The Geezer Guide for Pacific Blue by Bradley Marsh Version 0712240900

Get Wx, Flt Plan and NOTAMS

Read NOTAMS ensuring ‘Adequacy’

Then check Weather for ‘Suitability’

Plan a NORMAL IFR flight first using WHITE flowchart.

Then consider ETOPS

Fuel Calculation:

CFP is usually minimum gas but does not include traffic and alternate weather fuel.

Agree fuel figure with Skipper

Note the Ramp Fuel and Burn Off on top of CFP and phone through to agent

Give them: Get:

Flt Number Confirm A/C rego

Ramp Fuel Stand

Burn Off ETA

Crew Config Slot if any

GOTO Aeroplane

Our aircraft are usually powered up by the Engineers so on arrival at aircraft you only need to accomplish the Vol 1 NP21.1

In a past Company we called this the Security and Rainbow Check and it is easiest if you do it before you sit down

Preliminary Preflight Procedure: Vol 1 NP21.1

P6 (behind F/O) – All circuit breakers in or collared out

Fire Extinguisher

F/O Escape Rope

CVR Switch to ON (will go to AUTO @ 50% N1)


Oxy Contents (735 psi minimum for 3 crew and small bottle)

ALIGN IRSs (Boeing recommend FULL ALIGN = 7 minutes)

Captains Escape Rope

P18 (behind Captain) – All circuit breakers in or collared out

Oxy Tools, Bomb Mirror and Crash Axe

Place Tech and Maintenance logs on left hand side of the Glareshield for Captain. Ships Library is under jumpseat and Ships Jepps to right and behind F/O’s seat. (Has a black door in Circuit Breaker Panel P6)

Check behind library for security as well as in Jumpseat well etc

Put Performance Analysis Manual (kept in stowage beside Captains right leg) and your Jepps book on glareshield

Now you can at last sit down.

Adjust Seat and set Panel and Instrument light levels

Fill out Take-off Data Card (TODC) with ATIS, EZFW, FOB and ETOW.

Write in Contingency Procedure.

Open Runway analysis – check you have CORRECT PAGE

Note: Unless an intersection departure will save significant time/money then use full or longer lengths. This allows greater Assumed Temperature and reduces wake turbulence separation requirements.


Find most limiting weight for a TEMP in CLIMB or FIELD LENGTH and then go one step colder in TEMP – allows for LMC without having to recalculate performance. Write Speeds and Flap Setting on card and don’t forget to write the LIMIT WEIGHT on bug card as well

Get out Jepps plates for Departure {they will sit in a slotted holder beside your right knee}

Preflight Procedure – First Officer Vo1 1 NP 21.10


All Flight Control switches ON


Fuel Pumps ON if refuelling complete or 1 ON for APU (Boeing used to recommend Left Forward Pump)

Elec Panel Set – Galley Power and IFE switches ON

No Smoking ON. Seatbelt sign ON if refuelling completed

Windshield Heat ON

Hydraulic Pumps ON – get clearance from outside

Aircon Temps – should be about 18 degrees in Supply Duct

Selector usually left at Supply Duct

Both Recirc Fans ON


Isolation valve OPEN

All bleeds ON including APU

Set Cruise Alt from CFP

Set Landing Alt from Jepps plates

Pressurisation mode selector AUTO

Lighting Panel and Engine Ignition switches SET

Instrument Panel Scan

Test Oxy Mask and Mic and ensure Mic selector back to BOOM

Set EFIS Range and Mode perhaps, FPV, ARPTS and STA

Lights Test - Captains as well as F/Os

Clock – check display is UTC


Pull Air controls ON and open vent


If IRS not already aligned then u have lots of flags/no HDG or PFD

Do Lights Test (Capts Panel) and check A/T and FMC Alert lights, Clock (reset ET) and GPWS, Terrain Display

Remove DA from view or set ACCEL ALT if it’s not AFE+1000’

MCP SETUP – Captains area of responsibility Vol 1 NP 11.5

Right to Left in Panel Scan flow

Set first outbound VOR Track in NAV2 Course window and ensure NAV2 is tuned correctly

No.2 FD On check MA light (if you are PF)

MCP ALT… 4900’ unless you already have clearance

HDG to Dep Rwy or first HDG after T/O

Check MCP Speed from Bug Card

No.1FD On

Set 2nd VOR Radial, check ND and ensure NAV1 tuned correctly

Both ADFs to something sensible

IDENT NAVAIDS – Aural or Auto

EFIS Controls normally left at MAP and a short Range for departure, select ARPT/NAV/WPT to suit your taste. I strongly recommend use of VSD!

