21st Century STEEAAM Meeting
Diocese of Oakland, DCS Conference Room
Monday August 18, 2014
2pm -4pm
Attendees: Margot Aishiteru, Amanda Coray, Angela Dean-Baham, Barbara Flannery, Natalie Lenz-Acuna, Paula Mitchell, Joe Roberts, Marisol Preciado, Mary Pult,Linda Basman, Adrienne Herd, Elizabeth Coyne, Marc Estrada
Attending by phone: Sherri Moradi and Maureen Christensen
Volunteer meeting facilitator & time-keeper: Linda Basman
Sub Awards Q & A
Adrienne announced that the sub-award agreements had been sent out to each site the afternoon of August 15th, and asked if there were any questions pertaining to these documents.
●Adrienne confirmed that the final budget may change based on the outcome of the sites’ efforts to enroll in the free meal program, and the vendor chosen for data collection.
●Adrienne called attention to the changes in the agreement related to texting while driving and asked the sites to review this policy and alert their staff.
Review of Fiscal Procedures
Sites were provided material to prepare for invoicing process. It was noted that the plan was for the information to be provided at a meeting held later in the week, but was distributed at the meeting as this was the only time that principals could meet this week.
●Invoices are due on the 15th of each month to the UC Berkeley ECUC Administrative Office. Invoices may be submitted by mail or delivered in person. Participants did not foresee any difficulty with this timeline.
●Sites may submit their invoices early, once they have access to all documentation.
●Sites can expect payment of invoices within 3 weeks, as long as the invoices are properly submitted and all deliverables are received on time.
●The site coordinator at each site should make sure that the invoice is accurate and complete before submission.
●Staff and UC Berkeley will contact the Site Coordinator first in regards to any invoice questions, and will follow up as needed with the Principal if the issue is not resolved.
●Program staff should not be asked to carry the cost of purchasing supplies for the program at each site. Linda clarified the reimbursement should be issued within one day to any employee purchasing supplies on behalf of the school.
●Documentation for the invoices will include original receipts, copies of cancelled checks - front and back, and a copy of Diocese contract for all staff.
●Contracts should be reviewed with UC Berkeley ECUC Office before the vendor is engaged to ensure allowability, reasonableness, and allocability.
●A separate meeting for bookkeepers and invoice preparers was suggested and will be organized at a later date.
Fee Discussion and Early Release
Participants determined that fees would not be charged in connection with the 21st Century STEEAAM program.
Adrienne reviewed the early release policy as a partial solution for sites with students wanting to participate in other paid enrichment activities for schools operating parallel programs.
School Day Integration Component and Technical Assistance
TorinaBlackmond will be visiting each site to work on STEEAAM curriculum and the school day integration component. Joe shared his background in curriculum development. The sites briefly discussed how they might work together towards the goal of connecting the program activities to the school day. Colette Walker is continuing to work with new sites providing technical assistance.
Attendance Data Collection Update
We are still waiting to determine if Power School will be an option for the coming year. In the CitySpan will continue to be available to the sites until October.
The Site Coordinator’s will meet again on August 22nd and September 4th from 10am-Noon at UCB in the Media Lab.
Next Meeting
Principals will meet on September 11th, immediately after the Urban Schools principals meeting, 11:30am – 2pm.