Friday16thMay 2014


PTA meetings and events for Your Diary
Monday 19th May / Children vs Teachers Football 3.30pm
Thursday 22nd May / Crazy Hair Disco
Friday 23rd May / Year 3 Assembly
Year 3 Eco day
Friday 23rd May / Break up
Tuesday 3rd June / Back to school
Friday 20th June / Acorn’s trip to Stockley Farm
Friday 27th June / Oak’s trip to Stockley Farm

Attendance Figures Week Ending 9thMay 2014

Acorn / 98.6 / Oak / 94.3
R1 / 99.2 / R2 / 96.1 / R3 / 96.4
1AB / 100 / 1HW / 95.2 / 1LO / 92.2
2CC / 91.7 / 2HB / 100 / 2LT / 99.2
3CP / 97.9 / 3LO / 94.6 / 3SK / 99.1
4MG / 95.8 / 4RA / 99.2 / 4VK / 99.2
5JD / 96.3 / 5OB / 98.8 / 5SK / 97.9
6MW / 97.9 / 6PM / 97.0 / 6RM / 98.8

The attendance overall is 97 % (excluding Nursery)

Year 6 SATs

A HUGE well done to all our Year 6 who have worked their socks off this week sitting their SATs. Your attitude has been superb and we couldn’t have asked any more of you. A big thank you must also go to the Year 6 staff for all the hard work over the last few months in preparing you all for this week. Have a great weekend. 


If you are a child minder and have vacancies for September please let the office know and leave your contact details with the office as they have taken a number of enquiries recently.

Nursery News

We have had a lovely week learning about ladybirds. Thank you for the plastic bottles you have donated. Remember it’s the Ugly Bug Ball next Thursday. Please come dressed as an ugly bug.

Crazy Hair Disco – Thursday 22nd May

Get your hair in silly shape for the PTA CRAZY HAIR DISCO. That means silly styles, wicked wigs and crazy colours!

3.45 – 5pm: Infant Hall – Nursery and Reception children

3.45 – 5pm: Dining hall – Yr 1-3

5.30 – 7pm: Dining Hall – Yr 4-6

Year 3 Eco Day

Year 3 are running their walking bus on Friday 23rd May, followed by their Eco Assembly at 9.15am, we welcome parents to come along and find out more about our Eco learning.

Raffle tickets will be sold next week for £1 each for parents to win a decoupage wicker chair made by the children.

Good Luck to our Year 5 actors who are taking part in Twelfth Night as part of Chorlton Arts Festival next Tuesday.


Monday 2nd June is an INSET day. Back to school on Tuesday 3rd June.


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