Cumann Lúthchleas Gael



The following Coaching Policy and Code of Conduct arein place in order to ensure a positive, supportive environment for players, parents/guardian and coaches during their involvement with the Erins Own Juvenile section, and we earnestly request your support for its implementation.

We aim to have a club that everyone in the local and broader community can be proud of, and proud to be associated with.

In implementing this Policy the Juvenile Committee may provide direction or instructionguidance to coaches on how best to implement all or part of this Policy. which may include reporting provisions etc. The Juvenile Committee will also retains the right, if it sees fit, to amend this Policy from time to time for an interim period until the next following Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) where endorsement will be sought to fully adopt the interimsuchamendments..




  1. FUN


The policy is placing a very strong emphasis on FUN. This requires that all coaches and parents/guardians recognisethat the players are kids and not adults and to help ensure as best as possible the continuation of these players in sport it is essential they enjoy being involved.

This enjoyment will not only help in the retention of players for the future but also assist players in the development of their skills of the sport in addition to all the other broader benefits sports provide.


Support and encouragement is a critical part of the development of children and players.and all cCoaches, parents/guardians must provide this positive encouragement toplayers children in assisting with their development. This is not to restrict coaches from correcting, but where possible should be done so with encouragement of the players efforts.


Players should be encouraged, by coaches and parent/guardians, to practice their skills as part of their development within the sport. Erins Own promotes that practice and skill development is to take priority over competing up to and including Fe 13 League games. For Fe 14 championship matches including Feile events and upwards,competition will be giving given increasing increased weighting importance from this age group onwards but retaining the need for continuing practice in development of the skills of the game.


Erins Owm Own Juvenile section advocates in this the policy player participation for all. in games as equitable as possible eitherAll children should be involved in games in order to facilitate in their development and ensure their efforts are recognised regardless of ability. This can be achieved by rotating participation in games through a season, but also allowing a coach to recognise that player commitment can entitle proportionately greater game time.

through starting or ending of a match.

This policy of equitable participation is to be applied byall coaches for all matches up to and including Fe 13 League. From Fe 14 championship including the. Feile event upwards as greater level of competition is introduced as the coach so wish, but not to the detriment of overall player attrition.


As is the case in all aspects of life coaches and parents/guardians need to ensure that all players and children are comfortable within the environment and to ensure this,respect and discipline is essential. Coaches, players and parents will be expected to maintain the highest level of respect and discipline for their fellow coaches players and parents/guardians and other teams and referees. To support thisa Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure will be available should the need so require to ensure the highest level of respect and discipline is maintained by all.

Policy Implementation and Amendment

Policy Amendment Process

The Juvenile Committee is responsible for the implementation of this Policy. In implementing this Policy the Juvenile Committee will be doing so to tryare striving to ensure a continuous development of both players and coaches. The club will ensure coaches are equipped to provide the highest standard of coaching possible for the benefit of players.the club through the development of our coaches through advise and coaching courses and in turn our players and club will only benefit.

However should a fully subscribed member of the club, including a member of the Juvenile Committee, wish to propose an amendment to this Coaching Policy then they may make a written representation to the Juvenile Committee for their consideration.such representation will also be in writing as to the Policy Amendment proposal.

After consideration the Juvenile Committee may adopt in full or part the amendment proposal. but on an interim basis only.

Should the Juvenile Committee reject the Policy Amendment proposal, that member may appeal to the Senior Executive to overturn the Committee decision. The Senior Committee may either let the Juvenile Committee decision stand or direct the Juvenile Committee to adopt the Policy Amendment proposal in full or part. This amendment will be on an interim basis only.

For any and all Policy Amendment to be adopted in full including those adopted on an interim only basis it will need to be proposed and approved at the next Annual General Meeting of the Senior Executive.

Policy Implementation

The Juvenile Committee will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this Policy on an ongoing basis.

This may include introduction of skills and training objectives, Coaching Courses as and when required, and the assistance of both internal club members and external assistance as deemed appropriate by the Juvenile Committee. This will be done in collaboration with coaches.

