Weekly News Update from Glen Ames

From Mr. Panesar and Mr. Storey


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Dear Parents/Guardians, here are the Glen Ames News Updates for November 13th, 2015


A heart-felt thank you goes out to all of you for your contributions and positive energy during our Remembrance Day assembly this past Wednesday. I love the collaboration that goes into this very important display of respect for those who sacrificed their lives for the freedoms we have today. A special thanks to Mme. Patry, Ms. Kingelin, Mr. Libaque for displaying all of your beautiful doves; the AV squad for giving us a voice; and the angels in the office for providing poppies for our hearts.

Ms. Jurmain


Once a month, through the Weekly News Updates, we will be surveying parents/guardians on various topics associated with Glen Ames. While we hope for a robust response each time, these surveys are optional. They are also anonymous. They will take no more than a few minutes to complete.

Thank you is extended to Mr. Briggs (Grade 7 English Teacher) for overseeing this project and to the School Council for its support.

The purpose of these surveys is to involve our community in the decision making of our school. By increasing parent engagement we increase student success.

Glen Ames Survey November 2015 Click Here


Because of the tremendous support from staff and community, our QSP Fundraiser was a great success! We raised $15,000 total sales and the profit funds (approximately $5000) we receive will help to support Glen Ames Students.

Many magazines will begin arriving over the next 2 months, but some subscriptions may take up to 16 weeks to start. If you have any questions, please contact QSP directly at 1-800-667-2536.

They offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

And you can support our children all year long by ordering on line!

You may have ordered many subscriptions and photo products to support our campaign, but you might wish to renew other magazines, or order gift subscriptions later in the year. And a 2016 family photo calendar would make a great gift for your own family and your relatives! Take advantage of QSP’s great selection all year long – with the profits benefiting our children with each order! Just go to:


Glen Ames Code 3721107

Thank you again for your support.

current Extracurriculars & teams

Art Club

Begins this Thursday at lunch (please bring your lunch with you) in LL1

Extra Guitar Practice
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 8:00-8:30 a.m. in room 302 (Mr. Piller)

Glee Club

Please check Schoology for updates.

We Have A Dream Club
Mondays and Fridays during lunch time in room LL2 (Ms. Divok)

Chess Club
Tuesdays at lunch time in room 305. (Ms. Jurmain)

Games Club
Every Day 2 and 4 at 12:00 noon in portable #2 (Mr. Nicholson)

Early Bird Swim
Mondays from 7:45-8:30 a.m. in the pool (Mr. Grimbly)

Bronze Medallion Program
Fridays 7:45-8:30 a.m. in the pool (Mr. Grimbly)

Intramural Basketball
Students have been invited to participate in intramural basketball during lunch time this month (Mr. Libaque)

Tryouts will begin soon for the hockey team. Watch for announcements on Schoology.

Boys Volleyball Team
The team will begin their season on Thursday, November 19th at a tournament at GA Brown. (Ms. Hulme)

Girls Basketball Team
Congratulations to the Glen Ames Girls Basketball Team; they are undefeated after two games! Team defence and rebounding have been great! Special mention goes to Dina and Majda for their scoring efforts. (Mr. Briggs and Ms. Ha)


·  Friday, November 27th – Photo Retake Day (9:00 – 10:00 a.m.)

·  Monday, November 30th – School Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m. and Speaker Series with Steve Chapelle, Internet Safety and Your Child at 7:30 p.m. (both in the school cafeteria)

·  Thursday, December 3rd – Public Health Vaccination Clinic (Hep. B, Meningitis, HPV)-more details to follow

Have a great weekend,

Mr. Storey and Mr. Panesar