / Swinhoe’s red-tailed robin / 6-7 / 2,12,13
Tarsiger cyanurus pacificus / Siberian blue robin / 6-7 / 2,12,13
Catharus minimus minimus / gray-cheeked thrush / 6-9 / 2,12,13
Turdus chrysolaus / brown thrush / 6-9 / 2,12,13
Turdus obscurus / gray-headed thrush / 6-9 / 2,12,13
Turdus eunomus / dusky thrush / 6-9 / 2,12,13
Aegithalos caudatus kamtschaticus / long-tailed tit / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Parus montanus borealis / northern willow tit / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Parus ater ater / coaltit / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Parus major major / greattit / 5-9 / 1,2,12,13
Parus major major / eastern great tit / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Sitta europaea albifrons / Kamchatka wood nuthatch / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Passer domesticus domesticus / house sparrow / 5-9 / 0
Passer montanus montanus / tree sparrow / 5-9 / 0
Spinus spinus / siskin / 6-7 / 2,12,13
Acanthis flammea flammea / common redpoll / 6-7 / 2,12,13
Acanthis hornemanni exilipes / hoary (Arctic) redpoll / 6-7 / 2,12,13
Leucosticte arctoa brunneonucha / rosyfinch / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Leucosticte tephrocotis maxima / gray-crowned rosy finch / 5-9 / 4-9
Carpodacus erythrinus grebnitskii / common rosefinch / 6-7 / 2,12,13
Loxia curvirostra japonica / Japanese red crossbill / 6-7 / 2,12,13
Loxia curvirostra sitkensis / Sitkared crossbill / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Loxia curvirostra subsp. / red crossbill / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Loxia leucoptera bifasciata / white-winged crossbill / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Coccothraustes coccothraustes japonicus / hawfinch / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis / fox sparrow / 5-7 / 4-9
Zonotrichia atricapilla / golden-crowned sparrow / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Spizella arborea ochracea / American tree sparrow / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Emberiza variabilis musica / gray bunting / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Emberiza leucocephala leucocephala / pinebunting / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Emberiza schoeniclus pyrrhulina / common reed bunting / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Emberiza rusticalatifascia / rustic bunting / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Emberiza pusilla / little bunting / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Emberiza spodocephala subsp. / black-faced bunting / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Emberiza aureola aureola / common yellow-breasted bunting / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Emberiza aureola kamtschatica / Kamchatka yellow-breasted bunting / 6-8 / 2,12,13
Calcarius lapponicus kamtschaticus / Lapland longspur / 5-9 / 4-9
Plectrophenax nivalis nivalis / common snow bunting / 5-9 / 2,12,13
Plectrophenax nivalis townsendi / Bering snow bunting / 5-9 / 4-9