Normally Transponder ATC and ALT switches are set to number 1 for Capt as PF and 2 for F/O as PF. Code should be 3000 unless you have airways clearance

Listen out on SPKR to company handling freq. They are listed on the white card in the Glareshield stowage with the Checklist.


Always Check FMS DATABASE CURRENCY AND TIME and note Engine Thrust Rating on Bug Card (26K for all PB Ops)

Follow normal FMC setup by going through each page in turn as prompted at 6R.

ACTIVATE/EXEC each step when prompted


Enter DEPARTURE STATION and GATE and ensure IRS ALIGN lights not flashing


Company Route from CFP or build manually using Airways and NAVAIDS and Departure Runway

Flight Number (PBNXX) for ADS-B and FOQA


Cost Index from CFP – 30 International and 10 Domestic

Min Reserves from CFP

Enter the EZFW from TODC

CRZ ALT, Wind and Temp from CFP – ALT Capability in QRH

Transition ALT NZ 13000’ AU 10000’


Enter data from TODC into FMC with Assumed Temp, OAT, Flap Setting and V speeds (also set the V2 in MCP SPEED WINDOW)


Select expected RWY and SID. Check with Captain before entering SID as some want to get an Airways Clearance first but this is not how it is done in most Airlines.


Check Departure LEGS against SID in MAP Mode

Enter route winds on LEGS as well.

Good time to place ETPs into LEGS as well if time available.

Do a legs check with Skipper and check Total Dist and Fuel Remaining at Destination from RTE page as well.


Speed Restriction 250/10000 – remove in NZ Airspace



Company policy is to set DES Speed to /300 and 250/10000

Forecast descent winds. FL290, FL210 and FL130 from single line on CFP under the Wind Summary.

FIX Page 1:

Destination Airport with 25nm ring for MSA and 428nm ring for ETOPS. Perhaps bearing/sector lines as well.

FIX Page 2:

Departure Airport with a 25nm and 428nm rings or just have something sensible.

When Capt ready:

Do Legs check - Capt will check against ROUTES or LEGS

Request/record Airways Clearance on CFP

Check SID, MCP Altitude and Transponder




First Flight of the day.. Review RTO and Emergency Procedures, think of fuel v LNDG Weight Limit

Check MSA and MORA from Jepps and CFP


Capt gets 2 loadsheets and gives you one:

Enter ZFW and %MAC Trim in FMC and EXEC. Set displayed Stab Trim (make sure Capts hands are clear of trim wheels)

Capt checks Rego, Crew Config and Date, writes ZFW, TOW and Pax Numbers on TODC, signs Load Sheet then checks ZFW, TOW from FMC against Limit Weight on bug card, ACCEPTs the V Speeds as prompted and ARMS Autothrottle.

Takes report from CS, clears for Doors Close and then ask you to obtain Push/Start Clearance. Don’t forget to say POB in NZ, Stand, ATIS and record Off Blocks Time

PM FMS should be on LEGS and PF on TAKEOFF.


Engine starts per Ops Manual (always use STOPWATCH to time starter duty cycle)


Generators ON

Pitot Heat ON

Anti-Ice – as required

Packs ON

Isolation Valve AUTO


Check Recall

Start Switches CONT

Blank lower DU

You may like to record taxi instructions/holding pts etc in scratchpad of FMC

When ground crew clear of aircraft

Wheel well lights OFF

Captain calls for “FLAPS 5”

Checks Controls full and free


Request Taxi and record instructions, follow progressive taxi route on Airport Diagram

Takeoff Brief Review by PF:

Flap Setting, SID, ALTITUDE and SQUAWK required

Make sure you have a correct LATERAL Mode (LNAV/HDG etc)

A good memory aid for review is PEDS:

Performance (as briefed, runway state, flaps, anti-ice, derate etc)

Emergency Turn

Departure Routing

Stop Height

On double ding, flip the SECURE card


report “Ready” as instructed by Captain.

