Andrea G. Mones, PA AIC Senior Architectural Conservator

Andrea Mones is an architectural conservator with over 35 years of experience planning, budgeting, designing and constructing renovation/restoration projects. Before relocating to the New England area, Ms. Mones was the historic preservation officer for the U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) National Capital Region (1973 – 2005). Ms. Mones acted as the owner’s representative for 70 historic federal buildings in metropolitan Washington, D.C. Furthermore, she created, developed, and managed the first historic preservation program in the federal agency, modeled for the GSA’s other 10 regions.

Ms. Mones played a major role in some of the most significant federal undertakings in the past decades, including conversion of the 1832 Robert Mills’ U.S. General Post Office Building into a Kimpton Group Hotel Monaco, sale and development of three Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation sites in downtown Washington, D.C.; renovation and development of the 1899 Old Post Office Building; creation of the National Building Museum within the 1886 U.S. Pension Building; restoration of the 1852 President’s Guest House (Blair House) complex; and rehabilitation of 6,000,000 s.f. of 1920s federal agency headquarters space in the Federal Triangle complex.

In the past three years, Ms. Mones has expanded her project experience to include historic institutional and residential properties, including restoration of the 1898 Salem Five Cents Savings Bank Headquarters at 210 Essex Street in Salem, MA, researching and restoring the banking hall, and restoration of the du Pont mansion at Peach’s Point, MA. Her newest work relates to her federal experience-the restoration of the New Bedford Custom House. Designed by Robert Mills, Ms. Mones will bring her research and knowledge from the U.S. General Post Office Building to this Guzman | Prufer project.

Ms. Mones holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in architecture and art history from the University of Pennsylvania and a Masters of Business Administration in finance from GeorgeWashingtonUniversity. She was chosen as the 1978 American Chair for UNESCO’s architectural conservation program in RomeItaly. Ms. Mones is a member of Lambda Alpha International, a land economics society and the American Institute for Conservation.

A winner of 16 national design and construction awards for excellence and understanding of design, construction and art conservation processes, the following are counted amongst them:

- GSA Design Excellence Awards (twelve time awardee), 1990 to 2003

- National Trust for Historic Preservation Honor Award for developing GSA’s Historic Preservation Program, 2003

- District of Columbia Honor Awards for the Robert Mills’ U.S. General Post Office
restoration, 2003; and Parcel 457-C’s redevelopment (involving eight historic
properties), 2005

- Federal Design Achievement Award, National Endowment for the Arts, for the
Old Post Office Building’s Adaptive Reuse, 1985