Coaches are encouraged to make suggestions to Juvenile Committee as to the methods and approaches to which could be utilised to improve and develop this Policy.

The Juvenile Committee may request assistance with assessing thebest approach to implementing and progress of implementation of this Policy and its ongoing monitoring including assessment of team progress against pre-set objectives. Any such assessment will be done in collaboration with the respective coaches involved.

Coaches may be requested, from time to time, to providesummaries to the Juvenile Committee including in writing with the goal of ensuring the development of players and the club overall.

Coaches, players and parents are requested to support the Juvenile Committee in its efforts to implement this Policy and the Juvenile Committee welcome suggestions for improvements to this Policy




These Complaints and Disciplinary Guidelines are to assist of players, coaches and parents should there be an issue to whichwhen an issue arises whichthey feel requiresneeds to be addressed by the Juvenile Section of Erins Own.

For the avoidance of doubt where these Complaints and Disciplinary Guidelines conflict with those issued by the GAAincluding those contained within the GAA issued Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport then the GAA Complaints and Disciplinary Guideline and procedures shall always prevail.

Complaints Disciplinary Process

Complaints and Disciplinary Sanctions are an important element in the maintenance of discipline. Coaches have the authority to apply sanctions where deemed necessary, however, coaches should have a clear understanding of where and when particular sanctions are appropriate. The age and developmental stage of the child should be taken into consideration when using sanctions.

The Juvenile Committee will be responsible for the administration of Complaints and Discipline within the Juvenile Section of the club. with Complaints and Discipline being dealt with by the Juvenile Committee members not directly involved with the complaint or disciplinary matter. All complaints must be made in writing and issued to the Chairman, Vice Chairman , Secretary or any officer of the Juvenile Committee. Within 14 days of receipt of the complaint, the Juvenile Committee will then advise the complainant of their decision and will implement same.

The Juvenile Committee will within 5days appoint person or persons to the Complaints Committee to consider the complaint. The Juvenile Committee will advise, in writing, the complainant as to the member of the Complaints Committee.

The Complaints Committee will investigate the complaint including interview parties involved and may seek advise on the matter should they see fit to do so. The Complaints Committee but must refer back to the Juvenile Committee of their findings and recommendation within 14 days providing, in writing, the reasons and basis for their decision. The Juvenile Committee will then advise the complainant of their decision and will implement same.

Persons will always have the right of appeal to the Senior Executive of any Juvenile Committee decision for a complaint or disciplinary matter which has been referred to the Juvenile Committee.


Minor Offences

  • A warning should be given if a rule is broken, e.g. poor conduct.
  • A sanction (for example, use of time out) should be applied if a rule is broken for a second time.
  • If a rule is broken three or more times, the child should be spoken to, and if necessary, the parents/guardians should be informed.
  • If the offences continue the coach can request the Juvenile Committee to suspend the player from training & matches for a defined period

Serious Offences

Serious offences can be defined as:

  • Continuous breaches of discipline, Code of Conduct and Club Policy etc
  • Refusal to carry out the instructions or direction of the coach or Juvenile Committee
  • Willful damage to club property or that of visiting teams, or
  • Bringing the club into disrepute through the player’s actions during a training session, match or any event organised by the club.

In the event of such serious offence occurring, the coach can ask the parent/guardian to collect their child from the training/match. The incident will then be reported to the Juvenile Committee who will investigate which may includemeeting separately with coach(s) and the players andparent/guardian regarding the offence. The Juvenile Committee following their investigation will recommend punishment as it deems proportionate to the offence involvedincluding suspending the playerfrom playing or training for a defined period.

The Juvenile Committee can suspend coach where the committee deems appropriate.

The Juvenile Committee will reportthe offence to the SeniorExecutive Committee of Erin’s Own GAA Club.

Continuous Breaches of this Code

The club reserves the right to dismiss a player/coaches/member for continuous breaches of this code of conduct; however the player/coaches/member will have leave to appeal the decision within seven days of being advised of the decision.

