Papers presented at the
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
23 - 25 September 2002


Foreword by Dr Ray Canterford, the Vice-president of CIMO and the Scientific Director of TECO-2002

Introductory Keynote Paper:

Managing the Natural Disasters in the Coastal Areas - an overview
by Srivastava, S.K. (India), President of CIMO

1.New developments and operational experience concerning Automatic Weather Stations

1.1Surface measurements including sensors, automatic stations and systems for specific applications and requirements

1.1(1)Temperature/humidity measurements during icing conditions
by Leroy, Michel (France), et al.)

1.1(2)Field comparison of artificial ventilated thermo-hygrometer and natural ventilated measurements of temperature and humidity
by Hegg, Kjell (Norway)

1.1(3)Measurements of temperature with wind-sensors during severe winter conditions
by Musa, Marc (Switzerland)

1.1(4)WMO questionnaire on recording precipitation gauges
by Sevruk, Boris (Switzerland), et al.

1.1(5)Ice-free sensors - the Eumetnet SWS II project
by Tammelin, Bengt (Finland), et al.

1.1(6)The new meteorological observation network in the Netherlands
by Wauben, Wiel (Netherlands), et al.

1.1(7)A new standard observation for Italian Meteorological Service
by De Leonibus, Luigi (Italy), et al.

1.1(8)New generation ship AWS
by Islander, Jorma (Vaisala / Finland))

1.1(9)Present weather sensor Optic Eye TM
by Persson, Per-Erik (AereotechTelub / Sweden), et al.

1.1(10)Meteorological observations by computer analysis of video images
by Goodall, Philip (Muir Matheson LTD / UK)

1.1(11)Ultrasonic wind sensor - A new approach from Gill Instruments
by Stock, Chris (Gill Instruments / UK), et al.


P1.1(1)Norwegian national thermometer screen intercomparison
by Larre, Merete (Norway), et al.

P1.1(2)Construction and maintenance of the medium-scale network of AWSs in Guangdong Province
by Yang, Zhijian (China), et al.

P1.1(3)Meteorological sensors for automated systems of surface measurements and used independently
by Skuratovich, Iwan (Belarus), et al.

P1.1(4)Automatic meteosystem for fog parameters monitoring
by Khaikine, Mikhail (Russian Federation), et al.

P1.1(5)Solar radiation measurement under icing conditions
by Rast, Jacques (Switzerland), et al.

P1.1(6)Improvements to automated present weather reporting in the Met Office
by McRobbie, Stuart (UK)

P1.1(7)A comparison of atmospheric long-wave radiation measured with a precision infrared radiometer (PIR) and a CG4
by Behrens, Klaus (Germany)

P1.1(8)Design concepts of the next generation automatic weather station network in Hong Kong
by Wong, M.C. (Hong Kong, China), et al.

P1.1(9)Validation methods and quality management of meteorological measurements adopted by the National Agrometeorological Service in Italy. Operational experience of the Central Office of Agricultural Ecology
by Beltrano, Maria Carmen (Italy), et al.

P1.1(10)The new MA-G-3 automated weather station, results of certification and trial operation
by Bogachev, Anatoliy (Russian Federation)

P1.1(11)Portable weather information display system
by Storwold, Donald (USA), et al.

P1.1(12)Estimation of the state of the ground and the height of deposit snow measured by micro telemetry laser
by Zanghi, Fabrice (France)

P1.1(13)Advances in automatic collection of surface meteorological data in India
by Vashistha, Ramdhan (India), et al.

P1.1(14)Comparison of Stevenson screens
by Sima, Fatou (Gambia)

P1.1(15)Road meteorological observations
by Ledent, Thierry (Belgium)

P1.1(16)Automation of visual observations at KNMI
by Wauben, Wiel (Netherlands)

P1.1(17)Algorithm for determination of cloud cover from downwelling infrared radiation for use as part of an integrated automatic weather station
by Molyneux, Mike (UK)

P1.1(18)Performance of automatic weather stations in Kenya meteorological department (Part. A/ppt) — (Part. B/doc)
by Essendi, Kenneth (Kenya)

P1.1(19)Results of an intercomparison of wooden and plastic thermometer
by Hatton, Dave (UK), et al.

