MOCC Agenda

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

12:30 to 2:30 pm, CST

605-773-2323; password: 5502#

Minutes to be recorded by Rose Ann Lennon

(Back up: Pam Thomas)

Main Agenda:

  1. Introductory items:

Role call

Agenda modifications

Approval of minutes from December 13th meeting

  1. Campus News: Round Robin
  1. Technology: Don
  1. Electronic Deposit: Pam
  1. Electronic Commitment: Pam, Sandy
  1. Catalog Clean-Up: Rose (please see attached email)
  1. Non-Standard Programs: Next step
  1. Winter interim: Sandy, others
  1. System Processing Calendar:


18 / President's Day Holiday / All
20 / WA parameter screen set so one mid-term grade field is displayed / Suzanne
20 / USD runs early alert exception report for all campuses / Don/USD
20 / WA early alert message removed from mid-term grading screen / Stephanie
20 / RIS will generate and distribute lists of students who are non-compliant with the immunization policy / SDA
20 / Generate a report (after the 19th day of class) indicating students with a balance due for the term. SDA will send to the HomeUniversity of the student with a balance due. / SDA/University
19-20 / Delete prior restrictions indicated in next sentence. Run paragraph to determine the population to add the CPG1, CPG2, CGE1, CGE2 and CGET restrictions. Saved lists generated from the paragraph sent to the UDA's for batch update via ADCR and notification to students / NSU/DA/Registrar
21 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
22 / RIS will generate and distribute lists of students who are non-compliant with the immunization policy / SDA
22 / Transfer work entered and evaluated so credits may be included in completed credits in preparation for setting registration priorities. / Registrars
MI Flag update just for new students for 2008SP / Cory/FA
26 / Deadline for Exit Counseling for student loan borrowers who did not return from 2008SP (30 days after term census date) / Financial Aid
26 / Run SAP for students who attended 2006FA and did not return 2008SP / Financial Aid
26-Mar-02 / RIS will generate and distribute lists of students who are non-compliant with the immunization policy / SDA
28 / SD Opportunities Scholars Report due / Cory/RIS
28 / Load SDOS Census Term data to SDOS Admin DB / RIS?
28 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
29 / Deadline for students to demonstrate immunization compliance / Universities


1 / Load SDOS Fund data to SDOS Admin DB / RIS
1 / Deadline for students to demonstrate immunity status (measles, mumps, and rubella).
1 / FADD - update field "Correspondence Processing Year" to next award year. Only this field should be updated at this time (This is assuming we have begun loading ISIRs for the next award year.) The remaining fields are updated on April 1 This field controls which award year becomes file complete when entering forms. Review XFAP / RIS/FA
MI Flag update just for new students for 2008SP / Cory/FA
3 / Deadline for universities to document current immunization codes in students’ Colleague records. At 5:00 pm on this date, RIS will generate a final list of non-compliance; this will serve as the basis for administrative withdrawal.
3 / Faculty may begin entering mid-term deficiencies on WebAdvisor. / Registrars
3 / Run Home Location Update (XIBU) for 2008SP in preparation for setting registration priorities / SDA
3 / Run RTSL and CLUP for 2008SP to reflect transfer work entered / SDA
3 & maybe 10 / Select current students (less those who have withdrawn and high school concurrent students)and create savedlists of students by credit hours earned. / NSU
3 / Text on WA Main menu and Students menu should read – “Priority registration for current students ends on [last day of pre-reg]. [Future term] registration will continue through [census day of future term]. [Future term] classes begin [start day of future term]. / RIS
5 / Remove Reg priorities flag from RYAT (2008SP). Set Reg Priorities flag on RYAT for 2008FA, 2008SU and 2009SP. / Suzanne
5 / Verify registration start dates on RYAT for the pre-reg terms / Suzanne
5 / WSRP - 2008SP, 2008SU, and 2008FA will remain and 2008SP will be added. / Suzanne
5 / RGWP (Registration Web Parameters) and CSWP (Class Schedule) - terms available should be 2008SP, 2008SU, 2008FA, and 2009SP. / Suzanne
5 / Secure SREP centrally so no Reg Priorities can be added while the common assignment process is in progress / Suzanne
5 / Universities set section status to Active for terms for which they will allow pre-registration / Univ
5 / Universities will review non-compliant list, make final decisions, and process Administrative Withdrawals as appropriate. / Univ
5-12 / After Suzanne has performed the 4 items listed above then remove the current registration priorities for all terms. Set registration priorities for 2008SU, 2008FA, and 2009SP for students selected. / NSU
3/5-4/6 / No registration will occur for 2008FA except for new orientation students for 2008FA fo whom registration priorities will be set by the individual universities. / Registrars
6 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
7 / Batch update of CPG1, CPG2, CGE1, CGE2 and CGET restrictions for those universities that did not notify SDA. / SDA
7 / RIS will run a report of administrative withdrawals for Immunization non-compliance for Dr. Shekleton. / RIS
11 / Mid-Term Date / All
MI Flag update just for new students for 2008SP / Cory/FA
13 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
15 / SDOS Distribution of Funds / BOR
15-24 / Spring & Easter Break / All

Module reports:

AR: Pam

FA: Sharon

Registrars: Sandy

Admissions: Rose

Technology: Don

Campus-specific notes?

Next meeting: Thursday, March 13 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm (CST)

Supplemental Agenda:

  1. Immunization Compliance:

Status: Friday, February 8th (end of week 2):

University: / Non-compliant students: / Non-compliant students with evidence of first MMR (or 3 individual vaccinations)
BHSU / 50 / 20
DSU / 16 / 1
NSU / 3 / 2
SDSMT / 6 / 3
SDSU / 42 / 26
USD / 9 / 6
Total: / 126 / 58

Status: Today

Audit of temporary waivers and permanent exemptions

Conclusion of grace period: Friday, February 29th

  1. Delivery method codes: Two new codes were proposed, approved by AAC, and entered in Colleague:

028: Face-to-face, non-term based

029: Technical Institute, term based

  1. MOCC Value Statement: Following review by the membership, this document was submitted to Sam for his commentary and direction.
  1. SSN project: Three modules (AR, FA, and Admissions) identified common forms and processes that are relevant to SSN usage. This information was compiled and forwarded to Monte. Ultimately, it will go to TAC. To facilitate discussion and decision making, module information will be translated into this user-friendly format:

Usage of SSN / Opportunity for Modification (Y/N) / If Y: Modification Options

Pam, Sharon, and Rose are in the process of collaborating with module members and will subsequently transfer module-specific information. Trudy will combine the three grids into one and send to Monte for inclusion on the TAC agenda.

5. Other?


Happy Valentine's Day!!!
