Title of Unit – Year 10 Space Science
Subject / `Earth and Space Sciences / Timeframe / 4 Weeks
Developed By / Christine Kusznir
Desired Results
Learning Outcomes: Australian Curriculum content descriptors addressed in this unit.
Science Understanding:
  • The universe contains features including galaxies, stars and solar systems and the Big Bang theory can be used to explain the origin of the universe (ACSSU188)
  • Identifying the evidence supporting the Big Bang theory, such as Edwin Hubble’s observations and the detection of microwave radiation
  • Recognising that the age of the universe can be derived using knowledge of the Big Bang theory
  • Describing how the evolution of the universe, including the formation of galaxies and stars, has continued since the Big Bang
Science as a Human Endeavour:
  • Scientific understanding, including models and theories, are contestable and are refined over time through a process of review by the scientific community (ACSHE191)
  • Advances in scientific understanding often rely on developments in technology and technological advances are often linked to scientific discoveries (ACSHE192)
Science Inquiry Skills:
  • Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to systematically and accurately collect and record data (ACSIS200)
  • Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, including constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations (ACSIS208)
Throughout the Learning Plan explicit links to the Australian Curriculum are made using the codes above.
Prior knowledge: (year level, content descriptor)
Year 7 - Predictable phenomena on Earth, including seasons and eclipses, are caused by the relative positions of the sun, Earth and the moon (ACSSU115)
General Capabilities: How will this unit promote…?
Literacy / Elements of literacy addressed by this unit include;
  • Compreheding texts through listening, reading and viewing
  • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
  • Interpret and analyse area texts
  • Word Knowledge
  • Understand learning area vocabulary
Assessed through writing a practical report and short answer questions in summative test.
Intercultural Understanding / The opportunity will be taken to look at Australian Aboriginal astronomy. This relates to examining the relevance of the motion of the sun, moon, stars and planets to indigenous Australian culture.
Personal and Social Capability / A project activity will be undertaken during the unit requiring students to share ideas with the class through a suitable presentation. ‘Jigsaw’ activities will also require students to communicate and share ideas.
ICT Capability / The unit uses tests (Kahoot or Socrative) and requires student viewing of videos and other digital media via iPad or computers. Students may produce a video or other multimedia presentation as the output of their project. Accessing digital resources will also be required for classroom and homework activities as well as use of instrumentation such as a spectrometer.
Critical and creative thinking / Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas
  • Organise and process information

Numeracy / Estimating and calculating with whole numbers
  • Understand and use numbers in context
The unit also uses large numbers and scientific notation when exploring ideas such as the distances between stars. Students also engage in data collection and analysis for practical activities.
Ethical behavior / The scientific study of the origin and structure of the universe yields answers to questions that were once the purview of religion and myth. What is done with this knowledge, what is its ultimate meaning, should be an essential component of the science of cosmology. This issue could be explored in the context of Astrology or Creationism (
Key Ideas: / Student outcomes:
Students will know that...
The universe contains features including galaxies, stars and solar systems.
The Big Bang theory can be used to explain the origin of the universe.
The age of the universe can be derived using knowledge of the Big Bang theory.
Study of the universe involves multidisciplinary teams of specialists.
Motion of planets around the sun is elliptical and follows Kepler’s three laws. / Students will be able to…
Identify the evidence supporting the Big Bang theory, such as Edwin Hubble’s observations and the detection of microwave radiation.
Describe how the evolution of the universe, including the formation of galaxies and stars, has continued since the Big Bang.
Describe the formation of galaxies and stars.
Plan and conduct a research activity and present findings to the class.
Week / Day/lesson / Content topic / Lesson activities
Week 6 / Friday / Intro
Week 7 / Thursday / Brightness
Week 8 / Monday / Colour, nuclear fusion / Spectrometer prac
Thursday / Star life cycle / Oral presentation prep
Friday / Star life cycle, Galaxies
Week 9 / Monday / Steady state, big bang
Thursday / big bang
Friday / Oral presentations
Week 10 / Monday / Oral presentations
Thursday / Revision/finish
Friday / Test
Learning Plan
Teaching and learning lessons and activities
How will students experience and explore the key ideas in the unit?
Lessons per week: 3
Lesson Duration: 80 minutes
# / Title (duration) / Content / Time / Lesson Activities / Homework / Resources
Week 6 - Stars / 7.1 Stars Pearson Science 10
Fri 2:10-3:30pm / Introduction and review / Introduction
Determine prior knowledge of:
Universe, our solar system, planets,
Brightness and magnitude
Distance between starts / 2:15pm
5 mins
3:25pm / Intro/mark roll
Role play: students demo solar system, relative size with fruit
Students devise Mnemonic for planet order: My Very Elderly Mother Just Sat on Uncle Ned and share with class
Practice questions
Parallax inquiry, answer questions
Recap lesson and set homework / Test revision Test on Monday 31 August / 7.1 Stars Pearson Science 10 pg 215-229
Powerpoint slides
*Photo booth props
*Fruit for planet size demo
Things that worked well:
*Mnemonic activity worked well, students wrote ideas on the board
*Lining up students in planet order not so interesting but fruit size comparison really good! Engaging.
*Used questioning effectively
*Parallax activity effective, more engaging with photo booth props and faces
*Pigeon link very engaging as lesson finisher / Things to work on:
*Astrology vs Astronomy idea fell flat, students not heard of it so I quickly moved on
*Stricter on no talking while I am, nip in bud. Difficult time slot as Friday afternoon but demand attention.
*Learn names!!
12:05- 1:25pm / Topic Test
Chemical Reactions / Topic Test: Chemical Reactions / 12:05pm
(40 mins) / Short lesson due to standing assembly and parent teacher interviews, topic test took up entire lesson.
Week 7 - Stars / 7.1 Stars Pearson Science 10
Title / Content / Time / Lesson Activities / Homework / Resources
Thurs 8:45-10:05am / Recap last lesson:
Name of planets
Light years
Speed of light
Brightness – apparent and absolute magnitude
Star colour and temperature / Name a star
Students complete questions while homework is checked – run through any as a class
Apparent and absolute magnitude
Colour and electromagnetic spectrum / Check:
Text book questions– selected
Resources\Stars Question worksheet 1 - CAK.doc
1, 2, 3 4, 6 / Name a star frame
Student notes handout
Astronomy Summary #1.docx
Extra activities:

(interactive site)
Kahoot quiz
Students loved my named star, very engaging and able to recap knowledge from previous lesson.
Students struggled with math in homework so spend extra time going through working out on the board. Retaught scientific notation and converting units.
Not much content covered, used symbol for note taking from presentation – effective for me and the students.
Had to refocus attention lot, next time will befirmer.
Week 8 - Stars / 7.1 Stars Pearson Science 10
Title / Content / Time / Lesson Activities / Homework / Resources
12:05- 1:25pm / Colour, spectrum
Spectrometer prac – pg 228, discussion questions
Life cycle of a star – H-R diagram
Red giants
Supergiants / Fraunhofer lines role play
Spectrometer prac – pg 228, discussion questions
Nuclear fusion

They Might Be Giants - Why Does the Sun Shine
(2 min song)

(5 min lifecycle of a star clip) / Check HOMEWORK
Resources\Stars Question worksheet 1 - CAK.doc
Q1, 2, 3 4, 6
Q5, 7, 8, 9
Study for calc quiz first few key ideas / Resources\Stars Question worksheet 1 - CAK.doc
Spectrometer and different globes
Extra activities:

(interactive site)
Kahoot quiz
Element emitting light and Fraunhofer lines role play worked really well.
Theory is better with symbol legend for note taking.
Spectrometer prac and discussion questions went well, didn’t take very long but interesting and engaging.
Went through homework questions and set revision for a quick quiz next lesson.
Things to work on: Class management – stricter with talkers and ensure students notes are organized and neat.
Wk 8 / Title / Content / Time / Lesson Activities / Homework / Resources
Thurs 8:45-10:05am / Quiz on calculating/converting distances
Life cycle of a star – H-R diagram
Give assignment
Student independent work time on oral presentation. / Quiz on calculating/converting distances
Life cycle of a star – H-R diagram
Red giants
Give out assignment, allocate topics and talk through assignment.
Student independent work time. / HOMEWORK check
Q5, 7, 8, 9
HOMEWORK: oral presentation / Quiz
Oral presentation assignment sheet
Extra activities: Kahoot quiz
Better classroom management, good feedback about using names and setting clear expectations in class.
Good range of activities.
Most students bombed out in quiz!
Will briefly talk about answers but not going through it, no time and they can see me later if they want help.
Ran out of time to work on oral so will do next time.
Get students to write due dates in their diaries.
Keep an eye on girls in the back row.
Wk 8 / Title / Content / Time / Lesson Activities / Homework / Resources
Fri 2:10-3:30pm / 5
20 / Quick comments about quiz
Lifecycle of a star
Go through oral presentation, give example
Student independent work time on oral presentation. / Give solutions to quiz, invitation to see me to go through answers
Oral presentation / Handout: stars notes
Extra activities: Kahoot quiz
Get students to write due dates in their diaries.
Oral presentation on Friday 18th , Monday 21st September / Reflection:
Lesson went well, was conscious of getting attention before speaking, last lesson of the day so had to be persistent. Feedback – even more!
Feedback – great summary flowchart and could have had students copy down. Will do again next lesson as a recap and have students copy down.
Good clear, expectations about quiz results, homework and offer to catch up if struggling with calculations.
Week 9 - Cosmology / 7.2Cosmology Pearson Science
Title / Content / Time / Lesson Activities / Homework / Resources
12:05- 1:25pm / Recap and summarise
Life cycle of a star – H-R diagram
Black holes
Galaxies, steady state
Show example of oral presentation
Student independent work time on oral presentation (20-30mins) / 15 min
30 min
5 min
30 min / Oral presentation / Powerpoint presentation
Extra activities:
Kahoot quiz
Catch up with Isaac, give oral presentation topic / Reflection:
Really good lesson, excellent feedback from mentor.
Recapped lifecycle of a star by rewatching 5 min video and students contributing to me drawing lifecycle flowchart on the board with notes for them to copy.
I gave very clear expectations of the marks for their oral presentation and gave students an example of one.
I remembered to catch up with Isaac about the lessons he had missed and noted who was absent today and emailed them about our lesson.
I didn’t cover much of cosmology but gave the class the last time in class on their presentations to ask questions and after explaining they got marks for working in class – everyone was on task!