Cleared for Take-off or Line Up:

Double Ding to Cabin

Start Switches ON

Strobes ON

Wx RADAR ON EFIS Panel, Wx+Turb and TILT 5 UP

TCAS to TA/RA (check lower left side of ND should say TFC)

When beginning Takeoff:

Start Clock on both Sweep and ET functions

Takeoff per SOP and FCTM 3.7 – avoids tail strikes!

400’ Select Lateral Mode if not already in LNAV/HDG

400’ Minimum for AP (make good use of AFDS)

PM calls “CLIMB THRUST” when FMA shows N1

1000’ or 3000’ AGL “BUG UP” (per NADP)

Clean Up iaw Vol 1 NP 21.36

Gear Handle OFF

Autobrake OFF

Start Switches OFF – unless using Anti-ice etc

Because of the Gear Limit Speed for retraction (235kts) it is good airmanship to wait till gear handle is OFF before selecting higher speed in case PM accidently lowers gear


Release Cabin when appropriate

PF FMS to CLIMB then normally PROG in CRZ


At 10000’

Fuel Pumps ON (if Centre Tank <2300Kg then pumps would have been off for T/O)

Lights OFF (Landing and Logo)

APU - Check

Pressurisation Check

Seatbelt Sign

Some non-navigators detune NAV Boxes by setting 108.00

Once through FL150 PM calls Company

At Transition Altitude


“Set Standard”

“Standard Set, passing FL… Now”


Complete CFP

Enter Critical Points in LEGS if needed

Panel Scan

Put Jepps plates away and set up Arrival.

Enroute have PM check Alternate Wx on VOLMET etc

Quick check for approach setup is the 6 B’s:

Bugs (speed), Bugs (minima), Bearings (course), Boxes (radios), Brakes (autobrakes), Briefing


(Simply refines ToD point but does not change profile)

Landing Speed Calc:


Boeing says “Select VRef appropriate to the Landing Weight” Calculate expected burnoff between now and landing (diff between current fuel and fuel over destination)


Subtract expected burnoff from current weight at LSL1, enter expected Landing Weight and select Flap and VRef for Landing (ensure ARR routing accurately reflects what you WILL do)

Flap 40 is Pacific Blue standard.


Braking Distance is in QRH (unfactored and no reverse) Think about which runway turnoff to use. It is a mark of a professional airman that you brief and achieve a certain runway exit but do not abuse brakes! An excellent start is to forget about ‘greasing on’ and use the correct Boeing Technique FCTM 6.9

PF should have FMS on DES Page

PM should have FMS on LEGS

Descent Management:

As a professional pilot the very best you can do is set the FMC up well and then use VNAV PATH all the way to the runway. As a backup the following may be of interest:

Descent Profile not less than 3times but 3times +10 nil wind is good.

Use about 5 miles for decelerate from 250-210IAS if level.

Aim at 210 Knots at 10 miles at the latest

Possible Descent Profiles

1. Normal:

3x profile + 1 nm for each 10kts>200 and an additional 1nm for each 10kts TAILWIND

2. For the Top Guns:

From ToD ensure winds are in DES FORECAST

@A10000 LVL CHG 250Kts

@ 20 track miles from PROG Page 3 set ‘UP’ speed (gives about 700’/min RoD as well as decelerating)

should take about 5 miles to slow down to 210Kts

about 14 miles FLAP1 and set SPEED

about 12 miles FLAP5 and set SPEED

should be around 180 by 10 miles even if 1000-1500’ high just drop flaps and gear to catch GS

Normal descent 10 miles 3000’

At FLAPS30 you can get in from A6000’ @10 miles

At FLAPS40 you can get in from A10000’ @ 10miles


Seat Belt sign goes ON

PA “Cabin Crew prepare for landing”


Good idea to check Stby Altimeter set to QNH around terrain

Perhaps use the VSD and TERR if not using Wx RADAR

At Transition Level


“Set QNH”

“____ Set, passing … feet”


At 10000’

Lights set iaw Ops Man Vol A1 p 7-7



PM “5000”


Double Ding to Cabin

Don’t forget to Ident Aids and have ILS tuned before turning Final

I recommend Flaps 5 at least 1 mile prior to GS Capture

Gear Down Flap 15 @2000’ AGL


PM “Approach Fix/OM/XX DME, Height checked, Missed Approach Altitude Set”