Charity Number: 234091 / HEART TO HEART
The Newsletter of the Sacred Heart Parish
148 Ashcroft Road, Stopsley, Luton LU2 9AY
Fr Chris Whitehouse (Parish Priest) ( 723099 Rev James Bannan (Deacon)
Diana Enstone (Parish Secretary) Jenny Dowsett & Sandra Dias (Pastoral area Reps)
Margaret Berry, Pat Abela (Safeguarding), Wesley Weekes (Parish Centre)
Web site: email:
Hospital Chaplain: Fr Michael Patey ( 663706 Hospice: Fr Tony Brennan ( 502400
Sacred Heart School: ( 730781 Cardinal Newman School: ( 597125
Part of the Diocese of Northampton, Province of Westminster & Deanery of St Alban
30th Sunday of the Year Psalter Week 2 29th October 2017
Sunday: / 6.30pm
11.00am / Fred Wallace RIP
Santana Dias intentions
People of our Parish / First Mass of Sunday
Mass Count IV
Monday: / 9.30am / Carmel Nally RIP / Feria
Tuesday: / 9.30am / Joseph Whitney Johnson RIP / Feria
Wednesday / 9.30am
7.30pm / Holy Souls November List
People of our Parish / ALL SAINTS
Holyday of Obligation
Thursday / 9.30am
7.30pm / Pope’s intentions
Holy Souls November List / ALL SOULS
Friday / 9.30am / Holy Souls November List / St Martin de Porres. Religious
Saturday / 6.30pm / Holy Souls November List
Acclamation: / Alleluia, alleluia. OPEN OUR HEART O LORD,
CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 10.00 – 10.25am (with exposition) & 6.00 - 6.15pm
ROSARY is prayed twenty minutes before weekday Masses.
MORNING PRAYER: is prayed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday at 8.50am.
Collection: Last week’s plate collection came to £1,232.66 Missio: £595.55 Thank you.
9.00am & 11.00am
Entrance / 4 / A new commandmentOffertory / 161 / Father Lord of all creation
Recessional / 201 / Go out to the whole world
Sunday / 12noon / Coffee and chat. All welcome! / Hall
Monday / 8.00pm / Legion of Mary / Sacristy
Tuesday / 10.00am / Church cleaning (all welcome) / Church
Thursday / 2.00pm / Thursday Club / Hall
Friday / 10.00am / Prayer Group / Sacristy
Saturday / 10.30am
11.00am / Confirmation Parents & Candidates
First Confession Class (2) / Hall
SECOND COLLECTION: this weekend to support the Bishop’s Ministry in the Diocese and national responsibilities.
ALL SAINTS: Wednesday is the great feast of ALL SAINTS and is a holyday of obligation when all Catholics should attend Mass. The morning Mass will be a school Mass.
ALL SOULS: Thursday is the feast of All Souls when we take time to pray for departed members of our family and all the Holy Souls. We have two Masses that day to help people at work, to make the effort to come and pray. All altars are privileged altars that day and our attendance and worthy reception of Holy Communion can gain an indulgence to assist the Holy Souls.
HOLY SOULS NOVEMBER LIST: I will offer Mass every day during November for the Holy Souls November List. Please use the form and envelope to list the names of those you wish to remember in prayer. Mass will be offered every day for all on the list. The list can be returned in the envelope together with your offering through the Presbytery letterbox or the Sunday collection plate.
ALTAR SERVERS: We would like to organise a training session for new servers. If your child would like to become a server please see Deacon Jim after Mass, or e-mail;r phone 07943 634262.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: thanks to all Eucharistic Ministers for attending the day of reflection last Saturday. Thanks also to Deacon Jim for organising it, Alex Heath and Fr David Barrett for their most welcome input.
CONFIRMATION: Enrolment forms must be received through the Presbytery letter box by 5.00pm today (Sunday 29th October). There is a meeting for parents and candidates on Saturday, 10.30am in the hall. The enrolment Mass will be on Sunday 5th November at 11am. A group photo will be taken at the Saturday meeting. Our Lady’s Parish, Castle street will be joining us for the preparation meetings and for the Mass of Confirmation. Please pray for all who will be taking this next big step in the journey of faith. /SINGERS & MUSICIANS: please put your name down on the list in the porch to come & join the 11am Mass choir. We need a Tenor, Baratone & Bass and lots of young voices. We also need people of all ages to sing harmony/rounds for the Christmas Masses. You will be contacted Mid-November re choir practice which will be on Thursdays at 7.30pm. Thank you.
BISHOP PETER’S VISITATIONBishop Peter will visit our parish on the weekend of 16/17 December (please note revised dates). He will celebrate each of the Masses that weekend and meet the Parish Council and Finance Committee at 5pm on the Saturday, in the hall.