P1.1(20)New forward scatter visibility sensor for RVR application
by Kähkönen, Tero (Vaisala / Finland)

1.2Upper-air in situ measurements

1.2(1)Premiers résultats d'utilisation opérationnelle de nouvelles sondes GPS-3D dans le réseau de Météo France
(First results of the new GPS-3D radiosondes in operational use within Météo France network)
by Gaumet, Jean-Louis (France), et al.

1.2(2)Testing new generation radiosondes in the UK
by Elms, John (UK), et al.

1.2(3)Comparisons between the Vaisala RS90 and snow-white relative humidity measurements obtained from the WMO GPS radiosonde comparison in Brazil
by Smout, Richard (UK), et al.

1.2(4)Phase-array radar at Russian upper-air network
by Ivanov, Alexei (Russian Federation), et al.

1.2(5)In-situ temperature comparisons between the NASA three thermistor reference radiosonde and the Sippican Mark IIA and Intermet systems model 3010 1680MHzGPS
by Bower, Carl (USA), et al.

1.2(6)Functional precision flight measurements for the Vaisala RS80-57H
by Bower, Carl (USA), et al.

1.2(7)Correction for bias of Chinese upper-air measurements
by Guo, Yatian (China), et al.

1.2(8)Differential GPS radiosonde observation system
by Fujita, Makoto (Meisei / Japan), et al.

1.2(9)WMO RSO Intercomparison experiment held in Brazil in 2001
by Da Silveira, Reinaldo (Brazil)


P1.2(1)Results of humidity sensor intercomparisons of new Russian radiosondes
by Balagurov, Alexander (KOMET / Russian Federation), et al.

1.3Surface-based remote sensing techniques

Keynote Paper:

GPS total water vapour - potential for future operational observations
by Nash, John (UK), chairman of the CIMO Working Group on Ground-based Upper-air Observing Systems

1.3(1)Improving the detection efficiency and extending the service area of the UK ATD SFERICS lightning detection & location system
by Nash, John (UK), et al.

1.3(2)Result from global atmospherics lightning detection and ranging (LDAR-II) research network at Dallas-Fort Worth
by Holle, Ron (Global atmospheric Inc. / USA), et al.

1.3(3)Use of a low-tropospheric wind profiler within an urban environment
by Ruffieux, Dominique (Switzerland), et al.

1.3(4)UK wind profiler network, preparation for operations and future requirements
by Oakley, Tim (UK), et al.


P1.3(1)Efficient low-cost weather radar
byOvergaard, Soren (Denmark)

P1.3(2)The wind profiler network of JMA
by Ohara, Yoshihiro (Japan), et al.

P1.3(3)New microwave temperature profiler for investigation of atmospheric boundary layer in arctic and Antarctic
by Viazankin, Anton (Russian Federation), et al.

P1.3(4)Planning for national lightning detection network (NLDN) in China
by Meng, Qing .(China), et al.

P1.3(5)A method and radiometer for cloud types and amount classification
by Allenov, Mikhail (Russian Federation), et al.

P1.3(6)An opto-electronic system for measuring semi-spherical sky energy brightness spectral density within the range of 0.35-2.9µm
by Allenov, Mikhail (Russian Federation), et al.

P1.3(7)Development and application of ozonesonde system in China
by Wang, Gengchen (China), et al.

P1.3(8)Soil moisture gauge
by Tretyakov, Nikolay (Russian Federation), et al.

P1.3(9)Design and operational aspects of a reduced-aperture 449 MHz wind profiling radar
by Winston, Herb (Vaisala / USA), et al.

P1.3(10)WSR-98D (CINRAD SA) with powerful performance and more friendly interface to users
by Zhang, Jianyun (Beijing Metstar Radar Co. Ltd. / China), et al.