Thurs 8:45-10:05am / Steady state model
Big Bang Theory
Red shift, Doppler effect / Continue with powerpoint / Oral presentation
Extra activities:
Kahoot quiz
Unit review pg 235
Give my name/email for sharing
Aurora Borealis – send to Bek! / Reflection:
Several students can in late, next time pull them up on it (wasn’t sure what to do about it at the time), apparently they are regularly late.
Things I did well:
Follow up on aurora question – but Bek wasn’t there!
Recap last lesson, background on theories of the origin of the universe, video link to explain redshift, corrected chatter of girls.
Finished with a Kahoot quiz which they loved, will make another for revision but this time will give students longer to answer questions.
Next theory lesson, explain red/blue shift further.
Fri 2:10-3:30pm / Oral presentations / Students are randomly drawn to present their oral presentations.
Format: 3 students present, 3 students mark each three.
Next 3 students present, new 3 students mark.
8x3 sets of presentations.
Fit in as many as possible! / Have oral presentation shared by lesson 2.
Presentations arranged to be done on Monday:
Bridget B
Sebastian / Reflection:
All students were organized and a little nervous. I spent a few minutes giving them a pep talk and a few minutes silence to settle and calm them. They all did really well, presenting in lots of 3 worked really well, with the same students marking 3 at a time. Got through 12!
Sophie skipped class and will be away next week.
Week 10 - Cosmology / 7.2Cosmology Pearson Science
Title / Content / Time / Lesson Activities / Homework / Resources
12:05- 1:25pm / 20 / Oral presentations
Revisit red/blue shift
Cosmology – timeline of universe
Presentations on Monday:
Bridget B
Sebastian / Extra activities:
Kahoot quiz / Unit review pg 235
Title / Content / Time / Lesson Activities / Homework / Resources
Thurs 8:45-10:05am / Cosmology – timeline of universe
Isaac oral presentation
Revision – worksheet and answers
Individually help students / Test revision / Tests and revision\10 ASTRONOMY Revision WORKSHEET 2015 CAK.docx
Extra activities:
Kahoot quiz
Pictionary astronomy words
Fri 2:10-3:30pm / Summative Assessment
20 / Final Summative Test for Unit (written test paper)
Activity / Pictionary astronomy words / Tests and revision\Year 10 Science - Astronomy Test 2015 CAK.doc
Not here for test:

Quizlet multiple choice questions, flip cards

Solar System

  1. Solar System Interactive Scope
  2. Solar System from Astronomy for Kids
  3. Solar System Exploration NASA
  4. Bill Arnett Nine Planets Webpage
  5. Differences between Inner and Outer Planets
  6. All About Solar System from Enchanted Learning
  7. Solar System - BBC Bitesizes GSCE
  8. Solar System - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  9. Solar System from National Geographic
  10. What's the Difference between a Comet, Astreroid, Meteoroid, Meteor and Meterorite?


  1. The Concept of the Universe
  2. All About Astronomy - Enchanted Learning
  3. Scale of the Universe Enhanced – wonderful animation
  4. BBC Space – Explore the planets, black holes, stars and more
  5. Faulkes Telescope Educational Guide
  6. Astronomy for Kids from KidsAstronbomy.com
  7. Windows to the Universe - Square Kilometre Array
  8. Big Bang Theory for Beginners


  1. Galaxy Classification – Galaxy statistics
  2. Galaxies – Mr. Hardy – Tim and Moby
  3. Earth to the Farthest Visible Reaches
  4. Galaxies from National Geographic

Life Cycle of Stars

  1. YouTube - The Life Cycle of Stars by Dr. Tim O'Brien

    Scripts:Life Cycle of Stars
  2. A star dies and others will form
  3. Life Cycle of Stars – Mr. Hardy – Tim and Moby
  4. Nebula and other Stars – life cycles
  5. Life Cycle of a Star (like the Sun)
  6. Life Cycle of a Massive and a Small Star
  7. Biggest Star Ever Found Is Ripping Apart from Space.com
  8. Live and Death of Stars

Other Celestrial object and matter

  1. What are Quasars? from COSMOS
  2. Black Holes are out there


  1. What is a Rocket? from NASA
  2. How does a Rocket Work? Videojug
  3. Rocket Science Interactive Games
  4. Rocket launch Simulation from Sciencelearn Hub
  5. Rocket Games Online

Tools and Equipment for Space Exploration

  1. International Space Station - NASA Kid zone
  2. Satellites and Space Probes from Scholastic.com
  3. Space Missions - BBC SOlar System
  4. Space Shuttle Program - a brief history


  1. Astronomy in Questions and Answers
  2. Astronomy - Universe Beyond our Solar System Notes by Mr. E. Hung
    10Astronomy Notes (large file size)