He will be in the hall after the 11am Mass for a cup of tea/coffee and to chat with members of our parish community /
RIP: Please pray for Bridget Theresa Hill (Cis) who will be received into church on Thursday 9th November at 6pm, Requiem Mass: Friday 10th at 9.30am.
DEANERY MARRIAGE COURSE: is a requirement for all marrying in 2018 (whether within or outside of the parish) Saturday 24th February 10.30am - 4pm, at St Joseph’s. Cost £30 per couple & includes morning coffee & buffet lunch. To register ring St Joseph’s, 571187. Booking forms available from our Parish office.
CHCF MASS: 3pm, Sunday 3rd November at St John’s Sundon Park
/ ANNUAL BEREAVEMENT SERVICE: we have had a great many funerals this year and the names of the departed will be read at the service on Sunday 12th November at 3.00pm. All are welcome to come, pray and light a candle on the sanctuary during the service. Refreshments afterwards, thanks to the Bereavement Group.SCHOOL RE-UNION: for ex pupils of Cardinal Newman School who left school 40 years ago in 1977, born in 1960/1961, at The Celtic Club, Chobham St, Luton LU1 3BS on 11th November 2017 from 7:30pm. Live music & disco, wives, husbands, partners all welcome. Please text call one of the following numbers to confirm your attendance: Fran Matthews (Frances Murphy) 07976 925878 or Brian Dooley 07885 721325 Please spread the word.
JOHN F KENNEDY SCHOOL: in Hemel Hempstead is celebrating their 50th anniversary this academic year. Various events are being arranged and the school would like to hear from former pupils. Contact the school through the website or e-mail
LEITRIM ASSOCIATION: have the wonderful Bible Code Sundays booked for an evening of great music, 7pm Saturday 4th November, St. Joseph’s Parish Centre. The funds raised support the East Anglian Air Ambulance & other great causes. Tickets £10, please either see a committee member or send us a message!
WANTED: helpers for the Coffee and Chat session after Sunday 11.00am Masses. Please let Wesley or one of the clergy know. We need more helpers.
THANKS: to John Dolly, Maurice Buckley, Stephen Howell & Wesley Weekes for work on the site.
CLOCKS GO BACK: one hour this weekend
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house…..Bring your husbands.
Don't let worry kill you off. Let the Church help.
James Jordan & Joan Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
ANNIVERSARIES: Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time:
Clifford Webb 1963, James Boyle 1993, Fred Wallace 2011, Kathleen Duncan 2008, Patricia McCann 2010, Ronnie Dunne 2011, Walter Nudds 1982, Wilfred Toman 1987, Gertrude Seibert 2006, Eleanor Gearey 1963, Liam McBride 1992, Mary Self 2005, Norreen Christine Galvin 2014, Bridget Tavani 1978, Catherine Burke 1992, Francis Hughes 1996, Leslie Bird 2002, Maureen Brown 2007, Gabriel Joseph Boyle 2013, James Duffy 1993, Bridget Ferguson 1971 & Edward Duignan 1976.X May their souls & the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
NEXT WEEKEND: second collection to support Bosnia Herzegovina. Pat Henry writes:
Fr Dragan greatly appreciates your parish support & as you know, they are facing a long winter without pilgrim help. At least when groups visit & pilgrims are about, they get some donations. Some of the children are placed at Mother’s Village by Social Services, family life breaks down due to parents who were damaged by living through the awful war of 93 - 95, post-traumatic stress disorder etc. Those children come with some financial support but apart from that, the government has no involvement whatever. Mother’s Village is owned and run by the Franciscan order & because of that, the children are not “moved on” at 18 as in other orphanages. The Village continues to be home for those children for as long as needed. Many of them get married from there & could not have a more loving family. Fr Dragan faces a mammoth task with trying to refurbish the 7 orphan houses and other buildings. The houses were put up in a hurry early in the war to cater for orphans & the building work was shoddy to say the least. They also want to build a new chapel close to St Joseph’s Hall, a community/sports centre that we built back in 2006/7. So, as always, they need donations – no amount is too small. Thank you for your kindness to Mother’s Village, Fr Chris, and please thank your parishioners for their continued generosity. I am unable to be with you due to a fund-raising bridge weekend which was planned over a year ago.
Sunday 24th December, 4th Sunday of Advent, 11am Mass only, (Note: no 9am Mass).
Sunday 24th December, 6.00pm Children’s Mass (first Mass of Christmas)
9.30pm Carols by candlelight
10.00pm “Midnight” Mass
Monday 25th December (Christmas Day) Mass at 9am & 11am.
Tuesday 26th December, Mass at 10.00am