EvergreenValleyCollege - Strategic Planning
College Vision (PDF will download)
Resource & Financing Plan
(Maas Assessment & Report)
Key Initiatives
Commitments to Action (CTA's)
/ What’s Going on with Strategic Planning
As many of you know, we recently began a college-wide strategic planning process. This collaborative planning process will set the college’s near term direction and will provide input on priorities for the $1 million of incremental growth funding granted to us by the district.
40 members of faculty, staff and administration have already contributed a number of days to this effort. They have formed planning teams around three key initiatives, facilitated team meetings and have come together on January 25th and February 9th to collaborate on planning. For those of you who have already been involved, you havemy heartfelt thanks. For those of who have not yet been involved, there are a number of ways to provide input. Please take advantage of this opportunity. If you would like to get involved in helping to shape our direction, you can either provide feedback to the work already completed by using the Web feedback process or by joining one of the planning teams. Everyone will be asked to develop individual-level plans in a college-wide planning session scheduled for April 13th.
We welcome your participation and encourage your involvement.
Use the Web to provide feedback on preliminary plans.
To facilitate easy involvement by all, we have posted the results of the work-in-progress on this website. Please review the information developed to date and provide comments back to the teams through the input form. All input should be submitted by February 22nd so that it can be considered by the teams.
Join a planning team.
You can get involved by joining a planning team. Team membership is open to any part-time or full-time employee at EVC. Teams will be meeting several times in February and March and periodically throughout the rest of the year. The teams and meeting dates are noted below:
  • Student Centered: Thursday, February 15th, 9-11 am, room SC-107
  • Organizational Transformation: Wednesday, February 21st, 9-11 am, Mishra Room
  • Community Engagement: Wednesday, February 21st, 3:30-5:00 pm, room SC-204
Attend the College-wide planning retreat on April 13.
By engaging in the planning effort it will reflect the very best thinking of our entire college. Please take advantage of this opportunity to contribute.
Thank you,
David Wain Coon
EVC President
HomeCollege VisionResource & Financing Plan (Mass Assessment & Report)
Key Initiatives Commitments to Action (CTA's)Feedback