  1. Quality management and calibration methodology for surface-based remote sensing systems

2(1)The new quality control and monitoring system of the Deutscher Wetterdienst
by Spengler, Reinhard (Germany)

2(2)Monitoring of the Radome network
by Grégoire, Pierre (France), et al.

2(3)New technology for investigation of urban area atmospheric boundary layer
by Kadygrov, Evgeny (Russian Federation), et al.

2(4)Testing, calibration and intercomparison of a new AWS in SHMI
by Zahumenský, Igor (Slovakia), et al.

2(5)ISO 9001 quality management for the operation of hydro-meteorological measuring networks
by Pevny, Gerhard (Logotronic / Austria)


P2(1)Le contrôle sur site des baromètres (On-site checking of barometers)
by Proust; Olivier (France), et al.

P2(2)Station exposure metadata needed for judging and improving quality of observations of wind, temperature and other parameters
by Wieringa, Jon (The Netherlands), et al.

P2(3)Possibility of use of new (S3C Fuzzy Logic) for improvement of barometer calibration procedure (Part.A/doc) — (Part.B/pdf)
by Milinkovic, Mladen (Yugoslavia), et al.

P2(4)Quality standards for rain intensity measurements
by Lanza, Luca (Italy), et al.

P2(5)The wind-induced loss of precipitation measurement of small time intervals as recorded in the field
by Chvíla, Branislav (Slovakia), et al.

P2(6)Examination of errors in pluviometry caused by wind through analyzing the data of raingauges placed in different heights
by Nagy, Zoltán (Hungary)

P2(7)Overview of Met Office Vaisala FD-12P present weather sensor consistency trial
by Shearn, David (UK)

P2(8)Study on the calibration of net pyrradiometer
by Lu, Wenhua (China), et al.

P2(9)Method of improving the quality of atmospheric probing
by Ding, Haifang (China), et al.

P2(10)Ensuring radiosonde measuring accuracy with sampling inspection by variables
by Xue, Shu-yun (Shanghai N°23 radio factory / China)

P2(11)Precipitation network with digital and conventional rain gauges
by Nemeth, Kurt (Wilh. Lambrecht GmbH / Germany)

3.Management and financial aspects for observing methods and technology as well as related to capacity building

3(1)Management and Program efficiencies associated with a modern automated upper air observing network
by Canterford, R.P. (Australia), et al.

3(2)The greatest challenge of the capacity building of high standard observers and technicians for automated upper-air systems in developing countries
by Amer, Mostafa (Egypt)

3(3)Reinstrumentation of meteorological observation systems of post war met. Services, the Sierra Leone case study
by Bockari, Alpha (Sierra Leone), et al.

3(4)An objective-oriented approach to solving the problem of the technical refurbishment of a Hydrometeorological service: the experience of Ukraine (Original in Russian language)
by Lipinsky, Vyacheslav (Ukraine), et al.

3(5)The US climate reference network: a national automated baseline reference network to monitor climate change for the next 50 years
by Baker, Bruce (USA)


P3(1)The problems which face the developing countries in process of operating the automatic weather observing systems - case study from Egypt
by El Bakry, Mohamed (Egypt)

P3(2)Problems and perspectives of the hydro-meteorological instruments use in Kazakhstan
by Kubakov, Erdos (Kazakhstan)

P3(3)Role of regional meteorological centres in meteorological observations, data handling and information management
by Gyuró, György (Hungary)

P3(4)The Romania national meteorological upgrade program
by Patello, Thomas (Lockheed Martin NE&SS-Radar systems / USA), et al.

4.Application of meteorological and environmental instruments in natural and renewable resourcemanagement

4(1)La vulgarisation de l'utilisation du pluviomètre par le monde paysans au Mali
(Extension of the use of pluviometers in the farming community of Mali)
(Part. A/doc) — (Part. B/pdf)
by Tandia, Fanta Traore (Mali)

4(2)Utilisation des instruments d'observation météorologique et environnementale pour la gestion des ressources naturelles et renouvelables
(Use of meteorological and environmental observation instruments for the management of natural and renewable resources)
by Soumah, Facinet (Guinea)