School Committee Agenda -3- September 13, 2012
Regular Meeting of
September 13, 2012
Time: 7:30 P.M. Regular Meeting
Place: East Bridgewater High School
Stanley B. Goldman Library
1. Time has been scheduled for a report from the East Bridgewater High School Student Advisory Council to the School Committee.
1. Time has been scheduled for the Director of Pupil Personnel and the District Technology Coordinator to give verbal reports.
2. Time has been scheduled for Principal Paul Vieira and Principal Gina Williams to present their FY13 School Improvement Plans. (material enclosed)
3. Time has been scheduled for Patricia Lugo, School Business Administrator, to give the school committee an update on the final FY12 school lunch finances, the FY12 athletic revolving account and bus ridership comparison FY13 versus FY12. (materials enclosed)
4. Time has been scheduled for Elizabeth Hayes, School Committee Chair, to discuss a change in procedure for establishing new policies or making changes to existing policies. (material enclosed)
5. Time has been scheduled for the school committee to discuss the retreat held on August 30, 2012.
1. The superintendent will update the school committee on the high school building project.
2. Superintendent will inform the school committee of the DESE preliminary 2012 District and School Accountability level. (material enclosed)
3. Time has been scheduled for the Superintendent and Principal Paul Vieira to discuss the MMSI Grant and contract.
4. Time has been scheduled for the Superintendent to present a PowerPoint Presentation on the new teacher evaluation process. (material enclosed)
5. Time has been scheduled for the Superintendent to present the committee with her annual self-assessment.
6. Superintendent received a letter from Elaine O'Brien, Teaching Assistant Contract Negotiator, requesting contract negotiations be opened. The current contract expires 8/31/2013. (material enclosed)
7. Superintendent is requesting that the school committee write a letter to the East Bridgewater Library Trustees informing them that any books not being moved to the new Junior/Senior High School will be turned over to the East Bridgewater Public Library.
8. The following new personnel have been contracted for the East Bridgewater Public Schools for the 2012-2013 school year:
a. Amanda Craffey Central School Teaching Assistant
b. Carol Gleason Central School Teaching Assistant
c. Karen Gouthro-Saccoach Middle School Teaching Assistant
d. Laura Lipinski Middle School Teaching Assistant
e. Jennifer Landolfi Central School .4 FTE Speech & Language Pathologist
f. Patricia Lucchetti Central School .5 FTE Teaching Assistant
g. Melissa Quigley Central School Teaching Assistant
h. Ginalaurisa Shea Middle School Teaching Assistant
The following positions are still vacant:
a. Middle School Psychologist
b. Middle School Speech & Language Pathologist
c. Middle School Music Teacher
9. The following faculty members have been appointed to extra curricular activity positions for the 2012-2013 school year based on the recommendation of Principal Paul Vieira:
a. Freshman Class Advisor Jennifer Hurley
b. Mentor Jean Sarson
The following positions are still open:
a. Advisor/Advisee
b. Percussion Instructor
c. Marching Band Instructor
10. Upon the recommendation of Jeff Ghiloni, Athletic Director and Principal Paul Vieira, Travis Picklus has been appointed as the Girls' Winter Track Assistant Coach for the 2012-2013 school year.
1. Action is required on the minutes from the School Committee Meeting of August 30, 2012. (materials enclosed)
2. Action is required on payroll warrant 12P dated September 19, 2012.
3. Action is required on the expense warrant 11V dated September 12, 2012. Detailed financial report enclosed.
4. Action is required by the school committee to ratify the Memorandum of Agreement between the East Bridgewater Education Association and the school committee on the 2 year PILOT of a new evaluation system for the school years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. (material enclosed)
5. Action is required by the school committee to ratify the Memorandum of Agreement between the East Bridgewater Education Association and the school committee on the addition of the Percussion Instructor and the Advisor/Advisee to the EBEA contract.
6. Action is required by the school committee to ratify the Memorandum of Agreement between the East Bridgewater Custodial Association and the committee on the purchasing of custodial uniforms and the uniform cleaning stipend.
7. Action is required by the school committee on the appointment of Kathy Girard to the FY14 Budget subcommittee. (material enclosed)
8. Superintendent recommends approval of the appointment of Stacey Ellis as a .571 FTE Nurse at the East Bridgewater High School.
9. Action is required by the school committee to accept the very generous donation of $50 to the East Bridgewater High School Music Department from Mrs. Barbara Lashley. Mrs. Lashley would like the donation to be used in the area of most need in the Music Department. (material enclosed)
10. Action is required by the school committee to vote on a sports fee cap of $750.00 per family. (material enclosed)
11. Marie Grable, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, has reviewed the home education plans that have been submitted for the following students for the 2012-2013 school year:
Name Grade
Michael Berrigan 11
Rebekah Berrigan 8
Emma Bousquet 3
Eric Disbrow 6
Kate Disbrow 3
Tiago Joseph Harvey 3
John Hatfield, Jr. 7
Mary Hatfield 5
Thomas Hatfield 2
Eva-Lena O'Connell 10
Isaiah Quinones 8
Joslyn Quinones 1
Naomi Quinones 4
Isabella Ricci 3
Aiden White 6
Jillian White 6
Zachary White 6
The Superintendent recommends approval of the above-listed home education plans for the 2012-2013 school year.
1. Time will be necessary for discussion of legal matters.
2. Time will be necessary to approve executive minute from the meetings of August 30, 2012. (materials enclosed)
*** The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair
which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may
in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be
brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
The East Bridgewater Public Schools provides a comprehensive curriculum that
prepares students to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and effective
communicators ready to assume their positions as responsible productive citizens.