An appeal will only be accepted in writing from the player/member or parent/guardian on their behalf.

The appeal should be made to the Club Senior Committee and their decision will be final in all cases.

The following outlines the minimum requirement from Players, Mentors and Parents

Code of Conduct – Players

  • Always do your best, play fairly and have fun
  • Always shake hands after a match
  • Respect officials/referees and accept their decisions
  • Do not shout at or argue with the referee, officials, team mates or opponents
  • Bullying is totally unacceptable
  • Avoid using foul or abusive language
  • Always remember that football Hurling & Football is aare team games and encourage your fellow players
  • Respect your club and its property and also respect the property of other clubs and their members
  • Do not misbehave when traveling on a bus to/from a match or training
  • Unacceptable behaviours on buses include distracting the driver, throwing litter (bottles, papers etc) around the bus or at each other.
  • Seatbelts where provided on a bus must be worn in accordance with traffic regulations, and you should remain in your seat

Code of Conduct – Mentors

  • Do not engage in physical or verbal abuse of players, parents/guardians other mentors or officials etc
  • Coach by example and encourage sportsmanship and fair play on the field of play among juvenile players

Ensure that sufficient time and attention is given to less talented players

  • Try to ensure that training is an enjoyable experience for the players
  • Do not put too much emphasis on results and rotation of players in accordance with club policy(especially for league and friendly games)
  • Avoid taking training sessions alone, ensure there is a good mentor to player ratio
  • Do not rebuke a child for making a mistake, always encourage and correct mistakes whilst recognising effort
  • Try to ensure that parents/guardians are kept informed of any misbehaviour on the part of their child/children
  • Mentors should not enter the field of play during a game unless invited to do so by a match official or mentor.

Code of Conduct – Parents

  • Always encourage and support your child in their sport
  • Be familiar with those mentors who are coaching your child
  • Behave responsibly on the sideline, do not engage in verbal exchanges with match officials or officials/members & players of other clubs
  • Bring children to and from training on time
  • Encourage your child to play by the rules and show respect at all times
  • Ensure your child has the proper training/playing gear and water
  • Support the coaches and help out wherever necessary
  • Ensure that your child is registered and paid-up to comply with insurance issues
  • Respect the coaches’ decisions and encourage your children to do the same
  • Show your support for your child/team by attending matches on a regular basis and assisting in the organisation of club activities
  • Parents should not enter the field of play during a game unless invited to do so by a match official or mentor.


Code of Conduct while in Pavilion Building or on club Pitches

  • Misuse of facilities will be deemed as vandalism
  • Dressing rooms should be left in good condition - at least as clean as they were found
  • No horse play is permitted when in the dressing rooms, in the interests of safety

All belongings should be removed from dressing rooms prior to the last person leaving (player/mentor)

  • No litter should be disposed of in the building or on pitches. If bins are not provided bring litter home for disposal e.g. drinking bottles, wrappings, used bandages, shampoo containers, soaps etc.
  • All club property to be treated with the utmost respect e.g. jerseys, balls, etc.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the whole building. Smoking should be discouraged around younger members of the club.
  • Playing ball is not allowed in all dressing room/shower areas for health and safety reasons.
  • Playing ball in the vicinity of the hard court area outside the dressing rooms is not allowed
  • Vehicles are prohibited from driving on pitches unless special permission granted by committee.
  • No cycling is permitted in the vicinity of the pavilion or at pitch-side
  • Spectators at matches are required to remain outside the barrier around the pitch unless otherwise requested by match officials
  • All of the above must promote the club in a positive way
  • Treat members and property of other clubs with the same respect you would like to be shown

Note: All the above apply when playing away from home or representing the club in any aspect.

By completing the registration form you and your child/children have agreed to adhere in full to this Code Of Conduct (as may be amended by Juvenile Committee from time to time), and have read and understand the details of the Code of Conduct for Erin’s Own GAA – Juvenile.